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Everything posted by SDS

  1. http://www.twobillsdrive.com/forums/ is, currently, no longer being redirected to: http://www.stadiumwall.com/ as it was before this weekend. I'll try and address that tonight. In the meantime, you may have the former URL as a bookmark and if so, you will appear to be no longer logged-in. Going to: http://www.stadiumwall.com/ should fix that.
  2. I've never really pursued link exchanges very much. Nothing more, nothing less...
  3. I remember when I pointed out that Marcellus Wiley's 75 lb weight gain (of sheer muscle mass) in college was about as remarkable as they come and people freaked on me.... I guess it was the Wheaties...
  4. Before the draft comes along - I would like to have some controlled tests done (FWIW) to monitor changes in server configurations. If you have done ab or similar tests before - speak up!
  5. 1st, it was pretty bush that Claire "got away" from Ethan.... Please. 2nd, Surely Ethan was watching them as they took their positions. 3rd, how does Charlie just show up and pick up the gun and fire in the dark of night? 4th, they must be cutting back on scenery because 95% of the episode was at night!
  6. that's absurd. Like it is so hard to sprinkle X on a roll rather than Y just before you bake them.... I've had 2 separate Weis stores do this for me and never a single hassle.
  7. called Weis and they made them for me on Sunday. The buttholes at my local Giant said it was too much trouble to go to aisle 5 for the salt/caraway seeds. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  8. My local grocery store didn't have any fresh ones that looked good, and I had too much to do to go store hopping.... Beef on weck was our main dish anyway.... The individually frozen Tyson wings were pretty good and easy to work with.
  9. get over it you free range kitty...
  10. I bought Tyson wings and baked them (frozen) for 35 minutes at 400 F.... Then I threw them in the fryer for 5 minutes at 400-425F or until they floated. We had Anchor bar sauce...
  11. What does an emu wing taste like?
  12. errrr.... did you read what I wrote? I said I was going to crisp them in the fryer. and they turned out great....
  13. I'm looking to make my wing prep for today a little easier.... Does anyone pre-bake their wings and then just toss them in the fryer to crisp them up? Any suggestions would be appreciated!
  14. http://miragespeakers.com/inwllspk.shtml I don't have these personally, but I do own the Mirage Omni-sats and I have always been pleased with their products... Considering this is for the dining room, I think you are really just looking for good build quality - assuming you will be playing low-level eating music....
  15. Sounds like you are taking advantage of this opportunity! Party on!
  16. BTW, TiVo software upgrades are being rolled out Feb/Mar/April....
  17. analog cable is not of the same quality as DTV. You need to compare digital cable with DTV.
  18. well, they did find a lot of their luggage, so if anyone uses a blade, that's not that bad...
  19. Let me guess, you probably think your employer "pays" 50% of your social security and medicare taxes right?
  20. Granted, I am an Apple shill - but, since I follow the company very closely I have noticed that normally hostile mac people are really taking notice - in particular, their Xserve line. We just bought 16 of them at work for our own "super computer". Plus, they have some storage solutions that are getting noticed: http://www.macworld.com/news/2005/01/27/stakes/index.php this from a writer from InfoWorld....
  21. drive down property values - that might not be the case in this story, but I don't want one in my neighborhood. I'll pass on the methadone clinic as well.
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