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Everything posted by SDS

  1. I think that is implicit in the "m" as it states it is the molal concentration of the solute. Since NaCl separates into Na and Cl ions then the molal factor is increased by 2.
  2. Well, Bill Clinton was our 1st "black" president from what I'm told, so it may be a close call. Will Louis have some fat chick attached to his talleywacker?
  3. Freezing Point Depression: A colligative property that the freezing point of a solution is lowered by the concentration m of solute (measured in molals) according to: deltaT=Km where K is the molal freezing point depression. For water, K[H2O] = 1.86 deg C/molal
  4. Unless he introduced himself - how the hell would anyone recoginze Louis Lipps? I couldn't pick him out of a lineup if he was standing with a dozen former American Presidents...
  5. here is a list of 2.4 Million wireless networks that people have found across the US. Is yours listed? Mine was not.... http://www.wigle.net/
  6. here is a partial answer to what can happen to your network: http://www.lucidlink.com/media/pdf_autogen...dly_dangers.pdf
  7. ok, humor me... other than stealing bandwidth and perhaps reading my email that is being transmitted back and forth - what are the other dangers? Most financial sites use a secure sockets layer to encrypt your data, so I would think that those transactions are safe from prying eyes. I don't believe they can just see my hard drive without logging in as an authorized user. What is the worst case scenario of someone breaking into your wi-fi network?
  8. I'd explain it to you, but I don't want to waste my time on such an inferior intellect.
  9. actually, the Eagles dump their older players. at the very least none of them get large, long-term contratcs. Over 30? Don't look for a payday in Philly...
  10. you mean the Dolphins are a different team than the Steelers???? Who knew...
  11. In my defense, I meant that I saw it on ESPN, not that it was for ESPN. Kicking the man while he's down...
  12. But it was a commercial right??? I did get something correct didn't I? I searched Reebok.com and I couldn't find that. Where did you see commercials?
  13. the only info I can find is a series of Reebok commercials with 11 NFL stars. So that might be it. I stand corrected!
  14. Well, I thought it was O'Brien wearing a Jets jersey (wasn't it White?) and didn't they show his name on the back? Man, I must be going nuts.
  15. One of my favorite ESPN commercials is when a bunch of NFL stars are playing pick up football in the park and the last guy left to choose is the kicker for the Jets - so they choose a mailman walking by instead...
  16. From the looks of your avatar I was thinking "Sister Golden Hair".
  17. why would you want businesses to go to WNY? They pollute the environment and exploit the workers. They suck up all the tax money in corporate welfare. Buffalo is much better off w/o them. The government is thriving there, so I see no need to spoil a good thing.
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