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Everything posted by SDS

  1. My JD stint starts on Mon. I have to call every night starting tomorrow to see if I am to report. I didn't even consider not attending, but then again, my employer is paying me.
  2. Your name is Toby! <crack whips> What's your name? My name is Ron Mexico....
  3. according to summary that had known each other for quite sometime. she could argue that a certain level of trust had been established. I mean, who here has had their spouse medically tested for all STD's before marriage?
  4. Actually, it came in a tasteful silver. The other one was black with blood red Goth letters saying "Ultimate Weapon"... I think the wrapper was made of velvetta it looked so cheesy.
  5. Well, after thinking it over - I took Pete's advice and picked out a real screamer. I got the Manhattan Projectile... It is a titanium based, quadruple walled alloy with a uranium core. Generate the slightest amount of bat speed and the accelerometer will trigger a small nuclear reaction and that imparts 150,000 Newtons to that poor softball. Some softballs have been known to vaporize on contact. I can only IMAGINE the tail I'm going to get when those diamond rats see me jacking those balls out swinging left handed (I'm a righty). BOO-YA!!!! (In all seriousness, I got the DeMarini Rayzor double-walled for $99.99 at Dicks. The single wall was available for $10 less, but apparently you have to be related to Ozzy Osbourne to buy that bat considering the Goth lettering on it.)
  6. Jack one out with THAT bat and you can color me impressed.
  7. that is exactly why they are banned. Our leagues don't allow them.
  8. there are leagues starting to form that use wood only bats in an effort to put an end to these ridiculous illegal bat-centric leagues.
  9. I agree with you and if my hands didn't hurt so bad I wouldn't care to buy a new one. I just hate pinching a few dollars and wind up buying something that needs to be replaced because it got bent in one season.
  10. I can hit just fine, but I'm not made for HR's. No big deal. It doesn't make me any less of a man. I don't need to spend $300 to join a HR derby. Those banned bats are ridiculous ego builders which you readily admit to, so I don't see why you are arguing with me. If you don't need a crutch then why use it?
  11. You just don't get it Pete. Why not just catch the ball with your hand - run to the outfield and toss it over the fence? Just as valid in my book. All you are saying is that you are not strong enough to hit it out yourself with a normal bat. You need help. You need technology to do what your biceps can't. Hardly something to brag about.
  12. and only one of those bats is ASA legal. And for $300... what a deal.
  13. I was trying to look for info on the: DeMarini 2005 Ultimate Weapon Singlewall... It's $99. Which still seems outrageous, but I don't want to dent a cheap one either. My current 10 year old Louisville Slugger chatters my teeth with every swing. My hands hurt so bad after BP I need ibuprofen.
  14. the problem is that most any bat that is actually approved by the ASA is apparently not worthy of BEING reviewed! All the reviews are from the banned list and maybe a couple 98 MPH ones for $200+...
  15. there is a reason leagues ban these bats... not everyone is meant to hit HRs. If your leagues limit HR's then why use a $300 bat if you don't need 50 more feet of manhood?
  16. and if you use one - consider yourself a pink panty wearing p****. BTW - YOU aren't hitting bombs with those - the bat is. I guess in the age of Viagra any artifical means up pumping up one's manhood is "money well spent". Go get 'em tiger. You da bomb.
  17. $200-$300 for a softball bat? Since when did a bat match the cost of a decent Home Theater Surround Sound receiver? For all you big men hitting Freaks and Synergies - do you hit from the women's tees too? Afterall - artifically adding 30 feet to your swing is like moving the fence in closer - just for you. Does anyone know of a decent bat for $100? You would think that should be able to buy you a good bat, but I'm not so sure anymore.
  18. very cool thread: http://www.thefuselage.com/threaded/index.php?topic=11340.0 I like alot of what is said here - in particular the parallels betrween Locke and Ethan.
  19. Perhaps they are checking to see if the last person who left turned out the lights?
  20. Correction: I pay the bills, but it is with donated money.
  21. A fan of Triumph huh? God Bless you and Fight the Good Fight....
  22. One thing for sure - my mug will never be on there. However, these other guys have been wait8ing for their busts far too long.
  23. I have quite a list of who should be on there - it's just finding the time to compile the info and format it that is holding me up.... and the years tick by....
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