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Everything posted by SDS

  1. DING! DING! DING! DING! DING! DING! DING! We have a winner....
  2. Rosanne Barr Sarama (OTOH, Jennifer Love Sarama rolls right off the tongue...)
  3. I didn't watch it, but as a reviewer said this morning on the radio - "how many times is this guy going to "smell" someone and shoot them?" I mean - he's a blind guy with a gun. You can only go so far with the "heightened senses" routine.
  4. ahhhh a UR alum.... a bright man indeed!
  5. I wouldn't consider this OT either. If it has to do with the NFL, the Bills, Bills related topics, or Bills fans doing Billsy type stuff then it is on-topic as far as I am concerned.
  6. Let me give you one anecdote from the Baltimore area. The schools claimed they were going bankrupt. They claimed they needed $43M in additional funds to stay open. They had cut everything to the bone.... Well, the Super Attendant of the Baltimore City schools has (maybe it has been eliminated by now) a driver that was paid $110k a year.... Think about that. $110 THOUSAND dollars for a personal driver. Yet, no one running the school system thought that there was anything wrong with this... That is government bureaucracy. NEVER listen to the pig as it wails for more food and threatens to cut things that are important to you - while they secretly hold on to the things that they cherish...
  7. you have a cookie issue. Delete all cookies from TBD and TSW and use: http://www.stadiumwall.com/ as your bookmark or get in through the TBD home page.
  8. click on "standard" that is on the upper right hand side of the thread.
  9. yeah, but the preferred way is to use the OT post icon!
  10. I was about to suggest that there was a misspelling.
  11. but Bledsoe was our starter. You need to compare that to their reaction to Garcia.
  12. i saw it last night on an ice cream run... I laughed. No offense, but my impression was: "who the hell is going to buy this????" Tell us if it is any good...
  13. Darin is just trying to help. If you are new - then just accept the help of others with a smile!
  14. and how many of those games did he leave with an injury? Just because he started them doesn't mean he finished them. The guy has that rep for a reason.
  15. For a discussion on the exact same topic from the same poster that only made it's way to page two, go here: http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=19567
  16. Most people have caught on to the OT post icon, but a few of you are still forgetting. I have been changing them for you, but in the future - you risk having your thread deleted if not properly marked! Please get in the habit and be courteous to your fellow posters.
  17. He said at the beginning of last season that if he had his way - the line would be reshuffled. However, due to the perception that we could make a playoff run - he had to stick to the current configuration while the potential pieces are in place. Perhaps, now with JP at the helm, they have just decided to rearrange the deck according to McNally's previous wishes and are now moving forward under his guidance?
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