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League suspends Carolina's Wesley for 1 game


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His actions after the hit actually bothered me more than the hit itself. It almost caused a brawl and then he tried to explain his actions on the sideline to his teammates. His teammates were even giving him crap for it. He tried to act like the innocent party.


Hopefully his gamecheck is way more than 25,000 dollars.

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I think he needs to be suspended 2-3 games. It his first offense from what I can tell, so that is what is really going for him. But that is one of the cheapest hardest hits I have ever seen. It was complete bull ****. I showed my fiance that who doesnt watch football and her reaction was "the other team needs to go after him."


How bad is the punt returner out?

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Did anyone see the hit on Trent. Why is no-one talking about this. The DE obviously and maliciously took him by the helmet and twisted his neck to thwe ground. This is how the concussion occurred and guarneteed a fine will be coming. FYI- I am not a Trent Fan

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Did anyone see the hit on Trent. Why is no-one talking about this. The DE obviously and maliciously took him by the helmet and twisted his neck to thwe ground. This is how the concussion occurred and guarneteed a fine will be coming. FYI- I am not a Trent Fan

I noticed that also. Not sure why it has not been brought up. The Bills could be sending the film to the league. We won't know.

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You can bet it would have been a lot longer had Wesley laid the hit on a patsie*, colt, saint, or giant.


or Steeler.



On the other hand, he wouldn't have been suspended at all if he had laid out a Brown or a Bill.

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or Steeler.



On the other hand, he wouldn't have been suspended at all if he had laid out a Brown or a Bill.


The NFL is on a road to turning into the NBA. The NFL has always prided itself on teams, but now they are really touting the individual. (I find this highly amusing, seeing how they have taken so many steps to prevent the players from "individualizing" themselves with dances, celebrations, etc) Its getting to the point where certain individuals are above the rules, and are "more equal" than the rest of the players in the league. See, Manning, Brady, etc. They are the Jordan of the NFL now, where if anyone gets in their way of making a play, a flag is going to get tossed.

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Did anyone see the hit on Trent. Why is no-one talking about this. The DE obviously and maliciously took him by the helmet and twisted his neck to thwe ground. This is how the concussion occurred and guarneteed a fine will be coming. FYI- I am not a Trent Fan

Those guys are trained to go to the whistle. Which should have been blown as soon as Trents knees were down. But I do not believe was blown until Trent was turned into a pretzel. I blame the ref more than the Jets players. Should the DE have let up, yes definitely. But that was nothing compared to the hit that is being discussed in this thread.

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