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Why are so many people turning a blind eye to Trent?


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It's simple... no one and I mean NO ONE complains to Brady when he check downs for 90% of a game. People in Buffalo love the long ball. The only thing JP could spoil us with. Now when a QB can manage a game, something JP couldn't do, he gets killed for not throwing the long ball.


Now with that being said, I do feel as though Edwards has been shell shocked. Had a TON of promise coming in, leading the team to a 5-1 start last year. For whatever reason the wheels fell off. Not sure if it's the concussions, the play calling, bad OL. Who knows. I hope that he is not seriously injured after the hit he took yesterday.


Who knows how long Fitzpatrick will be the #1. So let's do something Bills fans aren't known for since the days of Jim Kelly (another person I am sick of hearing about) and actually rally behind Fitzpatrick. Hopefully, this team can become 3-4 after next week.

The reason no one complains to Brady* is the other 10% are LONG TD passes, & even on the short throws, he throws to the open man while he is on the run getting YAC.

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He definitely is not the long term answer, but neither is Fitz or Hamdan. I just don't get all the prasie for Fitzpatrick who was no better than Trent. He was under 50% completions and alot of his passes were not even close to anyone.


Simple. Balls and hitting WR instride heading up field not out of bounds for TDs. Hey I'm not saying Fitz is our new Jim Kelly but Fitz attempted everything that Trent didn't. He took some chances. He tried to use his WRs. HE HIT A WR IN STRIDE FOR A FREAKIN TD ON A SLANT. HE did this with the same WR that everyone says can't get open. He did this with no practice reps and ZERO time with the 1's. He did this behind the same offensive that Trent did. HE also got us our first offensive TD in the previous 126 plays before he got under center.


I'm just excited to see if this guy will improve taking starter reps with the first string. Isn't it the defense a lot of TSSC members use to use? "He has a good win loss record." LOL. I didn't buy it either but the guy has more cahones than Trent!

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Engage the argument people are making, not the one in your head.


Good point. But we did win the game. As I'm sure you know some times showing the "willingness" to throw down field opens up the defense to the point where you can run a little bit. Winner winner chicken dinner! Fitz is 1 - 0 and made a 10 point comeback in regulation and got his team into scoring position to win the game on a long field goal! Let's see what he can do with a week of practice with the 1's!

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Wait until Bell gets hurt again and Fitz starts getting hammered like Edwards did the last few games, Fitz will look worse then Edwards. The Bills O line was also helped by the fact that Kris Jenkins was injured.


I still wanna see Wilson fire the entire front office and coaching staff, even a blind squirrel finds an acorn now and again. This win only hurts their draft chance, they will at best screw themselves out of the top ten again.

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Trent was throwing to his WRs before he got injured today and was 5/5 leading the Bills to a FG. Two completions to Evans and one to TO. No one seems to ever bring this stuff up, always the negative. FWIW there is not an NFL caliber starting QB on this team. Although, Trent is the best of the three. Do I want to see Trent here next year? only if he is backing up a proven veteran QB or filling in until a new rookie QB is ready to play. Trent was playing well before his injury, that's all I'm saying. Fitz did nothing to make me see any different.


I'm not a Trent ballwasher, just a realist and I know Fitz will not lead this team or any other team anywhere in the NFL. Look how he did last year with Chad and TJ as his WRs. He was horrible there too. As for Hamdan, there is a reason he is always on the sidelines.

Its because these people don't base what they say on facts. their football IQ is 61. that means they are football retarded and bad fans.



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LMAO...if Trent is "Captain Checkdown" then you are "Captain Flip Flop"...


One week, everyone who doubts Trent is a retard and a whole barrage of names you called people and Trent is better than Jim Kelly (you even him to Montanna and Brady), a great leader, super intelligent, etc, etc...


Then the next week you say he sucks and is done as a Bill and to bring on Fitz because he is BETTER (and you changed to that stance mid week after getting flamed by almost everyone as Trent became undefendable despite all your efforts to defend him)


Now this week you again say Trent is now our best QB and may still have a future in Buffalo? Its like you just go with the popular opinnion...hilarious...Its like you change you mind on every single snap of the ball...


Maybe thats why you have that stuffed animal rabbit in your avatar because it goes "Flippity Flop"... :w00t:

Sounds like he is defending Trent the Whole time I don't see a flip flop. He saying he is losing a little faith thats all.

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Fitz is not afraid to pull the trigger, he has a strong arm and he has good wheels, there's allot to like about Fitz's performance, especially in the bad weather conditions.

I wonder how bad Tom Brady would look behind our O-line or Manning or any QB in the league or how many teams would win with all the injuries we have had.

I am pretty sure I won't get a reply because you can't argue with the truth

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Trent was throwing to his WRs before he got injured today and was 5/5 leading the Bills to a FG. Two completions to Evans and one to TO. No one seems to ever bring this stuff up, always the negative. FWIW there is not an NFL caliber starting QB on this team. Although, Trent is the best of the three. Do I want to see Trent here next year? only if he is backing up a proven veteran QB or filling in until a new rookie QB is ready to play. Trent was playing well before his injury, that's all I'm saying. Fitz did nothing to make me see any different.


I'm not a Trent ballwasher, just a realist and I know Fitz will not lead this team or any other team anywhere in the NFL. Look how he did last year with Chad and TJ as his WRs. He was horrible there too. As for Hamdan, there is a reason he is always on the sidelines.




It's not that he doesn't throw to the wide receivers it's the fact that he NEVER throws the intermediate routes. Watch any good offense and qb, they excel in this area. Trent doesn't even attempt to let routes develop and only throws to wr's when its a little hook, out, or screen.

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Getting knocked out for a week or 2 may be a blessing in disguise for Trent. The guy has lost all his confidence. His decision making has become slow as he's not seeing the whole field. He's looked completely afraid to throw the ball.


He needs a few weeks to think about his game, to watch someone with a little more experience, to take a little of the pressure off him. The question will be... how does he respond?

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Getting knocked out for a week or 2 may be a blessing in disguise for Trent. The guy has lost all his confidence. His decision making has become slow as he's not seeing the whole field. He's looked completely afraid to throw the ball.


He needs a few weeks to think about his game, to watch someone with a little more experience, to take a little of the pressure off him. The question will be... how does he respond?


I've been arguing the same since he returned last season, Dan. When a QB is not playing with confidence, THE most important aspect to the position, a coach needs to sit him down and let him see the game from a different perspective. There is no shame in that. For the player or coach. Yes, there is merit to letting a struggling player play through it but when that fails like it has with TE, then it's time for him to look at the game from a different viewpoint. It usually helps.


It can only improve the situation. But our coaches are clueless, it seems to me, when it comes to this issue. OK, they're clueless about lots of issues, but when it comes to the most important position on the field, they seem especially clueless. Inexcusable.


It's a shame TE was forced to be a spectator with a concussion. I'm not sure he comes back from this one. What a shame.



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Its because these people don't base what they say on facts. their football IQ is 61. that means they are football retarded and bad fans.




Consider yourself fired.


Do not go past GO.

Do not collect $200.


Just leave.

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I wonder how bad Tom Brady would look behind our O-line or Manning or any QB in the league or how many teams would win with all the injuries we have had.

I am pretty sure I won't get a reply because you can't argue with the truth

If you think the truth is that Edwards looks as good as Brady or Manning would behind the Bills O line, you don't know a thing about football.

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Thats 5 compleations for 43 yards. He only takes easy shots. Accurate but non-productive?


I agree. We have seen Trent complete an impressive number of unimpressive passes in a row.


How many points did his 5/5 and 43 yards put on the board again?

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I agree. We have seen Trent complete an impressive number of unimpressive passes in a row.


How many points did his 5/5 and 43 yards put on the board again?


Well let's take what he accomplished and put it in perspective. We had 3 points and it was the 2nd quarter. So he would have about 130-160 yards and 10-13 points. That's if he was 20/20 of course.


Trent's no longer a NFL QB. He could be again, maybe on this team with a new coach, or another team with a fresh start. Yes, Fitz played better with worse stat lines. You can't see a stat line, you have to watch the game.

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Trent was throwing to his WRs before he got injured today and was 5/5 leading the Bills to a FG. Two completions to Evans and one to TO. No one seems to ever bring this stuff up, always the negative. FWIW there is not an NFL caliber starting QB on this team. Although, Trent is the best of the three. Do I want to see Trent here next year? only if he is backing up a proven veteran QB or filling in until a new rookie QB is ready to play. Trent was playing well before his injury, that's all I'm saying. Fitz did nothing to make me see any different.


I'm not a Trent ballwasher, just a realist and I know Fitz will not lead this team or any other team anywhere in the NFL. Look how he did last year with Chad and TJ as his WRs. He was horrible there too. As for Hamdan, there is a reason he is always on the sidelines.


Trent misses passes down field, over throws too many, no touch. Trent doesn't even know what a slant pattern is. Trent throws more balls inside 10 yards than any QB in the NFL starting. Outside of the first 2 games, Trent even sucks at that. His cadence seems to cause issues with the O-line. This week under Fitz, the line performed well, C+. The game was won by the Bills controling time of possesion. The only thing I will give Trent the benefit of doubt on is he ran the No Huddle, No Movement offensive game plans. Fitz deserves another start, can't hurt!!!

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The NFL is a week to week league and all about matchups. In 5 of 6 games, the Bills have been right there at the end. Edwards has given them a chance to win despite below average stats. Fitzpatrick did the same thing yesterday. His stats were not pretty and had the Jets made their FG attempt in OT, this message would be making Fitzpatrick a goat for that pick.


The short passes isn't the problem, its the timing. Montana and Brady have made livings off of short passes to guys who make big plays after the catch. To get Evans, TO, etc doing that the timing has to be better on the short throws.


Edwards needs the whole season to show the entire body of work. Give him that. If he's not able to go, it will be interesting to see how Fitzpatrick performs when the other team is gameplanning for him.


Keep in mind though, if the Bills run the ball, whomever is back there will look much better. They play two porous run defenses the next two weeks.

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HE HIT A WR IN STRIDE FOR A FREAKIN TD ON A SLANT. HE did this with the same WR that everyone says can't get open.


^--- bolded for emphasis. Owens and Evans ARE getting open, they're just not getting the ball. 31 catches for Owens and Evans through 6 games is ridiculous.

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