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Donte has surgery & Leodis has broken bone...


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Donte will have thumb surgery today.. he is "week to week"



Leodis has a broken bone in his foot.. he will "be a little longer"..


Leodis has not been that impressive in the defensive backfield. I think we are a better defense with some of our other corners




Per DJ's press conference.

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Would all the people bitching about our plethora of DB's please stand up?


And since this might be necessary for that crowd:


Main Entry: pleth·o·ra

Pronunciation: \ˈple-thə-rə\

Function: noun

Etymology: Medieval Latin, from Greek plēthōra, literally, fullness, from plēthein to be full — more at full

Date: 1541


1 : excess, superfluity; also : profusion, abundance

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Same goes with Safety...Byrd and Wilson should be able to hold down the fort for a few weeks.



Byrd is terrible. He may grow into something but right now he's abysmal and that might be giving him credit. Wilson still looks like a receiver playing safety and is a far better special teams performer than a defensive player. We'd probably be better off bringing Troy Brown out of retirement.

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our guys get hurt way way way too much.


That happens when your on the field all freaking game!

This defense would be top 10 with any type of NFL offense as a counterpart.


If I was a marginal pass catching tight end capable of running 5 yard outs, I would beg my agent for a trade to Buffalo or anywhere else Trent Edwards plays.

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i agree....i've noticed this the last 3 years. The strenth and conditioning coach should be fired.

That's right strength and conditioning will keep us from broken legs, broke or torn ligaments in the thumb, broken arms from getting into the pileup, torn up knees from other players rolling up the back off your legs. If it was hamstrings, pulled muscles, cramps, i would agree, but its actual honest injuries from hard contact. Football.

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I agree about getting our strength and conditioning coach fired....this team is a walking MASH unit year after year. Something is not right about it.


And DJ cannot use the "well all my guys got injured so that is why I had problems" excuse either


Not only is DJ a bad coach with no personality, he is bad luck. Get rid of him.

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That's right strength and conditioning will keep us from broken legs, broke or torn ligaments in the thumb, broken arms from getting into the pileup, torn up knees from other players rolling up the back off your legs. If it was hamstrings, pulled muscles, cramps, i would agree, but its actual honest injuries from hard contact. Football.



glad i didn't have to point out the obvious.

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