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Put me in the win column for Sept. 14th. :ph34r:


I'll worry when I see this crappy play in the regular season, this year. I'm not listening to all the preseason "experts."



I'm with you, Metz. I do this every season....try and see what they look like in preseason, but take VERY little stock in it. I think I remember the Patriots* winning all of 1 or 2 preseason games during their Superbowl years and the early 90s Bills doing the same. Of course, Belichick* didn't have to videotape the preseason games...


The true test is what happens in the regular season. The 5-1 start last year showed us they could beat the bottom-feeders of the league, but once they went 0-3 in the division games, I knew they were in trouble. We won't know how good or bad they'll be until week 5, IMO.


I don't expect them to beat New England* on Monday night, but I'll be content with them not being out-coached and keeping it respectable. Anything more than that is a bonus.

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The difference here is we see a team coming off a disastrous collapse last season that seems to have only gotten worse in the off season. TO aside, there is nothing added here to make a good case that this season will be any better than the last three under Jauron...maybe worse when you look at that pathetic offensive line and lack of depth in the secondary. When they suck beyond belief in the pre-season it only serves to confirm what we already know.


If the Bills were loaded with Super Bowl talent than the pre-season suckitude wouldn't mean much. The problem here is this team has looked exactly the same in the preseason as they did in the regular season last year. Nothing better, no signs of life, and no reason to think the results will improve without some kind of divine intervention.

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Sometimes these impersonal forums can create really polarizing environments. Everyone has a big strong opinion and everyone else is an idiot because you don't have to look a man, or woman, in the face and have the balls to express your opinion in the way that some do here.


In truth I think a lot of us are more middle of the road or really posses both components of the true Billiever that thinks we can win in the face of any odds and the analytical skeptic that sees the light at the end of the tunnel as a train. I really DO think we have a shot Monday night, but realistically the odds are against us. I wouldn't actually throw up a post scolding people saying I'm going to tell you so if the Bills do win. That's crazy!


We all hope they win. Some of us can just admit to ourselves that we are a huge underdog and the likely outcome is not a good one.

I am pretty much schizo on my beliefs for what this season holds and I think for good reason. I love this team and always will but I have been around football long enough to have a vauge idea of what is going on and I don't like what I see.


But apart from all that, I don't know why so many posters are so fond of commenting not on the team, the game, our opponents, etc., but instead spend a significant amount time attacking their fellow fans and trying to come up with the cleverest put down. Good natured razzing is entertaining and not only expected, but to be desired. That is not what is going on though, its really mean spirited. I have no claim to any expertise in psychology but you have to wonder what is going on when coming up with most boorish, meaniest, vilest insult and drawing the most guffaws and grunts is more important to a person than friendship, camraderie or even just basic civility.


I like to think that I only grab my Lord of the Flies verbal spears in self defense and I am embarassed to the extent I may have departed from that rule on more than one occasion.

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I have no claim to any expertise in psychology

That is apparent.


Do you know the term "mob mentality"




The term “mob mentality” is used to refer to unique behavioral characteristics which emerge when people are in large groups. It is sometimes used disparagingly, as the term “mob” typically conjures up an image of a disorganized, aggressive, panicked group of people. Social psychologists who study group behavior tend to prefer terms like “herd behavior” or “crowd hysteria.” .


That is what this message board goes through after a poor Bills performance. The negativity feeds on itself to the point to where half the things you read have no substance to it what so ever, and basically is the same regurgitated vomit that is communicated on this board over and over and over.


You felt compelled enough to call me out yesterday for calling people names, which btw, I didn't single anyone out, I merely made an observation that is based on fact and that is that there are a lot of "whiners" on this board. Out of the 100's of insults that people have been tossing around to one another, my "whiner" comment is the one that made you feel the urge to point out. My guess is that you took that personally, because you felt that you fell in that "whiner" category.


I find it humorous to see people complain and whine and run around like a bunch of bi-polar chickens with their heads cut off. Some of you take satisfaction in whining, I take satisfaction at mocking those who do. So what's the problem? To me it seems like a good working, symbiotic relationship.

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If they march down the field and score a TD in their first drive, then all of this time you people have spent whining and complaining will have been for naught.


I remember Trents first series he came in against the Pats and marched them down and scored a TD...unfortunately in 23 more starts he has only thrown 18 more and our offense has sucked ever since...so you go right ahead with the I told you so's on that first TD drive and the rest of us will say "I told you so" when the final score is 48-7 and trent is 25-40 for 192 yards with 1 TD, 2 INT's and a fumble.


The best thing about all these "Its only preseason" arguments people are making is that they fail to see the significance in the following:


1. The only that doesnt matter is the final score, but how your first unit produces is pretty important.

2. First unit produced ONE lousy FG all preseason and no TD's

3. Trent has yet to have a good season and look good regularly, so its not like we can just assume he will somehow figure it all out by week 1. Kurt Warner has had a bad preseason, but you alredy know his resume and that he knows how to win in this league and how to quarterback in this league...Trent has accomplished nothing other than to be a key factor in our collapse last year.

4. T.O. is not going to be a happy camper wth this kind of performance from the offense and Trent. He was on good behavior in his first year in Phi and Dal but that was because he had Pro Bowl QB's getting him the ball on Super Bowl contending teams. The minute he lost the SB he hated on McNabb and the moment his statd dipped in Dal he started taking stabs at Witten and Romo. Dont get me wrong, I am glad T.O. is in Buffalo, but if Trent plays like this I just wonder if T.O. can hold it together this season or is he gonna destroy the kid.

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The negativity feeds on itself to the point to where half the things you read have no substance to it what so ever, and basically is the same regurgitated vomit that is communicated on this board over and over and over.


Mr. Pot meet Mr. Kettle


Seriously Magox...how did you even post this with a straight face. I cant remember the last time you actually made a post that wasnt just some insult post to someone who doesnt make 1000 excusese for Trent like you do. You are the most notorious poster on here for dodging points in a post to just insult the poster. Everyone calls you out on it. If I post something about Trent you just make fun of the fact its about Trent and ignore that actual football substance in the post for example.


In all honesty, its like you have absoutely no way to justify or defend your outrageous previous claims of how great Trent is, how much better than Cutler he is, etc, etc that you have resorted to just insulting the posters that dont agree with you to make yourself feel better...You let me know when you actually respond to one of those with an actual post that has something to do with football before you go around getting on the so called "whiners"...


And I already know your played out, tired response to this...you are going to say "you are on a crusade" against Trent just because I have posted in the Trent threads and I happen to be one of the observant ones who doesnt think Trent has been very good so far. But first of all, there isnt much else to talk about for this team right now...the offense sucking has been the headline of the preseason and biggest cancer last year. And when there was other things to talk about I was all over it, like how good the draft was, excitement of T.O. being here, the status of DJ, etc, etc...


But you dont see or respond to those posts (probably cuz you mostly troll to defend your boy crush Trent)...

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I remember Trents first series he came in against the Pats and marched them down and scored a TD...unfortunately in 23 more starts he has only thrown 18 more and our offense has sucked ever since...so you go right ahead with the I told you so's on that first TD drive and the rest of us will say "I told you so" when the final score is 48-7 and trent is 25-40 for 192 yards with 1 TD, 2 INT's and a fumble.


The best thing about all these "Its only preseason" arguments people are making is that they fail to see the significance in the following:


1. The only that doesnt matter is the final score, but how your first unit produces is pretty important.

2. First unit produced ONE lousy FG all preseason and no TD's

3. Trent has yet to have a good season and look good regularly, so its not like we can just assume he will somehow figure it all out by week 1. Kurt Warner has had a bad preseason, but you alredy know his resume and that he knows how to win in this league and how to quarterback in this league...Trent has accomplished nothing other than to be a key factor in our collapse last year.

4. T.O. is not going to be a happy camper wth this kind of performance from the offense and Trent. He was on good behavior in his first year in Phi and Dal but that was because he had Pro Bowl QB's getting him the ball on Super Bowl contending teams. The minute he lost the SB he hated on McNabb and the moment his statd dipped in Dal he started taking stabs at Witten and Romo. Dont get me wrong, I am glad T.O. is in Buffalo, but if Trent plays like this I just wonder if T.O. can hold it together this season or is he gonna destroy the kid.



It will be entertaining to watch no matter how things shake out. This season is shaping up to be a train wreck of Hank Bullough (sp?) proportions.

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Mr. Pot meet Mr. Kettle

your feelings are still hurt? get over it, you're a grown boy, it's time to move on.


It's not my fault that this message board calls you "Alphadouche" or "Alpo" or just plain "douchebag" and countless other names. I didn't coin those terms, they just felt compelled enough to call you that.


It's also not my fault that the scope of your discussion is about as narrows as a crickets ****. It's obvious, if you look at your post history where your obsession lies, and I do understand that you can't help yourself, since it is a clinical issue and you just don't have control over it.


But just to refute one of your comments, unlike you, I am able to retain information, I don't have the need to explain repeatedly the same point over and over to the same incomprehensible poster. why don't you check out my post history, and tell me if the majority of my posts consist of "dodging" or "insulting" other posters. While your at it, check out your post history, I think it may serve as a good mirror for you to reflect upon. :sick:

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your feelings are still hurt? get over it, you're a grown boy, it's time to move on.


It's not my fault that this message board calls you "Alphadouche" or "Alpo" or just plain "douchebag" and countless other names. I didn't coin those terms, they just felt compelled enough to call you that.


It's also not my fault that the scope of your discussion is about as narrows as a crickets ****. It's obvious, if you look at your post history where your obsession lies, and I do understand that you can't help yourself, since it is a clinical issue and you just don't have control over it.


But just to refute one of your comments, unlike you, I am able to retain information, I don't have the need to explain repeatedly the same point over and over to the same incomprehensible poster. why don't you check out my post history, and tell me if the majority of my posts consist of "dodging" or "insulting" other posters. While your at it, check out your post history, I think it may serve as a good mirror for you to reflect upon. :sick:


Please Magox...no feelings are hurt here other than you fail deliver anything relevant to read when you post responses. And as far as the other nicknames, they come from the hardcore Trent lovers, so who cares...and oh no, a few people dont like me on a message board, what ever shall I do...LMAO at you...


And the funny thing is this Magox...in all those "obsession" threads you like to say (and I told you already that you would respnd that way, that is how predictable you are) you were in them too and responding all day about your man love for Trent...so, that would make you the obsessive one by your definition.


Say what you want, but I almost always include football issues in every post and response...You will, IF and only IF its about something other than Trent because your "Trent is better than Cutler" and "Trent has been great" ships have sailed, so in those threads you just insult those who dont drool over Trents lackluster career so far sicne you have exactly NOTHING logical to put in those threads to make your beloved Trent into what you want him to be. You used to at least try and would even make up stats and manipulate stats to do so, but once half this message board jumped all over you for it to you seemed to stop...

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Please Magox...no feelings are hurt here other than you fail deliver anything relevant to read when you post responses. And as far as the other nicknames, they come from the hardcore Trent lovers, so who cares...and oh no, a few people dont like me on a message board, what ever shall I do...LMAO at you...


And the funny thing is this Magox...in all those "obsession" threads you like to say (and I told you already that you would respnd that way, that is how predictable you are) you were in them too and responding all day about your man love for Trent...so, that would make you the obsessive one by your definition.


Say what you want, but I almost always include football issues in every post and response...You will, IF and only IF its about something other than Trent because your "Trent is better than Cutler" and "Trent has been great" ships have sailed, so in those threads you just insult those who dont drool over Trents lackluster career so far sicne you have exactly NOTHING logical to put in those threads to make your beloved Trent into what you want him to be. You used to at least try and would even make up stats and manipulate stats to do so, but once half this message board jumped all over you for it to you seemed to stop...

at least Edwards' play shut him up about Edwards being so good. Now all he really has is "the crusade continues..."

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Please Magox...no feelings are hurt here other than you fail deliver anything relevant to read when you post responses. And as far as the other nicknames, they come from the hardcore Trent lovers, so who cares...and oh no, a few people dont like me on a message board, what ever shall I do...LMAO at you...


And the funny thing is this Magox...in all those "obsession" threads you like to say (and I told you already that you would respnd that way, that is how predictable you are) you were in them too and responding all day about your man love for Trent...so, that would make you the obsessive one by your definition.


Say what you want, but I almost always include football issues in every post and response...You will, IF and only IF its about something other than Trent because your "Trent is better than Cutler" and "Trent has been great" ships have sailed, so in those threads you just insult those who dont drool over Trents lackluster career so far sicne you have exactly NOTHING logical to put in those threads to make your beloved Trent into what you want him to be. You used to at least try and would even make up stats and manipulate stats to do so, but once half this message board jumped all over you for it to you seemed to stop...

so in other words, you didn't look at my posting history.


got it

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So, what you are saying is that the Bills are going to suck but not as bad as Denver and that Bills fans should not express their opinions about the team on a Bills fan message board because we might get a TD against the Pats and that will prove how good we are ?


What is really pissing me off lately is the endless string of people who start a thread simply to tell others what they should think, feel or say about the Bills. This is a discussion board. If someone posts a "negative" post and you can rationally and intelligently disagree, please reply. If you just want to criticize them for being negative please go sell crazy somewhere else.


i have decided to not respond with anything intelligent. instead, i am going on the record to say maddog69 is an idiot. just my opinion. its a message board, i am a bills fan, so i can post it.

people who make statements that say, "complaining is a god given right"...are correct. however, these people tend to be idiots and not well liked from my experience.


The Bills stink and I LOVE THEM!

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I told you so, after the season opener. I am so sick of the g*ddamn negativity on this board, in the media, etc. because of a few pre-season games. Have they looked bad? Of course. But I've been watching football long enough to know that the pre-season is not always a perfect indicator as to how a team is going to show up and play in Week 1. If they march down the field and score a TD in their first drive, then all of this time you people have spent whining and complaining will have been for naught. I live in Denver- do you have any idea how bad the Broncos are going to suck this year? Everyone says on here, "we'll lucky to win five games this year." Then how many are the Broncos going to win? Our talent level is so ridiculously superior to theirs. But I digress. I'm not predicting a victory in Week 1, but I am predicting that the offense will look a lot better than it has in the stupid pre-season and we will put up a hell of a fight on national TV. Now all I wanna know is, who's comin with me...

i do disagree with the statement about the Bills talent level - I think compared to play-off teams we are pretty weak. BUT - I've followed the team for all 50 years and of course I'm coming with you!

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Magox is obviously most comfortable when he's standing in the face of attackers, so he deliberately creates scenarios that involve people attacking him. No better way to do that than to attack first. He was obviously bullied as a child. And I'm not saying this to be mean, only to show him that he isn't all that hard to figure out, no matter how vehemently, or passive-aggressively, he chooses to deny it. Bullying begets bullies. Age-old rule that he (along with MANY others in the world, mind you) follows to a tee.

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I want to make clear for the record what it is I'm calling, so when we wake up on September 15th, the top thread on the page will read, "I told you so." I am saying that the Bills offense will look exponentially more in sync than it has in the pre-season (at least 21 pts., at least 300-350 yards and not garbage time points and yards) and it will be a competitive football game. That's all. If the Bills look as miserable as 95% of you think they will because the pre-season is, of course, a nearly flawless indicator as to how a team is going to perform in the regular season, then I will concede that the collective you (the royal you) was in fact correct and I was wrong.

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