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AWESOME!!! The flashback of the first Star Wars film tied into this!!! Hearing James Earl Jones' voice again!!! The wookie army!!! Anakin fighting Obi-Wan!!! Palpatine with a lightsaber!!! FANTASTIC!!!!

And they still have not shown us any footage with General Grievous or Count Dooku!!!

Let the anticipation begin!!!!

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Ah, Pennsyltucky...  :rolleyes:


His part of Northern Appalachia, not mine. We had Powerlink before Buffalo did.


(of course, that was when Adelphia Worldwide HQ was still here..... :doh: )

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Hearing James Earl Jones' voice again!!!

Interesting thing about that, there's a possibility it's not actually him. Sounds crazy, but consider this:


1 - James Earl Jones has stated recently (well after the teaser would've been completed) that he has not yet been contacted about doing voice work for Episode III.




2 - many true hardcore Star wars geeks have noticed that the inflection of the Vader line in the trailer (specifically, the "er" in "master") sounds far more like the actor who plays Anakin than it sounds like Jones. They're right. Listen to Jones say "master" in TESB and ROTJ, and then listen to Anakin say it in AOTC.


That said, it could just be a discarded line from Episode V or VI. But it's still something interesting to think about.

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Interesting thing about that, there's a possibility it's not actually him.  Sounds crazy, but consider this:


1 - James Earl Jones has stated recently (well after the teaser would've been completed) that he has not yet been contacted about doing voice work for Episode III.






I heard that too. And I also heard that he was under "orders" from Lucas not to disclose his work on the film. Who knows, it is Lucas (very paranoid).


I am just pumped for this movie:)

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One thing that really worries me about this movie is that they have MUCH ground to cover in 2 - 2.5 hours. Hec, they could just make a movie about the events surrounding Anakin turning into Darth Vader instead of 5+ major events that happen in a large time span - ( Jedis being hunted down and destroyed, the empire + the rebellion forming, Anakins turn to the dark side, the starship Rosen that injured him * I am fairly certain that it is the Rosened ship on fire shown in the clip - The one with the water ship pumping it with water * , Amidala pregnet, etc . )

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Interesting thing about that, there's a possibility it's not actually him.  Sounds crazy, but consider this:


1 - James Earl Jones has stated recently (well after the teaser would've been completed) that he has not yet been contacted about doing voice work for Episode III.




2 - many true hardcore Star wars geeks have noticed that the inflection of the Vader line in the trailer (specifically, the "er" in "master") sounds far more like the actor who plays Anakin than it sounds like Jones.  They're right.  Listen to Jones say "master" in TESB and ROTJ, and then listen to Anakin say it in AOTC.


That said, it could just be a discarded line from Episode V or VI.  But it's still something interesting to think about.



He's credited on the IMDB site as being the voice of Vader.

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...Anakins turn to the dark side, the starship Rosen that injured him * I am fairly certain that it is the Rosened ship on fire shown in the clip - The one with the water ship pumping it with water *....

:rolleyes: Anakin receives his injuries from his duel with Obi-Wan, not a shipwreck. And the fiery starship seen in the trailer is from early in the film (after the reportedly AWESOME opening space battle).


(EDIT: Sorry to sound like a know-it-all, but the entire plot leaked last October, so I'm as spoiled as you can get.)

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It looks scary. Hopefully it will be more like Empire Strikes Back, which is clearly the best one.


Also looks like Lucas may have taken some lessons from Peter Jackson, which would be a good thing.



Yeah todd, I agree: Empire is clearly the best of the 5 movies to date.


Peter Jackson is awesome! I am SO looking forward to his remake of the 1933 King Kong, a project that has been in the works for many years (he got involved in that BEFORE the LOTR trilogy). It should be great.

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:rolleyes:  Anakin receives his injuries from his duel with Obi-Wan, not a shipwreck.  And the fiery starship seen in the trailer is from early in the film (after the reportedly AWESOME opening space battle).


(EDIT:  Sorry to sound like a know-it-all, but the entire plot leaked last October, so I'm as spoiled as you can get.)




Looks like you and I have found a subject we pretty much agree totally on!


It has been known for some years that Vader recieves his injuries in a final duel with Obi-wan involving a volcano. I particularly like the scavanger robots, kind of like the droidekas that presumably go to retrieve the charred body of Anakin...

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