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Jeff Goldblum Dead too?


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For what it's worth, the movie that Jeff Goldblum is filming right now, Morning Glory (with Harrison Ford and Rachel MacAdams) is supposed to be filming in Long Island, NY. I don't know much about it so it's quite possible that they have scenes to shoot in New Zealand, too. And it's also possible he is filming another movie at the same time, although I doubt it.


From the sound of the storyline on the movie, about a morning talk show, it doesn't seem like much reason to go to New Zealand.

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More celeb death rumors: Now it's Jeff Goldblum and Harrison Ford!


Only afters after news broke about Michael Jackson's death, the Internet is buzzing with rumors that both Jeff Goldblum and Harrison Ford died Thursday.


Only one website is reporting Goldblum's death -- and their site isn't currently up and running. Still, the rumor is that he fell to his death on the set of a movie in New Zealand. Here's another mention. However, his Wikipedia site reports that the news is a hoax.


Another website reports that Twitter posts indicate Harrison Ford died today, but again nobody else is reporting it or passing it along.

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Yeah Wiki and some other places are saying it is made up by fakeawish.com





An online hoax from 1999 which claims actor Jeff Goldblum has died in New Zealand has returned.


New Zealand police have been taking calls, as have local media outlets, after the online hoax went viral again today.


The hoax - which first appeared in 1999 - involves international reports saying the actor has died, usually in a fall, while filming in New Zealand. The reports normally claim to have New Zealand Police confirmation.


Police said about midday today that they had no reports of the actor dying in New Zealand, and had not released any statements of that nature. They confirmed the hoax re-appeared every so often and that they had been taking inquiries from media this morning.

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Copy/paste from http://www.police.govt.nz/news/updates/update.html?id=8608


Seems to be legit, but a pain to access, hence the copy/paste. With Dean's post, I think we can call this BS.



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11:00 26-06-2009







Incident Type:



media enquiries





Kauri Cliff near to Kerikeri


What happened:



Police at Kerikeri are receiving phonecalls regarding a person falling from a cliff at Kauri Cliff.


There is no such incident and police have no information to provide.




Issued by:



Inspector Kerry Wat

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For what it's worth, the movie that Jeff Goldblum is filming right now, Morning Glory (with Harrison Ford and Rachel MacAdams) is supposed to be filming in Long Island, NY. I don't know much about it so it's quite possible that they have scenes to shoot in New Zealand, too. And it's also possible he is filming another movie at the same time, although I doubt it.


From the sound of the storyline on the movie, about a morning talk show, it doesn't seem like much reason to go to New Zealand.



Uh...hello...ever hear of satalite radio? :worthy:

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There's something kind of funny about that fact that every so often, for no apparent reason, the New Zealand police have to take calls and release a statement about the death of Jeff Goldbloom.



Very funny, IMO.

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The Goldblum rumor is repeated, and the Harrison Ford rumor is mentioned here:




But that link now has an Internal Server Error. Here's the bit I could get off Google:


It worked for me. Now who's computer is messed up!! :D


Finally got a page that works (for now). No real confirmation, but more detail:












For what it's worth, the movie that Jeff Goldblum is filming right now, Morning Glory (with Harrison Ford and Rachel MacAdams) is supposed to be filming in Long Island, NY. I don't know much about it so it's quite possible that they have scenes to shoot in New Zealand, too. And it's also possible he is filming another movie at the same time, although I doubt it.


From the sound of the storyline on the movie, about a morning talk show, it doesn't seem like much reason to go to New Zealand.


From Deano's second link;


There were also reports yesterday on the web of Harrison Ford’s death; but like with Goldblum, the stories were automatically generated with a fake scenario via a prank website. Users simply plug in any name – which in this case were Goldblum and Ford.

Since yesterday’s rumor spread through the ‘net like wildfire, Goldblum’s publicist has been busy denying all the death rumors. It’s why their paid the big bucks.


Personally, I think that's as sick as reporting RW's death. :D

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