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OT - Backman fired already by the Dbacks


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Hell, there's a guy in the White House with those credentials.



Man you leftist's lie threw your teeth. When has Bush ever beat up his wife? When has he ever had financial problems? OK OK Bush is Hitler, Bush planned 9/11, Bush is responsbile for every problem in the world now :D:D:blink:

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Man you leftist's lie threw your teeth.  When has Bush ever beat up his wife?  When has he ever had financial problems?  OK OK Bush is Hitler, Bush planned 9/11, Bush is responsbile for every problem in the world now  :D  :D  :blink:


HE's never had financial problems because he has Daddy's money to bail him out, but he's run more than one company into the ground. ArBUSTo, anyone? And I notice you didn't ask when Bush has ever had a DUI. Oh my bad. So Bush only had two out of three. :wacko:


Actually if you bothered to read the article instead of just jumping to defend your Führer, you'd see that Backman didn't "beat up his wife." He was in a fight that "involved" his wife and a friend. Hm it's possible he got drunk and challenged the friend to go "mano a mano" with him. That sounds like someone we all know, doesn't it?

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HE's never had financial problems because he has Daddy's money to bail him out, but he's run more than one company into the ground.  ArBUSTo, anyone?  And I notice you didn't ask when Bush has ever had a DUI.  Oh my bad.  So Bush only had two out of three.  :D 


Actually if you bothered to read the article instead of just jumping to defend your Führer, you'd see that Backman didn't "beat up his wife."  He was in a fight that "involved" his wife and a friend.  Hm it's possible he got drunk and challenged the friend to go "mano a mano" with him.  That sounds like someone we all know, doesn't it?


There's just nothing better than a retarded liberal who compares the President of the United States to Adolph Hitler. Pick up a history book, douche bag.

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HE's never had financial problems because he has Daddy's money to bail him out, but he's run more than one company into the ground.  ArBUSTo, anyone?  And I notice you didn't ask when Bush has ever had a DUI.  Oh my bad.  So Bush only had two out of three.  :D 


Actually if you bothered to read the article instead of just jumping to defend your Führer, you'd see that Backman didn't "beat up his wife."  He was in a fight that "involved" his wife and a friend.  Hm it's possible he got drunk and challenged the friend to go "mano a mano" with him.  That sounds like someone we all know, doesn't it?




Fuhrer? Glad you are being fair and reasonable. Bush is to Hitler as Kerry is to Jeffrey Dahmer

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Fuhrer?  Glad you are being fair and reasonable.  Bush is to Hitler as Kerry is to Jeffrey Dahmer


It's as fair and reasonable as saying I lied through my teeth in my first post, Pete.


The larger point still remains: there's now a higher moral standard for becoming manager of a crappy baseball team than there is for becoming President of the United States.

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BHR: If you don't want someone to challenge a stupid wiseass reply .. about the white house ... don't make it in the FIRST place !!


Besides .. Clinton was FAR worse !


On the topic of Wally .... agree that if he is good enough to manage in the minors but not the majors. If every PLAYER or Manager was let go for those offences (which are bad !) then teams would have a number of missing players ! Even I guy caught with drugs often keeps his job !


Slow news day for the press ... no Bush to beat on !

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:I starred in Brokeback Mountain: you Darin.  You go on ignore.


I'm crushed. How will I cope? Maybe there's a government program to help me get past being ignored by a blithering idiot? Of course, I'll probably need prescription drugs as well. Might as well eat one now.

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There's just nothing better than a retarded liberal who compares the President of the United States to Adolph Hitler.  Pick up a history book, douche bag.



I swear half of your 10k posts simply say, "pick up a history book". Any one in particular? Or are they all in agreement on the "facts"? Hell, you act like our understanding of the entire history of the human race is set in stone. This couldn’t be further from the truth as our knowledge of the past is ever changing as a constant battle is being waged about the “facts” and the meaning of those “facts” by historians the world over. But I guess you’ve chosen your particular history to believe in and anybody that doesn’t see it the way you do should “pick up a history book.” So again I ask, which all-encompassing history book has it right? I took enough history in college to come just shy of a double major (though I did minor in it) and I never found just two history books that agreed on everything, much less any type of consensus from historians about the past.


This response has nothing to do with the Bush/Hitler thing btw, it’s just a general observation of your responses to anything you don’t agree with. Then again, I'm sure you'll just call me some name and attach "liberal" to the back end of it in an attempt to discredit anything I've said... :P

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