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Michael Moore updates his website

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montage of iraqi dead


:I starred in Brokeback Mountain:


i won't post a link



Well if there was any question why the left lost so soundly yesterday, you need to look no further then the company they keep. The left truely looks to this fat bastrad as a guiding light.


This is no doubt a classless move, and kudos to you for not setting a link to it.

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Well if there was any question why the left lost so soundly yesterday, you need to look no further then the company they keep. The left truely looks to this fat bastrad as a guiding light.


This is no doubt a classless move, and kudos to you for not setting a link to it.



Probably no one else here will get this, but I hope we someday have an opportunity to share a quick ride in a KCAB. Better yet a Pitts. One of my few real prides in this day and age I can handle a taildragger.


Oh, I have slipped the surly bonds of earth, and danced the skies on laughter silvered wings. Sunward, I've climbed and done a hundred things, you have not dreamed of.


Wheeled and soared, and swung. High in the sunlit silence, in easy grace, where never lark, nor even eagle flew..

I'm going from long ago memory, so I forget the rest, but the best line of the poem is...


Reached out my hand and touched the face of God.


God bless us all.

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I don't have a problem with his political activities.  I have a problem with his hypocrisy and lying.  I will never forgive him for "Bowling for Columbine".  Nor will I forgive the director of "Roger and Me" for outsourcing.


I'm not fat.



My wife and I turned off Bowling for Columbine halfway through the movie. And she's not even that enamored with gun rights and the NRA and she thought it was deceitful and exploitative. What a piece of stevestojan movie that was. After that, I vowed never to watch another movie of his ever again unless for the simple "crazy train-wreck" factor of his desperation to get Republicans out of office.

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My wife and I turned off Bowling for Columbine halfway through the movie.  And she's not even that enamored with gun rights and the NRA and she thought it was deceitful and exploitative.  What a piece of stevestojan movie that was.  After that, I vowed never to watch another movie of his ever again unless for the simple "crazy train-wreck" factor of his desperation to get Republicans out of office.


I believe in the wisdom that is the US Constitution. I also believe guns suck and that the days of a standing militia are long behind us. Needless to say, I'm not a member of the NRA. But I can't selectively pick and choose the parts of the Constitution I want enforced. I hate guns, but I support the 2nd Ammendment, afterall, it's not saying that I must own a gun.


With all of that said, I caught Bowling for Columbine a couple of months ago on the tube. Like a bloody car wreck, it was disgusting, yet I couldn't look away. One scene I found particularly vile was the way he deceived Spartacus Heston to gain an audience with him. And then he outright ambushed him! That was a really wrong way to treat him, if for no other reason than because the man is elderly.


I was raised to respect the "old folks," and I tend to get more than a little pissy when I see others lacking that respect for them, especially when all they're doing is exercising their Constitutional rights. Moore should be ashamed of himself for that behavior.

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I believe in the wisdom that is the US Constitution.  I also believe guns suck and that the days of a standing militia are long behind us.  Needless to say, I'm not a member of the NRA.  But I can't selectively pick and choose the parts of the Constitution I want enforced.  I hate guns, but I support the 2nd Ammendment, afterall, it's not saying that I must own a gun.


With all of that said, I caught Bowling for Columbine a couple of months ago on the tube.  Like a bloody car wreck, it was disgusting, yet I couldn't look away.  One scene I found particularly vile was the way he deceived Spartacus Heston to gain an audience with him.  And then he outright ambushed him!  That was a really wrong way to treat him, if for no other reason than because the man is elderly. 


I was raised to respect the "old folks," and I tend to get more than a little pissy when I see others lacking that respect for them, especially when all they're doing is exercising their Constitutional rights.  Moore should be ashamed of himself for that behavior.



I hate the fact that he blamed everybody for these killings (Columbine, the 6 year old that killed another 6 year old) on everybody BUT the killers and their "upbringing/lack of supervision"

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Probably no one else here will get this, but I hope we someday have an opportunity to share a quick ride in a KCAB. Better yet a Pitts. One of my few real prides in this day and age I can handle a taildragger.


Oh, I have slipped the surly bonds of earth, and danced the skies on laughter silvered wings. Sunward, I've climbed and done a hundred things, you have not dreamed of.


Wheeled and soared, and swung. High in the sunlit silence, in easy grace, where never lark, nor even eagle flew..

I'm going from long ago memory, so I forget the rest, but the best line of the poem is...


Reached out my hand and touched the face of God.


God bless us all.




John Gillespie Magee, Jr. wrote that. He broke the law during WWII by crossing into Canada - not to evade war, but to join the fight against Hitler.


From the National Museum of the USAF

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One scene I found particularly vile was the way he deceived Spartacus Heston to gain an audience with him.  And then he outright ambushed him!  That was a really wrong way to treat him, if for no other reason than because the man is elderly. 




Heston had hip surgery that week as well....

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The fat jokes about Moore get kind of tired after a while - Americans are mostly fat anyway.  Like him or not, at least he's politically active and tries to do things to affect change in a system that too often fails.  There are way too many people that have the opposite problem and do absolutely nothing but watch TV, as you're so fond of saying.


He sure does make some peoples' blood boil - kinda like Dubya in a way.



He probably had more of a chance to get elected than Kerry

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I see fat people.  They're everywhere.



Cole Sear : I see fat people....

Walking around like regular people. They don't see each other. They only see what they want to see. They don't know they're fat


Malcolm Crowe : How often do you see them?

Cole Sear : All the time.

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Probably no one else here will get this, but I hope we someday have an opportunity to share a quick ride in a KCAB. Better yet a Pitts. One of my few real prides in this day and age I can handle a taildragger.


Oh, I have slipped the surly bonds of earth, and danced the skies on laughter silvered wings. Sunward, I've climbed and done a hundred things, you have not dreamed of.


Wheeled and soared, and swung. High in the sunlit silence, in easy grace, where never lark, nor even eagle flew..

I'm going from long ago memory, so I forget the rest, but the best line of the poem is...


Reached out my hand and touched the face of God.


God bless us all.



I know exactly what you mean. Man you can handle a taildragger? I have even more respect for you now.


By the way, next year around May or so, I will be taking a leave of absence from my company and I will be helping my wife start a new business that we are opening. It will be sports and recreation related and my plan is that the following year 2006 I will be involved in that full time. Basically it is a 7 month per year business. The point is, once I have tat up and running the other 5 months per year I plan to use building a new ride, and then enjoying it endlessly.


I will keep you posted.

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I hate the fact that he blamed everybody for these killings (Columbine, the 6 year old that killed another 6 year old) on everybody BUT the killers and their "upbringing/lack of supervision"



I haven't seen all of Bowling for Columbine but I did write a research paper on the myth of gun control back in Summer 2001 and the two instances I touched on where gun control basically wouldn't have done anything were the Columbine killings and the 6-year old killed by the other 6-year old. In the latter case, the cover of TIME read "Why did Kaylie (not 100% sure on her name) have to die?" Anyone who knows the whole story behind that incident can tell you that the kid who brought the gun to school and eventually killed his classmate was being raised in a crackhouse with his uncle (I think) because his mother had all sorts of other problems of her own (no father in sight). Not a great microcosm of American life there.


But I'm sure Moore touched on all the circumstances that finally led to the single incident where one 6 year old brought a gun to school and killed another. Yeah. Right.

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I haven't seen all of Bowling for Columbine but I did write a research paper on the myth of gun control back in Summer 2001 and the two instances I touched on where gun control basically wouldn't have done anything were the Columbine killings and the 6-year old killed by the other 6-year old.  In the latter case, the cover of TIME read "Why did Kaylie (not 100% sure on her name) have to die?"  Anyone who knows the whole story behind that incident can tell you that the kid who brought the gun to school and eventually killed his classmate was being raised in a crackhouse with his uncle (I think) because his mother had all sorts of other problems of her own (no father in sight).  Not a great microcosm of American life there.


But I'm sure Moore touched on all the circumstances that finally led to the single incident where one 6 year old brought a gun to school and killed another.  Yeah.  Right.




I think he railed on the fact that the mom had to ride a bus for over an hour to get to work each day and that she couldnt stay on welfare and be home for her kids. No mention of the kid's father or the nature of the house he was staying in. I felt really bad for the little girl's family and I felt horribly for the two Columbine survivors that Moore propped up and dragged to K-Mart as pawns in his little game.

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