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Michael Moore updates his website

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Once again proving what a fat, KzooMike piece of stevestojan he is.



:I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:

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The only thing Jabba Moore knows about taste involves "2 All Beef Patties".




The fat jokes about Moore get kind of tired after a while - Americans are mostly fat anyway. Like him or not, at least he's politically active and tries to do things to affect change in a system that too often fails. There are way too many people that have the opposite problem and do absolutely nothing but watch TV, as you're so fond of saying.


He sure does make some peoples' blood boil - kinda like Dubya in a way.

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Actually it looks like a montage of American Soldiers who have died in Iraq.



yeah, thats what i thought. sorry i didn't finish my thought, but i was busy trying to supress the urge to type f-bombs about this tastless assclown piece of stevestojan

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The fat jokes about Moore get kind of tired after a while - Americans are mostly fat anyway.  Like him or not, at least he's politically active and tries to do things to affect change in a system that too often fails.  There are way too many people that have the opposite problem and do absolutely nothing but watch TV, as you're so fond of saying.


He sure does make some peoples' blood boil - kinda like Dubya in a way.


I don't have a problem with his political activities. I have a problem with his hypocrisy and lying. I will never forgive him for "Bowling for Columbine". Nor will I forgive the director of "Roger and Me" for outsourcing.


I'm not fat.

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yeah, thats what i thought.  sorry i didn't finish my thought, but i was busy trying to supress the urge to type f-bombs about this tastless assclown piece of stevestojan



Yeah, those are our troops. Exploited for Moore. Again.

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The fat jokes about Moore get kind of tired after a while - Americans are mostly fat anyway.  Like him or not, at least he's politically active and tries to do things to affect change in a system that too often fails. 



One can only imagine how effective he would have been if he actually made an effort to apply any respect or ethics to his political actions instead of cutting and splicing his way to tell a story filled with lies.


The fatass hitched his wagon to a mule. Wrong time, wrong place, wrong election.


And I'm sorry that fat jokes get tiresome. Some dumbass on TSW suggested Bush had to stop counting after 20 electoral votes because he couldn't count any higher. Yeah, gets real tiresome. But Moore's still an obnoxious fatass, the guy on TSW is still a dumbass...and guess what? Bush is still president.

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The fat jokes about Moore get kind of tired after a while - Americans are mostly fat anyway.  Like him or not, at least he's politically active and tries to do things to affect change in a system that too often fails.  There are way too many people that have the opposite problem and do absolutely nothing but watch TV, as you're so fond of saying.


He sure does make some peoples' blood boil - kinda like Dubya in a way.


He is a lying hypocrital creature. Someone needs to standup and sue him for all of his lies. For every red cent he has ever stolen from the American public.

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The fatass hitched his wagon to a mule. Wrong time, wrong place, wrong election.



Um, which 'wrong election'?


Fatass supported Nader in 2000 which led to a Bush win.


Fatass supported Wesley Clark in the 2004 primaries which led to a Clark loss.


Fatass supported Kerry in 2004 which led to a Bush win.


As much as I'd like to beat him to death with my bare hands, maybe it's a good idea that he stays very, very active for however much longer his heart can keep that disaster of a body alive.

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montage of iraqi dead


:I starred in Brokeback Mountain:


i won't post a link



I love this guy! W should send him a nice big fruit basket.


Yeah good idea Mr. Moore you just keep it up. I'm telling you, his BS helped push up Republican turnout more than anything that Karl Rove did.


Take a good long look folks.....That is the REAL face of hate and he and his pals just got their collective buts kicked.

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I don't have a problem with his political activities.  I have a problem with his hypocrisy and lying.  I will never forgive him for "Bowling for Columbine".  Nor will I forgive the director of "Roger and Me" for outsourcing.


I'm not fat.



Ditto. And I'm not fat either.

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