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Well, the kids are gonna have to learn about it sometime

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I would have failed purposely and then asked for a retest! :w00t:





I think he means NAMBLA (the North American Man Boy Love Association) They're creepy as hell! :lol: They actually think it's ok for grown men to have sexual relationships with minor boys????!!! :sick:


Now men and young women* :wacko:





*That's a joke people a joke!! :rolleyes:



Read my post before this one. Did you protest in SF that day? :P

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Dean, I don't know man. Sitting around with a HS teacher drinking and watching porn may have seemed cool at the time but thinking it's cool now as an adult kind of leads me to believe you've got a screw loose. That's just creepy in one respect and downright illegal in another. :rolleyes:


But this does remind me of a story when I was going to the Culinary Institute. We had a mixology course instructor who had a local bar we hung out at. One of the things he taught us was to price your drinks at $1.99, $2.99 etc. instead of rounding it up. He staid that just a penny would make people think the drinks were a lot cheaper. So one evening we pooled all our pennies and walked in and just dumped them on his bar. He looked at the pennies, looked at us (at least six of us), looked back at the pennies, looked at us and said with a sigh "open bar for you all for an hour". We proceeded to order an many drinks as we could and got HAMMERED! I actually fell down I was so drunk and that may be a weekly event for some of you but not me. The future Mrs. Chef Jim was there and we still love that story and she still to this day says that was the drunkest she ever got.

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Dean, I don't know man. Sitting around with a HS teacher drinking and watching porn may have seemed cool at the time but thinking it's cool now as an adult kind of leads me to believe you've got a screw loose. That's just creepy in one respect and downright illegal in another. :rolleyes:



I'm not saying I think it is/was cool now, I am trying to put it all in perspective, though. Depending on the situation, and the people involved, it can be a really creepy thing...or not very creepy at all. I understand someone outside the situation getting a creepy vibe, though, and I certainly wouldn't expect antagonistic pricks like you and AD to skip an opportunity to make negative snap judgment.


I understand why we treat this stuff as creepy, when it comes to light though. It was illegal for those under 18 to be drinking, although that wasn't as big of an issue, in Niagara Falls, in the 1970s. Now that the drinking age is 21 (and has been for some time) that part seems even worse, of course. And, with the increasing number of teacher-perverts being reported, I understand that the mind of the typical person draws a very negative conclusion.


The point of the story, was to point out my feelings about the story of the teacher taking the girls to the strip club. My initial reaction is, it is creepy...but it may not really be all that creepy in reality. The girls may be far more mature than their age, and it all could have been one big goof, with nothing sexual between teacher and students at any level. Is it illegal? Yes. And the teacher should lose her job for it (she resigned). Like I said, even if there is nothing creepy going on...don't get caught, or you are meat.

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I'm not saying I think it is/was cool now,


No but you said this:


I don't think this is that bad


You may have not used the word cool but thinking that having underage boys over to your house (not yours his) for drinks and porn is not bad is just......bad. So you think breaking the law is only bad if you get caught? Interesting........

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I'm not saying I think it is/was cool now, I am trying to put it all in perspective, though. Depending on the situation, and the people involved, it can be a really creepy thing...or not very creepy at all. I understand someone outside the situation getting a creepy vibe, though, and I certainly wouldn't expect antagonistic pricks like you and AD to skip an opportunity to make negative snap judgment.


I understand why we treat this stuff as creepy, when it comes to light though. It was illegal for those under 18 to be drinking, although that wasn't as big of an issue, in Niagara Falls, in the 1970s. Now that the drinking age is 21 (and has been for some time) that part seems even worse, of course. And, with the increasing number of teacher-perverts being reported, I understand that the mind of the typical person draws a very negative conclusion.


The point of the story, was to point out my feelings about the story of the teacher taking the girls to the strip club. My initial reaction is, it is creepy...but it may not really be all that creepy in reality. The girls may be far more mature than their age, and it all could have been one big goof, with nothing sexual between teacher and students at any level. Is it illegal? Yes. And the teacher should lose her job for it (she resigned). Like I said, even if there is nothing creepy going on...don't get caught, or you are meat.

Another option would be to not engage in illegal activity with your students, creepy or not. Look kids will be kids, and booze, drugs and sex will always be at the top of their to do list. This doesn't mean that it's okay for a professor to participate in this with his/her student. I'm sure you had a good time, and I trust your judgement on whether or not something else was going on, but horribly unprofessional on his part. How would the parents have reacted?


A highschool teacher's relationship with their students shouldn't include drinking, drugs, porno, strip clubs, or any other illegal activity. It isn't their place to decide what is appropriate and whose mature enough to handle it. It also compromises their authority and ability to do their job. IMO, alot changes when somebody goes to college. An individual is becoming alot more self-sufficient and the professor student relationship is different.

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No but you said this:




You may have not used the word cool but thinking that having underage boys over to your house (not yours his) for drinks and porn is not bad is just......bad. So you think breaking the law is only bad if you get caught? Interesting........



Depending on the situation, and the people involved, it can be a really creepy thing...or not very creepy at all. I understand someone outside the situation getting a creepy vibe, though, and I certainly wouldn't expect antagonistic pricks like you and AD to skip an opportunity to make negative snap judgment.


I understand why we treat this stuff as creepy, when it comes to light though. It was illegal for those under 18 to be drinking, although that wasn't as big of an issue, in Niagara Falls, in the 1970s. Now that the drinking age is 21 (and has been for some time) that part seems even worse, of course. And, with the increasing number of teacher-perverts being reported, I understand that the mind of the typical person draws a very negative conclusion.


The point of the story, was to point out my feelings about the story of the teacher taking the girls to the strip club. My initial reaction is, it is creepy...but it may not really be all that creepy in reality. The girls may be far more mature than their age, and it all could have been one big goof, with nothing sexual between teacher and students at any level. Is it illegal? Yes. And the teacher should lose her job for it (she resigned). Like I said, even if there is nothing creepy going on...don't get caught, or you are meat.



Reading comprehension issues? Selective attention disorder?


MIGHT be creepy


CAN be creepy


Sorry if I don't accept the easiest, or most obvious, interpretation on a situation without more information and context.

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Reading comprehension issues? Selective attention disorder?


MIGHT be creepy


CAN be creepy


Sorry if I don't accept the easiest, or most obvious, interpretation on a situation without more information and context.


Not the article dude, your little encounter with your teacher. You said you didn't think is was bad. I have no reading comprehension issues but you have right vs wrong issues.

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Reading comprehension issues? Selective attention disorder?


MIGHT be creepy


CAN be creepy


Sorry if I don't accept the easiest, or most obvious, interpretation on a situation without more information and context.

Cmon Dean. Booze and porno with highschool students IS CREEPY and ILLEGAL. The term creepy doesn't just mean the guy was looking to get in your pants. He obviously had no self-control or awareness, in terms of his actions. I'll trust you, that the guy didn't have physically harmful intentions but 17 year olds aren't the best at judging situations. Especially when an adult is feeding them booze.

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Guest dog14787
Another option would be to not engage in illegal activity with your students, creepy or not. Look kids will be kids, and booze, drugs and sex will always be at the top of their to do list. This doesn't mean that it's okay for a professor to participate in this with his/her student. I'm sure you had a good time, and I trust your judgement on whether or not something else was going on, but horribly unprofessional on his part. How would the parents have reacted?


A highschool teacher's relationship with their students shouldn't include drinking, drugs, porno, strip clubs, or any other illegal activity. It isn't their place to decide what is appropriate and whose mature enough to handle it. It also compromises their authority and ability to do their job. IMO, alot changes when somebody goes to college. An individual is becoming alot more self-sufficient and the professor student relationship is different.



My Nephew a few years back had the same thing happen to him with one of his teachers in High School. The teacher who was also a tennis coach by the way seemed to be spending an inappropriate amount of time with the students which were all male including my nephew. When my nephew confided in me about him and mentioned the teacher/coach also had a collection of porn video's they sat around and watched and how cool he thought it was, it drew my attention. Coaches spending extra time with their players did not surprise me to much, but the porno stuff did.


I convinced my nephew to bring it to the attention of my brother, his Dad. My brother talked him into quitting the tennis team and then personally contacted the teacher/coach and told him he thought it was inappropriate and he's lucky more action was not going to be taken. My brother probably should have done more, but my nephew was taking the whole thing personally and out of respect for him my brother did not push the issue.


Within a years time though the teacher/coach ended up losing his job and was prosecuted for having sex with a male minor, turns out the fella was gay and used his job as a way to lure young boys into his home.


In defense of all the good teachers and coaches who spend extra time with students for the benefit of the student Im sure 99.9% of them have purely honorable intentions.

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My Nephew a few years back had the same thing happen to him with one of his teachers in High School. The teacher who was also a tennis coach by the way seemed to be spending an inappropriate amount of time with the students which were all male including my nephew. When my nephew confided in me about him and mentioned the teacher/coach also had a collection of porn video's they sat around and watched and how cool he thought it was, it drew my attention. Coaches spending extra time with their players did not surprise me to much, but the porno stuff did.


I convinced my nephew to bring it to the attention of my brother, his Dad. My brother talked him into quitting the tennis team and then personally contacted the teacher/coach and told him he thought it was inappropriate and he's lucky more action was not going to be taken. My brother probably should have done more, but my nephew was taking the whole thing personally and out of respect for him my brother did not push the issue.


Within a years time though the teacher/coach ended up losing his job and was prosecuted for having sex with a male minor, turns out the fella was gay and used his job as a way to lure young boys into his home.



Shocker! I understand that these situations don't automatically mean that someone is in it to have sex with kids, but exposing minors to porn or any other illegal activity is messed up on its own. You have to be warped in the mind to even convince yourself thats okay. How could you even form an argument about that?


Was this the same brother you saw that giant rabbit with? For some reason, I love that story.

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Cmon Dean. Booze and porno with highschool students IS CREEPY and ILLEGAL. The term creepy doesn't just mean the guy was looking to get in your pants. He obviously had no self-control or awareness, in terms of his actions. I'll trust you, that the guy didn't have physically harmful intentions but 17 year olds aren't the best at judging situations. Especially when an adult is feeding them booze.



The drinking age at the time was 18. I was drinking in bars at 13, as were many of my friends. The atmosphere surrounding the issue was far different, at the time. You can't really judge the situation from a 2009 perspective. BTW, the teacher wasn't feeding us booze...we brought our own. And, as I stated, it wasn't that odd for a teacher to stop by a house party of one of the students, where booze was involved. If it was creepy, the entire school and system was creepy.


Good idea? I'd say no. Illegal? Yes, for those under 18 Creepy? Not really, based on the subjective assessments of the participants.


I'd say since I was there, I'm a far better judge of it was "creepy" than anyone here. I can understand how it might seem like it was creepy...the entire point of these multiple posts.


Might be creepy

Could be creepy

Seems creepy on its face

Wasn't creepy

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Within a years time though the teacher/coach ended up losing his job and was prosecuted for having sex with a male minor, turns out the fella was gay and used his job as a way to lure young boys into his home.




On this, I'll go with "Creepy".

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Guest dog14787
Shocker! I understand that these situations don't automatically mean that someone is in it to have sex with kids, but exposing minors to porn or any other illegal activity is messed up on its own. You have to be warped in the mind to even convince yourself thats okay. How could you even form an argument about that?


Was this the same brother you saw that giant rabbit with? For some reason, I love that story.



Yup, same older brother and although its hard to believe, the story is true. :rolleyes:

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One of my favorite HS teachers used to have a bunch of us over to drink and watch porno on occasion (strictly straight, with the occasional lesbian encounter). We thought he was da bomb. Of course, we were 16-18 and the drinking age was 18, at the time. There were never any stories about him behaving improperly.


I don't think this is that bad...unless you get caught. And these days, you are probably going to get caught, especially if you are out in public. If you're caught you are screwed. That's something you should know going in.

Like I've already said, I trust your judgement of the situation. I guess it's more of a debate about what is appropriate. Regardless of drinking age and time frame, IMO it's disturbing. I would feel the same way if I heard a teacher had a few students over, to hang out and watch porn without the booze. Teachers/adults shouldn't party with the kids/students, and that goes double if you mix in alcohol.


You don't think it's bad, unless you get caught. I think it's both bad and disturbing. Why the porn? As an adult teacher, he felt that porn was a must? I have been to alot of parties in my life and have never seen one featuring porn. I just don't see why that was included. Just like I don't see why the teacher took the students to a strip club. What does an adult get out of these situations?

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Guest dog14787
I don't know why, but I believe you. The story has been stuck in my brain since you told it. Thanks alot.


Thanks for believing me Push, its one of them things that taught me to keep an open mind growing up and that anything is possible. Below is a link to Herman the biggest rabbit on record, the rabbit we encountered was allot bigger.



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Dean I am gonna side with the creepy side here, however, I also had a number of teachers that were present at bars or parties at the same time as the student, I graduated in 81, so the drinking age issue was the same as you. I look back at hanging at the same parties as teachers as pretty cool, however the watching porn thing is a bit over the top....but hey....when did it all of a sudden did Dean become a 'run of the mill' person....common man, it's The Dean....'Creepy' is one of the nicest thing we can say about him/you....


The drinking age at the time was 18. I was drinking in bars at 13, as were many of my friends. The atmosphere surrounding the issue was far different, at the time. You can't really judge the situation from a 2009 perspective. BTW, the teacher wasn't feeding us booze...we brought our own. And, as I stated, it wasn't that odd for a teacher to stop by a house party of one of the students, where booze was involved. If it was creepy, the entire school and system was creepy.


Good idea? I'd say no. Illegal? Yes, for those under 18 Creepy? Not really, based on the subjective assessments of the participants.


I'd say since I was there, I'm a far better judge of it was "creepy" than anyone here. I can understand how it might seem like it was creepy...the entire point of these multiple posts.


Might be creepy

Could be creepy

Seems creepy on its face

Wasn't creepy

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Dean I am gonna side with the creepy side here, however, I also had a number of teachers that were present at bars or parties at the same time as the student, I graduated in 81, so the drinking age issue was the same as you. I look back at hanging at the same parties as teachers as pretty cool, however the watching porn thing is a bit over the top....but hey....when did it all of a sudden did Dean become a 'run of the mill' person....common man, it's The Dean....'Creepy' is one of the nicest thing we can say about him/you....



Thank you.

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