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Just how bad is Buffalo nightlife?

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I meant whoever is running the Rogers empire these days. I know Ted is currently unavailable. If I were them I'd get T.O. his own condo in Toronto and encourage him to spend as much time there as possible. T.O in T.O.



I doubt the Rogers empire even cares about the Bills anymore, outside of the games scheduled there. They would need a billionaire to buy the team, as the NFL does not allow corporate ownership.

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WHo was that Bills player a few years ago that used to commute in from Toronto? He was so enamored with that World class city that he lived there during the season. A bit nuts if you ask me but maybe that will be TO. BTW, is TO married? does he have a family? you never hear about his personal life. If he's a single-35 yr old, party dude then Buffalo for a yr or two won't be so bad. The media makes such a big deal about it being a "boring" town for him. It's not like he'd have to move his whole clan there. The guy can eat wings and have some beers with his teammates after practice and on his days off- go to Toronto, NYC or wherever the hell else he needs to be seen.

You speak of Chidi Ahanotu who "played" for the Bills in 2002. He lived in Toronto and had a limo bring him to OBD daily. His explanation was he felt more at in an international city like Toronto.


Frankly I don't care if a player chooses to live on Mars. Just help us win.



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I lived in Baltimore. There's only 50x more things to do there than Buffalo so I don't get the put down.





As long as you stay away from the slummy areas, B-more is a pretty cool city. Plus, Willis has access to some high class clubs in Wash D.C.... only a 45min drive South from Ravens Stadium.

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I doubt the Rogers empire even cares about the Bills anymore, outside of the games scheduled there. They would need a billionaire to buy the team, as the NFL does not allow corporate ownership.

I have to disagree. With 6 more games and $78M(US) to make up for, I think Rogers Inc. would be highly interested in having a player with T.O.'s star power promoting overpriced Bills tickets in Canada.



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Was it anything like it was portrayed on The Wire?

I've never seen the Wire. But I will assume that any city has it's bad side. I loved Baltimore. It had many cool neighborhoods and a ton of great bars, restaurants and clubs...and let's not forget "The Block!" In fact it had the same Buffalo vibe; mostly regular folks having fun.



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I've never seen the Wire. But I will assume that any city has it's bad side. I loved Baltimore. It had many cool neighborhoods and a ton of great bars, restaurants and clubs...and let's not forget "The Block!" In fact it had the same Buffalo vibe; mostly regular folks having fun.



It's portrayed as a city full of low life scum, 300+ murders a year, large slums, and corruption in every facet of government.



The show isn't really flattering to the city of Baltimore.

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I lived in Baltimore. There's only 50x more things to do there than Buffalo so I don't get the put down.




You are the one asking about nightlife, so how can you say there are 50x more things to do in Baltimore?

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Not sure what part of Bawlmer you speak of. Certainly nowhere I went to.





I kid a bit...it's decent, I live 30 miles outside of Baltimore but rarely bother with the city. Can't remember the last time I was in the downtown, maybe 5 years ago? I take a trek to the Hunt Valley Wegmans and a beer store on occasion.


McGahee sits in his Timonium apt. eating Mrs. Paul's crabcakes and playing a vigorous tournament of Madden 2009.



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It's portrayed as a city full of low life scum, 300+ murders a year, large slums, and corruption in every facet of government.



The show isn't really flattering to the city of Baltimore.


Are they lying? The mayor is/was in trouble with some financial stuff...the school district is near bankruptcy all the time...there are large slums, not Detroit, but not good. I don't know what the murder numbers are.


I would say it's a group of average Amerikans, some with an accent that is low-grade trashy sounding. There's a bit of an identity crisis in Baltimore as it still doesn't know if it is "North" or "South", a dilemma they struggle with going back to the Civil War.


It isn't just the city...if you go to Dundalk, people from Cheektowaga would be like... :D:oops:

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It's portrayed as a city full of low life scum, 300+ murders a year, large slums, and corruption in every facet of government.


The show isn't really flattering to the city of Baltimore.


And how is that different than Buffalo?


You are the one asking about nightlife, so how can you say there are 50x more things to do in Baltimore?


I'm asking because I'm 50 and I don't go bar hopping anymore when I visit town. Clubs come and go constantly so places I remember are long gone.


But I do know that there are 3 bar districts in Buffalo: Chippawa, Allentown, and Elmwood. And they have a modest number of watering holes. Meanwhile Baltimore has more club districts and many more places to go in each. Fells Point alone is several city blocks. So I don't think I'm of base when I say Baltimore has it over Buffalo.



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Everyone seems concerned about Buffalo not being exciting enough for T.O. If the Bills (or Rogers) are smart, they will have a limo and condo at Owens' disposal. (T.O. in T.O....expect to hear that one a lot.)


But if Terrell only has a few hours to grab a vodka martini, are there any half-way cool night clubs in Buffalo? Even just one? No place with disco lights and DJ's? Jim Kelly had no trouble partying in Buffalo but I think his Western PA upbringing made him comfortable with shots, beers and wings.




I've spent a lot of time in bars (working and relaxing) in Buffalo, the east and west coasts, and a good portion of Western and Central Europe. Personally, I am not a club person (I like cafe-style places), but I have been to a few over the years. If TO is looking for the big clubs, with $50 door charges, $15 drinks, all the extravagent hoopla, etc he will be dissappointed. Buffalo has nothing like that. The best places in Buffalo are those that are hideen away and have good food. The alternative, if you want to aprty, is to go to Allentown and slum around. Though I don't know if I could see TO stadning in front of the Pink after everyone gets kicked out, trying to pick up chicks (which by the way, works real well).

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And how is that different than Buffalo?




I'm asking because I'm 50 and I don't go bar hopping anymore when I visit town. Clubs come and go constantly so places I remember are long gone.


But I do know that there are 3 bar districts in Buffalo: Chippawa, Allentown, and Elmwood. And they have a modest number of watering holes. Meanwhile Baltimore has more club districts and many more places to go in each. Fells Point alone is several city blocks. So I don't think I'm of base when I say Baltimore has it over Buffalo.



Buffalo has around 300,000 people, and has 60 murders a year. Baltimore has around 600,000 people, and 300 murders a year.



Gigantic difference.

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And how is that different than Buffalo?




I'm asking because I'm 50 and I don't go bar hopping anymore when I visit town. Clubs come and go constantly so places I remember are long gone.


But I do know that there are 3 bar districts in Buffalo: Chippawa, Allentown, and Elmwood. And they have a modest number of watering holes. Meanwhile Baltimore has more club districts and many more places to go in each. Fells Point alone is several city blocks. So I don't think I'm of base when I say Baltimore has it over Buffalo.




It's all about what you like. I've been to nice places that are crap and not fun and I've been to dives that were the best. One of the greatest places I was ever in was in Barcelona. We had been out drinking all day and well into the night. We were walking around the main strip and passed some people who told us about the scariest bar they had ever been, which we naturally wanted to go to (it was kinda like Hostel now that I think about it). It's about 3:30 am and this bar's front door is in an alley way off another alley way. When we finally got there (no sign) there was only a drunk homeless man passed out in front of this wooden door. When we knocked, there was a prohibition style slide to see who was on the other side that opened. We were let in to this place that was lit up like noon on a tropical island and packed. It was a hole, but a damn good place to party. It ended when I got into a fight with a socialist and we were ejected forcefully.

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This whole issue surprised me during the week. I remember seeing an article on T.O. a few years ago that said during the season he really doesn't do all that much. He's in bed by 10 o clock, and for god sakes, he sleeps in a hyperbolic chamber....like Michael Jackson, as Pierce said.


Yeah I'm sure its different during the offseason, but I don't think this whole idea of him as a world class partier is so true.

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Much of what falls under the definition of "night life" consists of getting drunk, imbibing drugs, being an offensive, strutting wise guy, ridiculing others with less cash in the wallet, or not so pretty in the face or body, and always hoping to copulate somehow.


I can't see how Buffalo's night life fails there...


It's not like players are out and about seeking classical music or jazz played by eclectic quartets, late-night poetry readings, lectures by notable writers, or new-and-coming art presentations.. .




My job as an owner (hypothetically) is to give every reason for players to enjoy the city where my football team is.


We're talking about nightlife, which for some (including football players) includes the desire to hang out at a nice club. Technically you could get drunk, imbibe drugs, and be an offensive, strutting wise guy in your own garage...but that won't help to sell Buffalo to football players.


Buffalo may have a bunch of bars, but apparently it lacks a quality nightclub and/or lounge.

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as someone already pointed out, if TO is 35 and still playing ball at the level he is, in the shape that he is, then going out during the season hardly seems like a priority for him. i wouldnt worry too much about TO being a malcontent because he is "bored in Buffalo". not every superstar wants/needs to go to the clubs every week. as a matter of fact, id argue that the real "superstars" know better than to worry about going out.


TO is a football player. he doesnt need to prove anything to himself or pump up his ego, by going out to clubs and getting recognized during the season. he takes his show to Sundays, where it matters most. thats one thing that Willis will never understand, you dont get famous by going out to better clubs. you get famous by making it happen on Sundays.


Im pretty sure that at this point, TO is much more interested in the attention he gets from the MILLIONS of people watching every Sunday, than he is the 100 or so pigeon-heads he'd meet in a club.

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