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Just how bad is Buffalo nightlife?

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Buffalo nightlife is fine. He won't have a problem, IMHO.


But what about during camp? Rochester really doesn't have much nightlife.


the only thing better about buffalo's nightlife is that it is open until 4am or something crazy.



rochester has highfalls and the east and alexander district which is very cool. classy and fun.

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I'm not sure I got my answer here. So what you are all saying is that Buffalo is full of bars but not a single night club? There is not one single place anywhere in the city that has club-style dj;s and dancing? No place that even attempts to resemble a NYC or Toronto night spot? If true that's pretty sad.




Why is that sad? Because Buffalo doesn't try to emulate the nightlife scene of bigger cities but instead has its own scene which is more tailored to the markets clientele and population?

I know a lot of people from the city that came to Buffalo for college and ended up embracing Buffalo for its differences. Some of them were used to the NYC club life but preferred to be the proverbial big fish in a small pond. Other people turned their noses up at our scene. It is what it is. Personally, I think true partyers and fun-loving people make the most of the environments that they're in. There are definitly a lot of real good-lookin girls on Chipp and other parts of the city as well.

I'd be willing to bet TO ends up enjoying it here. It may be different than what he is used to, but he strikes me as a different, more open-minded guy than Mcgahee.

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Buffalo is a great bar town; terrible "club" town. If these guys are looking for drinking districts with great watering holes than Buffalo is the best there is, but if they want the big cover VIP club scene, replete with top dollar women, stretch limos, "bling-bling", and A-list celebrities Buffalo ain't got nuthin' for 'em.


...and good riddance to 'em.



That's what is missing in WNY, for some of these guys...the celebrity factor. I'm sure Owens, and his buds, get a private room, where they run into other "stars" and get their night comped by management, half the time. While Niagara Falls, ONT has clubs, and strip clubs, you aren't likely to run into Puffy, in the back room.


Unlike McGahee, though, Owens is a big enough star, if the Bills start fast. some of his celeb friends may come to town, and they WILL be treated as celebs, in the clubs. Owens is actually a big enough celeb, in some circles, to attract some to WNY.


As has been mentioned in other threads (by Tim Graham), the Bufftown is sorely lacking in top-notch hotels, which probably makes a difference to some of these guys.


Baltimore, as was mentioned, is a crappy town, and I doubt they have much of a celeb factor, either. But, they probably have a bigger hip-hop culture, than WNY. I have no idea if that's what TO likes, I'm just mentioning it as a "fer instance".

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That's what is missing in WNY, for some of these guys...the celebrity factor. I'm sure Owens, and his buds, get a private room, where they run into other "stars" and get their night comped by management, half the time. While Niagara Falls, ONT has clubs, and strip clubs, you aren't likely to run into Puffy, in the back room.


Unlike McGahee, though, Owens is a big enough star, if the Bills start fast. some of his celeb friends may come to town, and they WILL be treated as celebs, in the clubs. Owens is actually a big enough celeb, in some circles, to attract some to WNY.


As has been mentioned in other threads (by Tim Graham), the Bufftown is sorely lacking in top-notch hotels, which probably makes a difference to some of these guys.


Baltimore, as was mentioned, is a crappy town, and I doubt they have much of a celeb factor, either. But, they probably have a bigger hip-hop culture, than WNY. I have no idea if that's what TO likes, I'm just mentioning it as a "fer instance".

I may be wrong here, but i think T.O. is very into hip-hop culture. I remember hearing clips of him rapping on the radio.

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just to echo.


Buffalo nightlife isnt a place for a young famous person to go out and be seen.


Im not sure if that is TO's thing or not.

Don't tell that to the Sabres players - most of them really enjoy nightlife in Buffalo and are generally treated like kings. Sure the NHL is much lower profile....but they're young, famous, and millionaires nonetheless.

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Don't tell that to the Sabres players - most of them really enjoy nightlife in Buffalo and are generally treated like kings. Sure the NHL is much lower profile....but they're young, famous, and millionaires nonetheless.



Millionaire doesn't equal celebrity. Most NHL players are very minor league celebs, at best. Even in Buffalo, most can go places and be pretty much under the radar.

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I said on here that buffalo was boreing and i got trashed and called all kinds of rude names just for telling the truth.



Because, for most, it isn't boring. It's a great party town, actually, with bars closing at 4AM every night of the week. Try going out in Boston, late at night.


But, if you are an A-list celeb (which I assume you are not), or have a specific culture that you enjoy (and one that Buffalo lacks), then I could see you being bored in Buffalo. But, as you can tell from those who blasted you, most seem to think Buffalo (and WNY) is far from boring, for them.

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Ah, I see the problem here. You're a douchebag, with poor grammar and spelling ability, as well. I apologize for treating you like a human being.

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Millionaire doesn't equal celebrity. Most NHL players are very minor league celebs, at best. Even in Buffalo, most can go places and be pretty much under the radar.

Errr...have you been to Buffalo in a while? Sabres players get a ton of attention when they're out at bars and the like.

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Ah, I see the problem here. You're a douchebag, with poor grammar and spelling ability, as well. I apologize for treating you like a human being.

see what iam talking about you just proved my point,thank you, you are just what i was talking about at least i know now that i was dead on with my coments.

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Errr...have you been to Buffalo in a while? Sabres players get a ton of attention when they're out at bars and the like.


Have you? The Sabres don't get that much attention at bars. And the Sabres are nothing more than local celebrities. When the Bills go out they get alot of attention. The Sabres, not so much.

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Errr...have you been to Buffalo in a while? Sabres players get a ton of attention when they're out at bars and the like.



I'm sure the Sabres get attention in Buffalo. You clearly still don't get what I'm saying.


Does a forward, on the second line of the Ottawa Senators get attention in Buffalo? Do nightclubs cater to them? Do music stars and film stars hob-nob with them, in the the back rooms of local clubs?


Ed Kilgore is a celebrity, in Buffalo, but he isn't Tom Cruise, or Brad Pitt. Get the difference in level there?

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