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Why Vote?


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The right to vote is the greatest gift mankind ever gave itself.


Think about it....for the 8000 or so years of recorded history prior to the US, the average guy couldn't have ANY say in who oppressed him.


Now we get to choose our oppressors! It's progress!!


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Elections other than President. I'm pretty sure some Republicans must be able to win something up there. Not that you have to have a Republican, but you get the point.


Gives a little more impetus and importance. to NYC becoming it's own state, doesn't it? Rezone the districts. Works for congress.

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Some amendments on the Florida Ballot.





1. Parental Notification of a Minor's Termination of Pregnancy


2. Constitutional Amendments Proposed by Initiative


3. The Medical Liability Claimant's Compensation Amendment


4. Authorizes Miami-Dade and Broward County Voters to Approve Slot Machines In Parimutuel Facilities


5. Florida Minimum Wage Amendment


6. Repeal of High Speed Rail Amendment


7. Patients' Right to Know About Adverse Medical Incidents


8. Public Protection from Repeated Medical Malpractice




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So, unless I am in an undecided state (of residence  :lol: ) and the EC decides the next Prez, not the popular choice - why vote?



I thought that once, but I learned that people are easily swayed by polls. If people start seeing a rise to one party or another, that gives that party a chance in future elections. If we steal 5-10 points from Kerry and the Dems this election, that helps our cause in future elections. If we don't vote, people will automatically assume that Repubs won't ever have a chance in the next election.


And those five points would definitely help, because if Rudy runs for President in 2008, he'll take half of NYC. Then, maybe, we can go from a blue state to a red state.

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I understand your feeling if you just apply it to one person.


Think as a group first, then vote your choice. For the system to work, it has to be a sincere honest choice.


It isn't about winning. It is about casting your vote, no matter if your "person" wins or loses.


Kinda like sitting at Rich during the 1-15 years? Or watching it on TV. No matter what I still do if I am physically possible.


Think for yourself, don't let anybody sway you (polls and media), and be heard (vote)... Just because your choice loses, doesn't mean you weren't "heard."


I know people "like" winners, which leads us into this conundrum. People also like to be part of a "team."


Just vote your choice and walk away. There is nothing more to it. Don't over think it.

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if you are a republican in NY you should vote because it still lends the greatest possible strength to your cause.


i believe that the political power that any candidate or party wields is always DYNAMIC. therefore it cannot stay the same; rather, if you vote for your canditate his/her power increases, but if you blow it off, his/her power DECREASES. so if maybe your candidate is billsfanone to fail this time, they may have a slightly better chance next time if you and others like you keep fighting the good fight.


it's sort of like being a bills fan these days...

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