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Willis McGahee speed question.


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I didn't see the speed people talk about, and he certainly didn't look any faster than he did in the Dolphin's game. There were times I was expecting to see the jets turn on, but it just wasn't there...particularly on one outside run when he get taken down from behind by a linebacker.


That's not to say he won't get faster. It's just to say in all the football I watch, I don't see him as being extraordinarily fast. Yet.


I agree with you. He waits too long at the line sometimes too before deciding where to run. He seems to have a lot of carries for no gain or a loss. I'm not sure how many, but it seems to be a little bit too often. Also, he's averaging like three and a half yards a carry or something like that. I'd like to think that if he were that good that he'd get that up by at least a yard.

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Let's also not forget his 2 starts came in windy weather on WET turf.


Wind has nothing to do with running the ball. The wet turf usually helps the runner more than the D which has to react.

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that's not quite the only knock on henry (see:  fumble-itis, blitz pickups, shoe selection)


I don't think either back has fumbled this season.

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I would say that he has not fully regained his speed--and seems a long way off.


One play comes to mind yesterday. 3rd and 1-- it was a fake hand-off to the FB to the right and then they pitch out to McGahee to the left (a play that Martz invented with Marshall Faulk in St.Louis). The idea is McGahee has to beat the defense to the outside. He didn't make it--he was dragged down short of the first down.


In addition, he was dragged down from behind a few times on draws yesterday.


But, consider that he still gained over a 100 yards and he's not even at full speed yet! When he gets back to full form, he'll be a monster.


On the pitchout, our tightend could not get his man to go inside, so our TE took his man outside. McGahee slowed down,and cut it inside. By slowing down the DE caught up real quick.

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Ehhhh....I dont think so....


Wind indirectly affects this very much....because the DEFENSE KNOWS YOU AREN'T GOING TO PASS.......




Right on - at times yesterday, I could swear I saw the Cards use a five-man DL...

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Ehhhh....I dont think so....


Wind indirectly affects this very much....because the DEFENSE KNOWS YOU AREN'T GOING TO PASS.......





Well.....I heard that the great Ricky Williams once ran for 228 yards in 3 quarters in a very wet and windy RWS......when the Bills KNEW Ray Lucas wasn't passing....

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Right on - at times yesterday, I could swear I saw the Cards use a five-man DL...


We had one Cards' fan in the bar yesterday. He was jumping around like a retard when they scored their last TD (nice coverage, Lawyer and Nate :doh: ), saying "we should have been doing that all day." I tried to explain the weather but he just wasn't getting it.


For those who were there: It looked like the weather let up some in the 4th quarter. Did it?

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Well.....I heard that the great Ricky Williams once ran for 228 yards in 3 quarters in a very wet and windy RWS......when the Bills KNEW Ray Lucas wasn't passing....



I remember that game. It was in the snow. Our defenders kept sliding around, missing tackles. I remember feeling embarrassed for our defense. Bledsoe seriously outplayed Ray Lucas, but Ricky Williams was really dominant.

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For those who were there:  It looked like the weather let up some in the 4th quarter.  Did it?

Not really, misty rain on & off all game, wind looked worse on the field than it felt from my seat(s). I sat in Section 338, row 1 in the 1st half, then down in section 133 in the 2nd half. The wind was not a factor in these two locations. On 'zona TD pass, Josh did not appear to have a problem getting the ball in the endzone, so possibly it let up then. :doh:

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Well.....I heard that the great Ricky Williams once ran for 228 yards in 3 quarters in a very wet and windy RWS......when the Bills KNEW Ray Lucas wasn't passing....


That wasn't wet, it was snow, and it wasn't really that windy. 15 mph that day (sez the media guide; I don't normally take an anemometer to the game), gusting at 40mph yesterday. Big difference. 15mph is annoying. 40mph is the 'Hawk'.


Back in 1974, Joe Namath completed more passes to the Bills than to the Jets (3 - 2) when the Hawk blew through Rich Stadium.... Bills won that game attempting 2 passes, completing 0. And that was in September.

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You're right. That's an oddity.



yeah, and it's also an oddity how henry was a more productive back when he was fumbling once every 10 carries. seriously. he was a better runner when he was laying the ball on the carpet.

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Yesterday I saw a "Slow" :doh: Willis Mcgahee rip off back to back runs of 24 yards. On the first one if I remember correctly if he broke the last tackle he would've been off to the races. I'll take back to back runs of 20+ yards out of my rb anyday of the week and twice on sundays. He might not be as fast as he was at the U, but he's plenty fast to be a starting rb in the nfl, and I have no complaints about him. Unlike Henry he doesn't run into a hole and fall down. He waits for blockers patient and can cut back, and usually gains positive yardage. Everything he brings to the table is production production production. I like what I've seen and hope to see plenty more. How can anyone knock the guy who just gave you the only 2 rushing td's we've had in the past 10 games? Just beat the jets and improve our record to 3-0 when Willis our starting back.

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