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EXCLUSIVE...stevestojan post game


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steve and his "waitress" were found celebrating in the Ralph Wilson Stadium parking lot after the Bills thrashing of the Cardinals...wedding Bells may be in the future......







tater...that would be funny except we all know that steve prefers blowup men. ;)

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steve....no comment????  ;)




I was expecting funnier posts... :rolleyes:


Anyway, i lost my damn voice - can barely speak. How exciting does Willis make the game??? Just replace #11 and we have a shot next year.



I gotta feelin' - that Buffalo is going to the Super Bowl (in2006)

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So Steve - we need a trip report from you.  You don't need a voice to post. Let's hear about the whole weekend.




Well, the only thing worth reporting is that I went out friday till all hours of the night, then saturday came around so we were going to "take it easy". We went to TGIFridays, and the crowd there was anti-fun so we went to Mickey Callahans, where we were again going to take it easy. One of my best friends is a bartender there, so that was tough. What was tougher is my original ride wanted to leave at 11:30pm so i stayed until Ian (the bartender) got off of work. This is now 5:30am . I had to be up at 7:30, latest. I got home at 6:30am after grabbing some drunken eats. I got an hour and 15 minutes of sleep and then off to the tailgate. A cup of coffee and a strong vodka drink later, and my mood was back to excellent again, and it was a great morning. I made two guarentees: McGahee would have 2 TDs and he would run for over 125 yards. One came true, and that was enough for me. I got home at 6:00pm yesterday, and slept until 8am this morning! ;) Anyway, it was a good day yesterday, saw friends i havnt seen in forever, and watched the first bills win i have seen live in the last 4 attempts.

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Do we have to, Gidge?




Paco, don't be mad that people actualy enjoy me, and no one gives two craps about you. And don't turn this otherwise fun thread into yet another one of you following me around. If you want to insult me, just PM it. It will be easier.

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Paco, don't be mad that people actualy enjoy me, and no one gives two craps about you. And don't turn this otherwise fun thread into yet another one of you following me around. If you want to insult me, just PM it. It will be easier.


Wow. Absolutely, positive wow.


I apologize to the masses here who enjoy stevestojan, hate me, and are looking forward to his story. I in no way meant to take away from a fun thread and put a damper on the weekly report of his life.

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Wow. Absolutely, positive wow.


I apologize to the masses here who enjoy stevestojan, hate me, and are looking forward to his story. I in no way meant to take away from a fun thread and put a damper on the weekly report of his life.





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