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A Rod Tests


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The saddest part is that A-rod, Bonds, Clemens...none of them needed steroids one bit! They could have been considered some of the greatest in the history of the game without popping one single pill, or injecting themselves with anything. The only reason they took steroids is because they are narcissists who are never satisfied, and now they have to live with their mistakes. McGwire is a slightly different story because his home run swing was the only thing that he had going for him. He wasn't speedy, he didn't field very well, and he didn't hit for average. Bonds and A-rod....5 tool players, two of the greatest to ever take the field. Both of them are right up there with Willie Mays, but they just screwed it all up. As a baseball fan who can appreciate a great player, it is very very sad/



McGwire had 49 homers as a rookie... unless he was on roids then (I don't believe he was) there is some evidence that he was a pretty good hitter early on. But, I get your point.


Funny, I stopped caring about baseball so much, a long time ago. Growing up, I pulled for the Reds and Expos, and the Yankees to a degree. That last strike really snuffed out any love I still had for the game...I still casually pull for the Yankees, only because I always hate the Red Sox, and most of my family and friends still love the Yanks... nobody seems all that upset, or surprised about A-Rod...

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Artie Lange just said he wonders why A-Rod stopped taking Steroids on October 1st...you by chance a comedy writer DCT????? :thumbsup:


Am I the only one who read the headline "A-Rod admits to taking performance enhancing drugs" and immediately thought "But not in the playoffs"?
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