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Your suggestion otherwise shows your inexperence and naivete, thus proving my point as I've pointed out. You're a moron. Nice try though.


Nice back track, idiot.



Your response further demonstrates your loutishness and inability to have a civil discussion. Your "take away" from my post further demonstrates that you are an extremely dim bulb.

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You are way off base.


No he's not; he's right on the money as always.

All cops are super human genius' with accrued wisdom and sensibility which prevents them from ever making a single mistake. They are also the only faction of people in the entire history of humanity comprised solely of selfless cherubs without the slightest character flaw. They're never out of line, never overbearing, never dismissive, never rude, never mistaken and in the entire history of their perfect profession not one of them has ever made a single mistake or so much as considered exercising poor judgment.

They are perfect, flawless human saints and anybody who even suggest otherwise is obviously an inferior criminal degenerate. The next time one of them accosts you on a pleasant evening in your own neighborhood you should drop to your knees in shame, tongue-bathe their loafers and pray for a hint of their munificent benevolence.

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They are perfect, flawless human saints and anybody who even suggest otherwise is obviously an inferior criminal degenerate. The next time one of them accosts you on a pleasant evening in your own neighborhood you should drop to your knees in shame, tongue-bathe their loafers and pray for a hint of their munificent benevolence.






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No he's not; he's right on the money as always.

All cops are super human genius' with accrued wisdom and sensibility which prevents them from ever making a single mistake. They are also the only faction of people in the entire history of humanity comprised solely of selfless cherubs without the slightest character flaw. They're never out of line, never overbearing, never dismissive, never rude, never mistaken and in the entire history of their perfect profession not one of them has ever made a single mistake or so much as considered exercising poor judgment.

They are perfect, flawless human saints and anybody who even suggest otherwise is obviously an inferior criminal degenerate. The next time one of them accosts you on a pleasant evening in your own neighborhood you should drop to your knees in shame, tongue-bathe their loafers and pray for a hint of their munificent benevolence.

Had some trouble with the law?

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You're the one taking late night strolls through neighborhoods with hookers in them. The watch commander told you the reason the officer got out to speak with you is because he thought you were loitering for prostitution. To me that tells me you are in an area that is known for prostitution. That should also be a sign that you might want to take an alternative route home.


Last time I checked, it was a free country. If there's really so many prostitutes in this area, don't the cops have better things to do than question guys who are walking around and minding their own business?

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You're the one taking late night strolls through neighborhoods with hookers in them. The watch commander told you the reason the officer got out to speak with you is because he thought you were loitering for prostitution. To me that tells me you are in an area that is known for prostitution. That should also be a sign that you might want to take an alternative route home.


It wasn't late. There were no prostitutes. I was walking in my neighborhood, in my country. We are not under Marshall law. Go suck an egg. Shut the fuk up. You are speaking out of school. I will not be intimidated by jack boot thugs a block from my house. What if I had been walking with my girl as sometimes happens. We might have had some real problems then. The actions I have already taken are probably sufficient at this point. But you have contributed nothing, except sloppy thinking. I've have taken different routes home. The first time was on a major road. The second time on a back road. It didn't matter. I will not be told where I cannot walk by punks like you. The Commander agrees with me jackass. Can't wait to see you on youtube.

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Last time I checked, it was a free country. If there's really so many prostitutes in this area, don't the cops have better things to do than question guys who are walking around and minding their own business?



No, the whores and pimps give Felix kickbacks, so he doesn't bust them. He has to justify his existence somehow, so he harasses innocent people walking down the street. Felix is a living example of why some people refer to the police as "Pigs". Maybe if cops like Felix did their jobs, law-abiding citizens could walk the streets at 10PM. Instead, this rogue cop thinks the streets belong to HIM, instead of the citizens who pay his (legitimate) salary.


This thread certainly is an eye-opener about Felix. I'd love to know what police force hires such sub-standard individuals.

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It wasn't late. There were no prostitutes. I was walking in my neighborhood, in my country. We are not under Marshall law. Go suck an egg. Shut the fuk up. You are speaking out of school. I will not be intimidated by jack boot thugs a block from my house. What if I had been walking with my girl as sometimes happens. We might have had some real problems then. The actions I have already taken are probably sufficient at this point. But you have contributed nothing, except sloppy thinking. I've have taken different routes home. The first time was on a major road. The second time on a back road. It didn't matter. I will not be told where I cannot walk by punks like you. The Commander agrees with me jackass. Can't wait to see you on youtube.


By the looks of it, you may give off an angry, paranoid vibe to the cops.


One question...if you were walking, what "every cranny" did they search? Clothes? Backpack?

OK....2 more questions.....what type of clothes were you wearing, and were you within a few blocks of a church when they stopped you?

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Actually, loitering is against the law in Florida.


856.021 Loitering


(1) It is unlawful for any person to loiter or prowl in a place, at a time or in a manner not usual for law-abiding individuals, under circumstances that warrant a justifiable and reasonable alarm or immediate concern for the safety of persons or property in the vicinity.


(2) Among the circumstances which may be considered in determining whether such alarm or immediate concern is warranted is the fact that the person takes flight upon appearance of a law enforcement officer, refuses to identify himself or herself, or manifestly endeavors to conceal himself or herself or any object. Unless flight by the person or other circumstance makes it impracticable, a law enforcement officer shall, prior to any arrest for an offense under this section, afford the person an opportunity to dispel any alarm or immediate concern which would otherwise be warranted by requesting the person to identify himself or herself and explain his or her presence and conduct. No person shall be convicted of an offense under this section if the law enforcement officer did not comply with this procedure or if it appears at trial that the explanation given by the person is true and, if believed by the officer at the time, would have dispelled the alarm or immediate concern.


(3) Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.





So, that explains why you have more complaints in your jacket than any other cop on your force. You confuse walking, with loitering. One would think a cop suspended as many times as you have, wouldn't still have a badge.

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By the looks of it, you may give off an angry, paranoid vibe to the cops.

One question...if you were walking, what "every cranny" did they search? Clothes? Backpack?

OK....2 more questions.....what type of clothes were you wearing, and were you within a few blocks of a church when they stopped you?




Good questions, for the most part. The reaction, once questioned, I think is very important. Although, based on Cheeseburgers responses here, I'm thinking he may have handled it well...the anger in this thread is in direct response to Felix's harassment and stupidity. I think he has handled it pretty well, so far.


But, your questions are the kind of questions I would expect an INTELLIGENT cop to ask, in this thread. But, I must admit I'm confused by your interest in his proximity to a church. What's with that?

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Good questions, for the most part. The reaction, once questioned, I think is very important. Although, based on Cheeseburgers responses here, I'm thinking he may have handled it well...the anger in this thread is in direct response to Felix's harassment and stupidity. I think he has handled it pretty well, so far.


But, your questions are the kind of questions I would expect an INTELLIGENT cop to ask, in this thread. But, I must admit I'm confused by your interest in his proximity to a church. What's with that?

This is a Good-ol-Boy section of Florida, and if there is a church, a school, something like that and it is in an area where there are drugs or seediness going on, the cops are going to protect those assets and in fact can bring in more fine money on plea downs for the town by getting someone in front of or a block or two away from a "sacred" asset.


Most cops don't care about little things, unless there is a mandate for them to do it or there is something in it for them.

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By the looks of it, you may give off an angry, paranoid vibe to the cops.


One question...if you were walking, what "every cranny" did they search? Clothes? Backpack?

OK....2 more questions.....what type of clothes were you wearing, and were you within a few blocks of a church when they stopped you?


Backpack? Dude, I was at dinner, not camping. Clothes? They frisked me and searched my wallet. What's that about? Are there not illegal search and seizure laws? I said OK sure, I've got nothing to hide. It was weird, irritating and humiliating, especially the second time. Different cops I think. Not sure; there were two the first timem four of five the second time. It was still cold in early January. Probably wearing jeans and one of my polo shirts and my black leather coat (Seventh Avenue). There are quite a few churches in this town. I believe there is one under construction several blocks down from where I was stopped the first time. Both times I asked what's up. I tried to be friendly. I was treated like dirt. And they lied on their reports about the time. Explain that. That's really my big question at this point. I was satisfied with what the Commander said except for that. Why change the time? I can't believe this is professional police work. Maybe I should bounce this off some of my cousins or uncles who have worked in law enforcement. These cops were all very young. It takes me twenty to twenty five minutes to walk from "the grill" to my front door at a steady pace. I was not arrested, just harassed and talked to with attitude and disrespect. Part of the area is our black part of town. I get the feeling they do what they want and get away with it.

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I have lots of respect for honest cops. I think they are great people and true heroes on many occasions. They do screw up though, especially with young cops. They make errors in judgment.


I have seen cops hit people when they didn't have to. I have seen SWAT teams (Navy Seals too for that matter) come into my bar and get drunk as hell and drive 40 miles to a casino or down the road to a strip club. I was at a strip club one night at 3:20 am (beer sales cut off at 3 by city ordinance) and got a beer from the bottle only poured into a mug. Being a bartender I know this is illegal. I turn around and there is a cop two feet in front of me. I edge around him and ask the waitress how they got away with it. Since I knew a few people that worked there and we were tipping fat, she may have been telling the truth when she said, "Oh don't worry we pay them off."


I went to that club maybe 25 times over about a 5 year span. Every instance I was there I saw massive law violations. Someone opens the door to the women's bathroom (or you get pulled in there by a stripper) and there about 3-4 people doing coke.


In the back room there would be on average about 12 couples breaking the law with contact. 2-3 would be in a back corner getting more intimate than a lap dance. This club was considered a top 50 club nationally at least and was all of a block from the precinct station. In a massive 3 year investigation, they uncovered evidence of drugs and prostitution and were finally able to close down the place.


I think it cost about 250k for the investigation, but worst cast scenario using OCin math it was at least 20k.

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You're the one taking late night strolls through neighborhoods with hookers in them. The watch commander told you the reason the officer got out to speak with you is because he thought you were loitering for prostitution. To me that tells me you are in an area that is known for prostitution. That should also be a sign that you might want to take an alternative route home.

Go Away.... Puke head.

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Actually, loitering is against the law in Florida.


856.021 Loitering


(1) It is unlawful for any person to loiter or prowl in a place, at a time or in a manner not usual for law-abiding individuals, under circumstances that warrant a justifiable and reasonable alarm or immediate concern for the safety of persons or property in the vicinity.


(2) Among the circumstances which may be considered in determining whether such alarm or immediate concern is warranted is the fact that the person takes flight upon appearance of a law enforcement officer, refuses to identify himself or herself, or manifestly endeavors to conceal himself or herself or any object. Unless flight by the person or other circumstance makes it impracticable, a law enforcement officer shall, prior to any arrest for an offense under this section, afford the person an opportunity to dispel any alarm or immediate concern which would otherwise be warranted by requesting the person to identify himself or herself and explain his or her presence and conduct. No person shall be convicted of an offense under this section if the law enforcement officer did not comply with this procedure or if it appears at trial that the explanation given by the person is true and, if believed by the officer at the time, would have dispelled the alarm or immediate concern.


(3) Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

If this is the way you apply the law, this is why people don't trust you. There are plenty of good policemen and I have a lot of respect for them. But your attitude on this board, shows why certain people don't trust the men in blue.... It begs the question?...Are foot patrolmen a benefit or hindrance to a free society??? You don't help your cause.... Hope you get traffic duty and then you can really feel the ire of citizens' distrust for your kind.

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You're the one taking late night strolls through neighborhoods with hookers in them. The watch commander told you the reason the officer got out to speak with you is because he thought you were loitering for prostitution. To me that tells me you are in an area that is known for prostitution. That should also be a sign that you might want to take an alternative route home.


This reeks of lazy police work to me.

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