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If you could see any player play again...


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Gale Sayers, hands down. Jim Brown was big and fast and mowed people over. Sayers was a ballet dancer on a football field. No, I'm not talking about the tights and the effeminate image of ballet. From the few clips I've seen of him, he just moved with such grace it made football an art. Sanders was like him, and may have even had more moves than Sayers, but Sayers still had more grace.

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Drew Bledsoe.





Football: Jim Kelly


Hockey: Pat LaFontaine (La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-LaFontaine!!!)


Baseball: Paul O'Neill


(These are hardly 'all-time players'; I'm just going with people I used to enjoy watching and miss now)

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Kelly....I miss watching a QB drop back and fire it with such confidence that you just knew it was gonna be a big gain (or the occaisonal INT when he got a little too cocky :( )


He was a leader and a warrior.


In terms of a player I never got to see, OJ. I heard he was maybe the best natural runner "slasher" ever. Would have loved to watch that 73 season.



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Bruce in his prime. There was never a defensive player since or before who the opposing offense had to set their entire gameplan around. This is the guy who is mentioned by every hall of fame QB from 1985-2001 as the guy who delivered their biggest hit. That's saying something. You can spout all you want about ray lewis, decon jones, or the minister of defense, but they're simply a step behind bruce.

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Guest Guest Lineman
Kent Hull- never got the credit he deserved for being the brains behind one of the greatest offenses in history. A better guy, you'll never meet




Kent Hull.


Don't look cute or refined.


Just do what the f**k you have to. And win.

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If you had the chance to see any player, old time or recent, play in a game, who would it be? This does not mean you would like to see the current aged OJ Simpson run around. I mean, who would you like to see play again if they were in their prime.


I say either Gale Sayers of Barry Sanders.


In their prime without any doubt would be O.J. Simpson. He was just so much better than anyone on the field. He did things that didn't seem possible. I hate the guy today with a passion but I think most football historians pass him by because he stabbed 2 people to death but if were talking strictly football he was one of the best ever. Jim Brown also killed a girl.

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Jack Kemp or Daryl Lamonica - circa 1964 season.


I saw then both "back when", but as a kid I did not pay enough attention to the game on the field.


Other old timers I would like to see (again) in their prime:


Jim Brown

Johnny Unitas

Y.A. Tittle

The Purple People Eaters ;)

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