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The new bin Laden tape

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Excuse me, but can any of you Kerry lovers speak of his accomplishments? Marrying rich women doesn't count. 4 freekin months in Nam to get 3 quick purple hearts and out of there. Then 2 years to meet with the North VNM and condemn his country. He criticizes Bush and has a lot of cheap talk, but a crappy voting record and NO ACCOMPLISHMENTS. Next time you're trying to push Kerry down our throats, try listing them. You'll have a very short posting. Good reason to support a candidate, he can criticize the President. Hey, I can do that too! Want to vote for me?

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Unfortunately, there are plenty, too many, muslims listening to him.  If all he was doing was listening to himself, he could have made a lot more tapes, having them come out daily.  The fact that AQ has hit as many targets as it has for as long as it has despite the Afghan and Iraqi wars demonstrates conslusively that enough people listen to him, follow him and are inspired by him to make him and AQ extremely dangerous.  In studying our enemy, you can't be too "technical", details matter.  We are not the audience he intends to reach.



And what does that say about all those muslims?

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What? I am a Christian and a conservative.


And blind it appears. No offense, but you are teaching no tolerance for the liberals in your posts today. Sorry doesn't matter your party, you should always vote for the best candidate. Not just the one that will make you feel good today, but who is best for this country 20 years from now when the effects of long term programs a president pushes are going. Not everything is immediately known.

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If Kerry Wins the Islamic extremists will be crapping in their pants.




Wow. Outstanding. All this time you've been able to walk the line, sounding like a hard leftist, but until this post I would have never guessed that everything you've been writing for the past year has been sarcasm. You have done a tremendous job walking your tongue-in-cheek prose right up to the very edge, and I for one have been completely fooled into believing you were just a very extreme Dem.


What a surprise to find out that all this time you've been pulling our legs and are really a Bush supporter with a very dry sense of humor. Man, you had me for a while, but your post above finally gave you away. I hope I didn't spoil it for anyone else.


Great job. Wow. Who else was fooled all this time by LGB?

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You really don't care what Kerry has done or else you would look into it.

You just want to believe the garbage, spin, deceit, lies and smear from the Republicans.

The spin you seem to believe about Kerry on security and military votes

ignore the fact the he DID vote for those Bills. He voted against them (as many did) because they were riddled with Pork,

waste and special interests. After they were rejected and came back to the senate more lean (with the same spending on the important

military spending) he then voted to pass them through. BUT, the Republicans deceive simple people by just saying that "He voted against it".

If you did your own research, you would see how bad you are being duped and brainwashed.


I'll do the work for you.






That was funny. I just spit coffee all over my monitor. next you'll tell me Kerry will raise Reeve from the grave and make him walk. I never realized you were a comedian.

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What if? I tell you what if....19 terrorists would hijack airliners and fly them into buildings and kill 3,000 people, THATS what if.


bin Laden made tape after tape and threat after threat while Clinton was in office. He enacted fatwa and fatwa saying all Americans are targets. He declared total war on us. And except for some cruise missles launched his way, all we did was "flip him off and ignore him". And look where it got us.


Man, I cant begin to express to you how ridiculous that statement is and how indicative it is of the liberal way of thinking re: foreign policy. "IGNORE IT AND IT WILL GO AWAY". A way of thinking that has killed one thousand times more soldiers and civilians throughout history than the current Iraqi conflict has. By FAR and away one of the absolute DUMBEST, most dangerous things ever posted on this board, Mick. This is NOT one of your finest moments at all. Youre smarter than that.


Perhaps you chose to ignore what I said in the thread I started about that tape:


"Again, the best response for us and especially news networks with global coverage (mainly CNN), is to give as little publicity to this tape as we can and still not overly restrict information and analysis. Sure it should be covered but it need not be saturated."


Having the public ignore what he has to say in terms of our election is not tantamount to advocating that AQ and terrorists be ignored. That is a point so obvious that I didn't think it had to be made but then again, I forgot how many people there are on this board who are so desparate to play "gotcha" that you can't leave even the most obvious notion unsaid. Seriously, do you think it is a fair reading of my post to conclude that I advocated that the authorities and those charged with getting this guy simply ignore him? Do you really think that is what I meant or did you simply see an opportunity to spin what I said into a cheap shot? I'm thinking it was the latter.


You do not give a terrorist free network advertising around the clock worth millions. You might as well send him a check made payable to the order of Al Queda. If you have an argument that having talking heads use the tape to garner votes for their preferred candidate somehow enhances our security, I'd love to hear it. That is clearly the use of the tape I am condemning. Taking that condemnation and spinning it into one against the analysis of the tape from the standpoint of security is as silly as it is a transparent effort at contrived, partisan attack.

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You do not give a terrorist free network advertising around the clock worth millions.


I understand what you're saying, Mickey, but we unfortunately have no control over the what is aired. Yes, we feed into it by discussing it and disecting it, but there just is no way to make the general population ignore the tripe and idiocy that is handed to them by people with an agenda.


If we could, Farenheit 911 would have gone straight to video.

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I understand what you're saying, Mickey, but we unfortunately have no control over the what is aired. Yes, we feed into it by discussing it and disecting it, but there just is no way to make the general population ignore the tripe and idiocy that is handed to them by people with an agenda.


If we could, Farenheit 911 would have gone straight to video.


If we could F9/11 would have gone straight to the dumpster. At best it would have been on sci/fi theatre 3000 with the robot etc... making fun of it in their seats.

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NATO Commander? You should talk with some folks who have served with him. I'd much rather see Tommy Franks in some appointed position.



You know those Clinton era generals have such a good reputaion in the military. Everyone listens to them. :)


Yeah, Paul I am glad some other folks here actually realize how much the Clarks, Zini's etc... owe to Clinton getting elected. Most of them would have been paper pushing Colonels. Of course even Zini, who would campaign for Bush, also said it was stupid actually believe he would vote for Kerry. He has stated he will reluctantly pull the Bush switch on election day. Not a glowing endorsement, but even worse for Kerry when the guys who dislike Bush even like Kerry less.

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I heard more than one "expert" over the past few days saying that OBL made the tape to be conciliatory not toward the US but toward those he hopes to attract to his cause. They further stated that although OBL doesn't state a preference for a candidate he would in all likelihood prefer Bush, because Bush is a poster-boy for recruitment. The psychology of OBL's personal attack on the Bush family would seem to bear that out ... perhaps


Since the GOP are so fond of giving OBL free press, that makes sense. I don't have a count this year but even in WA the GOP likes to use OBL in their attack ads....if you elect Pauline Schwartz dogcatcher in East Poodunk, don't you know it's a win for OBL?


Anyway I think that people are so used to seeing OBL that another tape is just a yawner. I can't imagine it's going to scare anyone into changing their vote one way or another. Unless they stop to wonder WHY the guy is still out there alive, apparently healthy and making videos.

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Right, because by reading our posts above, its clear that we are extolling Drudge's virtues as the one and only true bastion of journalism. So so patently clear from our posts above that we hold him in such high regard tha all other media outlets are pure trash.

So the problem is whether or not its true...but if it is...and it appears that it is, its the MEDIA's fault for jumping on the story that is so bad about this. So by your rationale, no matter how ridiculous or repugnant the comment is...now matter what the action being reported is, its the REACTION to it that is important. Its not that someone who should know better popped off with some of the most insulting, slanderous trash ever recorded that is truly important...its the fact that a news outlet and its staff is going to comment on it and perhaps make it one of their top stories the issue about all this that deserves scorn.


Man, you are one twisted !@#$.


You're making a bigger deal over this than the media. I haven't heard one word about it. But I do congratulate you on finally figuring out that it's the media who takes petty crap and turns it into "issues". That you FALL for it proves that it works, which is why they won't stop.

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Wrong. Im making a "deal" out of your silly response to it.


The actual comment is just another outlandish, rude, whiny, ridiculous statement made by another rude, obnoxious, sour-puss, out of touch with reality, intolerant, angry whiny liberal candy-ass prick like yourself, Belzer, Franken, Rhodes, Garafalo and the rest who can do nothing more than bang their heads harder into the "HATE BUSH" wall and embarrass themselves and their party further.


People like ME arent in a tizzy out of people like YOU. Where just tired of your spoiled-brat like whining and moaning and bellyaching. You dont like Bush and you loathe everyone who doesnt think like you. We get it. Maybe if you did a little more in the way of constructive talk, LISTEN to the other point of view and come up with SOLUTIONS to all you find so evil and terrible, which BTW is pretty much EVERYTHING, others would take maroons like yourself and the rest of the whiners on the left more seriously.


So in short...bring something constructive to the table besides drive-by, irrational rantings, insults to those who disagree with you and petty attacks or SHUT THE !@#$ UP ALREADY.

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Wrong. Im making a "deal" out of your silly response to it.


The actual comment is just another outlandish, rude, whiny, ridiculous statement made by another rude, obnoxious, sour-puss, out of touch with reality, intolerant, angry whiny liberal candy-ass prick like yourself, Belzer, Franken, Rhodes, Garafalo and the rest who can do nothing more than bang their heads harder into the "HATE BUSH" wall and embarrass themselves and their party further.


People like ME arent in a tizzy out of people like YOU. Where just tired of your spoiled-brat like whining and moaning and bellyaching. You dont like Bush and you loathe everyone who doesnt think like you. We get it. Maybe if you did a little more in the way of constructive talk, LISTEN to the other point of view and come up with SOLUTIONS to all you find so evil and terrible, which BTW is pretty much EVERYTHING, others would take maroons like yourself and the rest of the whiners on the left more seriously.


So in short...bring something constructive to the table besides drive-by, irrational rantings, insults to those who disagree with you and petty attacks or SHUT THE !@#$ UP ALREADY.


I have to disagree with this assessment, Rk. Just this week they were looking for a fair and impartial picture of Bush as a cheerleader. They're very open-minded. ;)

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OBL sez: "America, Bush cannot protect you."


In other words, don't vote for him.


In other words, OBL doesn't want Bush re-elected.



No he is saying vote for bush so he can have an easier time to attack again.


He picks on Bush because he was in office - not going to pick on someone who had nothing to do with the situation. He didn't pick on you so I guess that means he wants you to be president.

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No he is saying vote for bush so he can have an easier time to attack again.


He picks on Bush because he was in office - not going to pick on someone who had nothing to do with the situation.  He didn't pick on you so I guess that means he wants you to be president.



It seems pretty obvious to me that OBL endorses Kerry.




November 1, 2004 -- WASHINGTON - Osama bin Laden warned in his October Surprise video that he will be closely monitoring the state-by-state election returns in tomorrow's presidential race — and will spare any state that votes against President Bush from being attacked, according to a new analysis of his statement.

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