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BREAKING NEWS: Jauron to be retained

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LOL. good point try about 2:30 Sunday afternoon just bout the time for half-time....I love the Bills but if this is Ralph's (or the front office) plan to continue to swim in mediocrity id rather see them gone. Juaron better be on a very short leash. :censored::(


We can always lean on Bobby April if DJ gets fired early next season

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rant rant rant. people need to get over themselves and grow up a little. we're all too old to be throwing temper tantrums. Jauron makes a lot of mistakes, but more disorder is probably not what this young team needs - but we can hope that there is a real effort at improving in-game management and play calling. Heck, it was Turk's first year as a coordinator and how much of the mistakes were actually Jauron's, and not him just falling on his sword for his coaches? One more year is probably the right decision, but if we are having the same problems next year its over for this staff.


We have one of the youngest teams in league, and possibly the youngest on offense. Additionally we arguably overachieved the previous two years winning with Losman and a rookie. one more year for the benefit of the doubt isn't unreasonable.

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The staff is going nowhere. They all agreed that things didn't go perfectly this year, but they think things are headed in the right direction.


Prediction: 3-13 in 2009.

seriously...this lifeless franchise is about to take a swan dive. f you ralph you cheap sack of schitt.

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rant rant rant. people need to get over themselves and grow up a little. we're all too old to be throwing temper tantrums. Jauron makes a lot of mistakes, but more disorder is probably not what this young team needs - but we can hope that there is a real effort at improving in-game management and play calling. Heck, it was Turk's first year as a coordinator and how much of the mistakes were actually Jauron's, and not him just falling on his sword for his coaches? One more year is probably the right decision, but if we are having the same problems next year its over for this staff.


We have one of the youngest teams in league, and possibly the youngest on offense. Additionally we arguably overachieved the previous two years winning with Losman and a rookie. One more year and that's it.


If it is one more year and that's it, why was he offered, and agreed on, a three year extension?


This is Ralph Wilson logic.

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Because he doesn't care about winning a Super Bowl. Only about competing, as in fielding a team. Basically, this was an investment that turned into a bonanza goldmine bigger than his wildest dreams and he's just happy to be around the game and go out with his boots on knowing his family is set for a few generations.

Thanks, Ralph.


Why the fuk does he care how much money he dies with? He can't take it with him?


Committment to mediocrity? don't you have to have at least an 8-8 record to be mediocre?

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rant rant rant. people need to get over themselves and grow up a little. we're all too old to be throwing temper tantrums. Jauron makes a lot of mistakes, but more disorder is probably not what this young team needs - but we can hope that there is a real effort at improving in-game management and play calling. Heck, it was Turk's first year as a coordinator and how much of the mistakes were actually Jauron's, and not him just falling on his sword for his coaches? One more year is probably the right decision, but if we are having the same problems next year its over for this staff.


We have one of the youngest teams in league, and possibly the youngest on offense. Additionally we arguably overachieved the previous two years winning with Losman and a rookie. One more year and that's it.



OK, I'm going to listen to you, Mrs. Dick.

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I know I'm the only one besides Ralph, but I like Jauron and think he's a good coach. This team does have some talent and is close. If it is "blown up" things get worse, much worse. I get the continuity thing. I like Wilson's decision. :(

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I know I'm the only one besides Ralph, but I like Jauron and think he's a good coach. This team does have some talent and is close. If it is "blown up" things get worse, much worse. I get the continuity thing. I like Wilson's decision. :(


Why do you think he is a good coach?

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Anyone else notice that nowhere in the press release from Wilson does he talk about spending money to get FAs? He's expecting to get better via the draft and better veteran leadership, with this coaching staff that made HS coaches look like Hall of Famers. I watched and rewatched that pre-halftime sequence last night and was just stunned at how amateurish (at best) it looked. Absolutely pathetic. That combo should be good for 4-12 maybe next year. I'm really starting to wonder if Ralph is pulling a "Major League" here.....

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I know I'm the only one besides Ralph, but I like Jauron and think he's a good coach. This team does have some talent and is close. If it is "blown up" things get worse, much worse. I get the continuity thing. I like Wilson's decision. :(


What kind of Kool Aid are you drinking? Miami blew up their team and now they're division champs.

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rant rant rant. people need to get over themselves and grow up a little. we're all too old to be throwing temper tantrums. Jauron makes a lot of mistakes, but more disorder is probably not what this young team needs - but we can hope that there is a real effort at improving in-game management and play calling. Heck, it was Turk's first year as a coordinator and how much of the mistakes were actually Jauron's, and not him just falling on his sword for his coaches? One more year is probably the right decision, but if we are having the same problems next year its over for this staff.


We have one of the youngest teams in league, and possibly the youngest on offense. Additionally we arguably overachieved the previous two years winning with Losman and a rookie. one more year for the benefit of the doubt isn't unreasonable.

Do you honestly think that after all this time, Jauron is going to suddenly wake up next year and realize how to manage a game? Is he somehow going to believe that with 22 seconds left in the half, with no time outs and the ball on the twelve yard line while you're down by three that RUNNING THE FUKKCING BALL is a MORONIC decision?


Do you honestly think that next year he will magically pull some gameplan rabbit out of his ass that will miraculously make him outsmart Bellicheat* twice a year?


This final game was the absolute pinnacle of embarrassing game-time decision-making by Jauron that is so incredibly inept and embarrassing, you can actually count the number of people who think Jauron is a good coach on the hand of a bad woodshop teacher.

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I know I'm the only one besides Ralph, but I like Jauron and think he's a good coach. This team does have some talent and is close. If it is "blown up" things get worse, much worse. I get the continuity thing. I like Wilson's decision. :(


Ask the Ravens and Falcons how bad it was to 'blow' up their team in the off season. I dont think i need to list the number of conservative, idiotic, dumb, stupid, did i mention idiotic play calls (i dont care who called them, DJ has final say) were made this year. Jets, Browns game are 2 great examples. The guy is clueless on game day, period.

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