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OK..What did everyone get?


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Does anyone remember how to do a square-root by hand?


The angle of declination at Ft. Benning GA is, (wait for it) 0! There was always the Army joke about why the Infantry was headquartered there (didn't require math to find). And that's why the Army always had to hire Bob Hope to tell the jokes. You know what happens when you're always the best at land navigation? You get to teach the class! Awesome.

Hops: "Why are you mother-f(&$ers always getting lost!?!?!

Let's say that I lacked tact.


Anyway... Low key Christmas for our small family this year, but I got some great clothes and a few kitchen gadgets. My folks' PC was FUBAR'd by some malicious viruses/trojan horses/spyware/etc. It took a whole lotta patience on my part to get it right. I managed to dislodged all of it (as far as I can tell). I'm writing this on it, so I'll take credit for resuscitating this soldier.


Being together is the best part.


My mother-in-law was an RN (OLV)... She would say: "Just act like a dingbat and nothing is expected of you."


WTF? :blush::flirt:

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Two pairs of sorely needed boots...one pair of dress boots, one pair of everyday boots.

Several DVDs, including FNL Season 2, Jericho Season 2, and three seasons' worth of The Simpsons in their prime.

Cold Hard Cash. :blush:

The MST3K 20th Anniversary Boxset.

Chicago boxset (the band, not the musical)

Assorted clothing, and a much-needed clothes brush.




my best gift, as it has been for the past 17 christmases, is seeing my kids have fun opening gifts, sounds corny, but its true, I never want anything, i would rather the kids get it all. that said, they got a wii, a guitar, a bevy of wwe paraphenalia, an itouch, and some games....the new tv comes next month....


Watching a three year old open gifts is the greatest thing in the world.



I got an Official Red Ryder Carbine-Action Two-Hundred-Shot Range Model Air Rifle!


It better have a compass in the stock and this thing which tells time or it's not official. :lol:



Exactly... But, I didn't even get to see that this year (they were sleeping when I went to work)... I did get my wife a new digital camera... The one we have was from 2001, very nice Olympus and works great... But, the thing is the size of a tank so I bought here the 850 SW (waterproof/shock/freezeproof). I was going to go for the 10 megapixel, but at that small a lens I thought it was overkill for 100 bucks more and crushproof capability...?? I don't know what is worse, having something big or small?... The new cams are nice... The buttons are getting so small though!


Now the off post topic to all the camera gurus out there is: Will you notice a difference between 2.1 to 8.0 megapixels even if you only print 4x6 and don't zoom to crop? I do understand that the higher the megapixel, the bigger you can make the print. Will she notice the difference in 4x6 and 5x7 (most likely)?


I would have really have liked to hold out and got a Pentax digital SLR since my old film SLR is Pentax and all the new cameras are backwards compatible (not all the features) with the old lens... But, that would have broke the bank for hundreds more. Who says "size" matters? :D


You're wife can answer that for you. :P


About 20 years ago (Oy I'm old.) Pentax and Ricoh lenses were interchangeable. I don't know if that's still true or if it really matters at all.


Oh... You don't know my wife... She gets lost half the time (probably why she married me!).


One time back in the 1990's... My mother was in the hospital with cancer... My wife was trying to find BFLO General... :blink: She was wondering up and down Main... So much so, a cop stopped her... She began sobbing that she was lost and her mother-in-law was at BFLO Gen with cancer (why she was sobbing too)... The cop felt so sory for her that he gave her a full police escort with lights and everything... Going through traffic lights and the whole bit! Took her to the front door! He said: "Just follow me!"... 0:)


She one time missed a birthday party in Clarence becuase she couldn't find it... AND SHE WAS BRINGING THE CAKE! :lol::lol:


In 2007, she drove to St. Louis (5 hours) on her own and back thanks to GPS... :flirt::devil:


Wonderful lady though... God bless her clam soul! How she ever got mixed up with a mook like me is beyond reason!


She just walked up behind you did she?



i got a rock


You got something!

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Garmin GPS.


Just some warning regarding those GPS units....they are like candy to thieves....DO NOT I repeat DO NOT leave them mounted on your windshield in your car...if you do take it off wipe down the suction cup print it leaves behind on your windshield or else you will come back with a car minus 1 GPS and a busted windshield for your trouble.

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I understand your point, I used to be a real estate appraiser and ended up going to every nook and cranny of the county


If you don't mind me asking what are you doing now? I'm an appraiser now and sometimes I feel kind of burnt out on the whole thing and kind of want to move on to something else. I tried getting a job with an assessor's office, but didn't get the job. :blush: I'm playing with the idea of going back to school, but can't figure out what to pursue.

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Just some warning regarding those GPS units....they are like candy to thieves....DO NOT I repeat DO NOT leave them mounted on your windshield in your car...if you do take it off wipe down the suction cup print it leaves behind on your windshield or else you will come back with a car minus 1 GPS and a busted windshield for your trouble.



Thanks for the head's up bro. My wife has been warning me about that ever since she gave it to me. I'll be sure to heed the advice.

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About 20 years ago (Oy I'm old.) Pentax and Ricoh lenses were interchangeable. I don't know if that's still true or if it really matters at all.


Pentax digital SLRs will accept even a K-mount lens from 30 years ago... Sure it will be all manual... But, you can use everything thing they have ever made... And if you have the screw to bayonet adapter... You can go back farther. The superior optics of yesteryear was a wonderful thing!


I wondered if that is why they were slow to enter the digital SLR market?... Backwards capabilty has always been their thing!




Oh... and the nice thing about the Jeep TrailGuide is that you can undock it and tuck it under the roll top cover... Unless the thief knows about it... It looks like it can't open and just part of the dash...

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Got some nice stuff, including a badly-needed new desk chair and my Bonnies season tickets. But the best gift I received? A scrapbook with a bunch of newspaper clippings taped inside. Yeah, unbeknown to me, my mom has been saving everything with my byline on it since I started at the paper in July.


Now, I'll be the first to admit that Best American Sports Writing it ain't. (Please understand that I'm insulting my own halting attempts at wordsmithery here, not her scrapbooking talent. I wouldn't mind having a second chance at a few of those pieces ...) But when you see your name on a story, yeah, it's a cool feeling. So when I think about the time and effort -- and love -- she put into doing this for me, "It's the thought that counts" couldn't be any more of an understatement.


Love you, Mom.


The second-best gift? The smile on her face as she snuggled with her first grandchild (my nephew), on his first Christmas.

Very cool, Lori!

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Got two fabulous vinyl re-issues for the holiday and a live record I didn't know existed.


The live LP (vinyl of course) was a Joy Division gig recorded at Preston, UK in 1980. Unreal recording.

Also got two Mission of Burma re-issues. They each came with DVDs and links to downloads so I don't have to rip them myself to mp3s. The DVD that came with the signals, calls, and marches re-issue has shows from 1979 and 1980. The DVD that came with The Horrible Truth About Burma re-issue is from their final original lineup show in 1983. I'm pretty stoked.

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I use that line all the time. The best lines are the one's that only a few will laugh at. Bravo, Mr. Ball.


My son uses that line all the time. I agree the best lines are the obscure references.


Best gift this year... I guess a BBQ cookbook and a book on the history of the AFL. Everything else was just schlock.

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Which one?




The Big BBQ Book. Really good stuff in there. Not just the recipes, but also the hows and whys behind slow cooking BBQ and smoking various cuts of meat. Most of the recipes call for stuff most backyard cooks would have on their shelf, which is nice as well. Trying to decide what to make for for a New Year's meal based on what's in this book. :thumbsup:

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