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The Palin soap opera continues


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Gov. Sarah Palin (R-Alaska) believes Caroline Kennedy is getting softer press treatment in her pursuit of the New York Senate seat than Palin did as the GOP vice presidential nominee because of Kennedy’s social class. “I’ve been interested to see how Caroline Kennedy will be handled and if she will be handled with kid gloves or if she will be under such a microscope,” Palin told conservative filmmaker John Ziegler during an interview Monday for his upcoming documentary film, “How Obama Got Elected.” Excerpts from the interview were posted on YouTube Wednesday evening. “It’s going to be interesting to see how that plays out and I think that as we watch that we will perhaps be able to prove that there is a class issue here also that was such a factor in the scrutiny of my candidacy versus, say, the scrutiny of what her candidacy may be.”


Palin said she remains subject to unfair press coverage of her and her family. “Is it political? Is it sexism?” she asked. “What is it that drives someone to believe the worst and perpetuate the worst in terms of gossip and lies?”


She observed that Katie Couric and Tina Fey have been “capitalizing on” and “exploiting” her. “I did see that Tina Fey was named entertainer of the year and Katie Couric’s ratings have risen,” she said. “And I know that a lot of people are capitalizing on, oh I don’t know, perhaps some exploiting that was done via me, my family, my administration. That’s a little bit perplexing, but it also says a great deal about our society.” The Alaska governor said that when she sees some of the coverage of her daughter Bristol especially “the momma grizzly rises up in me.”


Looking back on the Couric interviews, Palin said she knew things were not going well after their first session and asked the McCain campaign to pull the plug on the remaining sit downs but insisted the campaign made her go through with the rest.

“I knew it didn’t go well the first day, and then we gave her a couple of other segments after that. And my question to the campaign was, after it didn’t go well the first day, why were we going to go back for more?” she said. “Because of however it works in that upper echelon of power brokering in the media and with spokespersons, it was told to me that, yeah, we are going to go back for more. And going back for more was not a wise decision either.”


Palin criticized Couric for the way CBS “spliced it together,” saying that “so many of the topics brought up were not portrayed as accurately as they could have, should have, been.” She also expressed frustration with Couric’s characterization of her since the interviews. After being shown a clip of Couric complaining to David Letterman that no post-election interviewer has asked Palin why she would not tell the CBS anchor what newspapers she reads, the Alaska governor responded: “Because, Katie, you’re not the center of everybody’s universe.”






Waaah! It's wasn't a class issue, it was a lack of knowledge issue. And no editing was necessary to show that you couldn't answer even simple questions about newspapers. Don't blame the media for your own incompetence, although it probably plays well with your core supporters who don't believe their own lying eyes.


Agreed, Palin doesn't get it. She brought on herself, just as Kennedy's disasterous trail balloon campaign swing brought and recent press gaffs brought on similar criticism.... "I have to work twice as hard as others because of her background" Both women seem to have a lack of understanding of how both are perceived when they make these defensive statements. They sound less than gracious and any politician worth anything understands that you let you people complain for you, but you don't. It sounds ungrateful and arrogant when if you are going to serve it is is suppose to be about self sacrifice and desire to give something back to our democracy. A little self effacing humor goes a long way in these situations. You can express frustration with the process, but I don't see either taking responsibility for their own screw ups. Harry Reid is sounding the same way right now as well and I wonder if he will survive, especially if it is revealed that he lied on tapes about nixing the other African American politicians.


One could take a lesson from Guilliani on how to handle the press when they are looking for red meat. Be inspecific about one's faults but acknowledge you have some and laugh at the fact that it goes with the territory and the press is just doing its jobs. As soon as you lose your sense of humor in politics and can't roll with the punches your career is over.

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It's not possible to prevent 100% of seizures. It just isn't. Austism isn't typically treated by medication anyway unless you get some nut who wants to sedate the child (a la "ADD/ADHD"). They tried that with my son and I refused. Tutoring and speech therapy worked wonders and the more he accomplished the better he felt and the calmer he got. Sans drugs.


But anti-seizure medication is necessary and often needs to change when the body changes. It is a tough deal, my youngest just had two seizure over the holidays due to his neurological disorder and a trigger of bad sleep and long car trips. We are using only lite meds now as a result and hope that we can break the cycle as our neurologist at Columbia University hospital suggests. But once again, the seizure did not kill Travolta's son, hitting his head did. I just wonder where his monitor was at the time?


They are still learning about these things and luckily for my son, but unlucky in the sense that they couldn't tell where the seizure was coming from, after 2.5 days in Columbia, they could not induce one. We hope he won't have another anytime soon... pretty scary.

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They are still learning about these things and luckily for my son, but unlucky in the sense that they couldn't tell where the seizure was coming from, after 2.5 days in Columbia, they could not induce one. We hope he won't have another anytime soon... pretty scary.

amen to that...

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But anti-seizure medication is necessary and often needs to change when the body changes. It is a tough deal, my youngest just had two seizure over the holidays due to his neurological disorder and a trigger of bad sleep and long car trips. We are using only lite meds now as a result and hope that we can break the cycle as our neurologist at Columbia University hospital suggests. But once again, the seizure did not kill Travolta's son, hitting his head did.


I thought I read reports that there was no contusions on his head.

Also I read today that he was 6/2 240 lbs. Thats a big 16 year old kid!!

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I thought I read reports that there was no contusions on his head.

Also I read today that he was 6/2 240 lbs. Thats a big 16 year old kid!!

Don't know about the lack of contusions.... Not sure that I would believe anything in the press at this point. P.S. Have you ever seen Travolta in person. He is a big boy too. When I saw him, I was surprise how wide the man was and he isn't short either, but it would not surprise me that his son was that large, especially if he was on anti-seizure medicine. It does tend to make my son hungrier I have already noticed and he already had a good appetite. I am tall and thin, so is my oldest, this one is tall and chunky even at 2.

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Don't know about the lack of contusions.... Not sure that I would believe anything in the press at this point. P.S. Have you ever seen Travolta in person. He is a big boy too. When I saw him, I was surprise how wide the man was and he isn't short either, but it would not surprise me that his son was that large, especially if he was on anti-seizure medicine. It does tend to make my son hungrier I have already noticed and he already had a good appetite. I am tall and thin, so is my oldest, this one is tall and chunky even at 2.



Matter of fact, I have met him. About 18 years ago I picked up a part time job at St Pete Clearwater Airport at Jet Executive. He had flown in for a meeting at the Headquarters of the Scientologist here. Seemed like a nice enogh guy. Hellava nice plane.

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Bump...What's happended to this thread!? Palin hatred should be enough to keep it going at least as long as 'Donohoe drinks babies blood'!


Now all you want to talk about is some celebrities epileptic son. Big deal...can't we get some Palin news here?


I heard she gets her news from reading Spiderman and the Fantastic Four! Can you believe it? Olberman just reported it, it must be true!

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Bump...What's happended to this thread!? Palin hatred should be enough to keep it going at least as long as 'Donohoe drinks babies blood'!

Palin is the Bride of Donahoe :wallbash:


Now all you want to talk about is some celebrities epileptic son. Big deal...can't we get some Palin news here?

To be fair, the only reason this thread lasted as long as it did was because the same handful posters kept it going


I heard she gets her news from reading Spiderman and the Fantastic Four! Can you believe it? Olberman just reported it, it must be true!

What's wrong with Spiderman? I mean he's good enough to save the world with Obama

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Matter of fact, I have met him. About 18 years ago I picked up a part time job at St Pete Clearwater Airport at Jet Executive. He had flown in for a meeting at the Headquarters of the Scientologist here. Seemed like a nice enogh guy. Hellava nice plane.


Doesn't surprise me. Scientologists have thing for "planes" if you get my drift (which I don't expect you to :wallbash: )



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ANyone ever see Travolta's custom 707? Its unreal.


Back to Palin...read today shes warring with bloggers now.


I dont understand.....she can go back to Alaska, govern for 4-8 years, learn a few things, refine herself politically and professionally and come back as a conservative stalwart and the leader of the Republican Party. Or....she can go on a petty, unwinnable war with the media and whine herself into obscurity.


Sad that she's choosing the latter.

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ANyone ever see Travolta's custom 707? Its unreal.


Back to Palin...read today shes warring with bloggers now.


I dont understand.....she can go back to Alaska, govern for 4-8 years, learn a few things, refine herself politically and professionally and come back as a conservative stalwart and the leader of the Republican Party. Or....she can go on a petty, unwinnable war with the media and whine herself into obscurity.


Sad that she's choosing the latter.

The media will keep her in the limelight to keep the heat off that lying Communist fraud , Obama.

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Back to Palin...read today shes warring with bloggers now.


I dont understand.....she can go back to Alaska, govern for 4-8 years, learn a few things, refine herself politically and professionally and come back as a conservative stalwart and the leader of the Republican Party. Or....she can go on a petty, unwinnable war with the media and whine herself into obscurity.


Sad that she's choosing the latter.


(CNN) — Sarah Palin fired a new salvo in her war on the media, unloading in a new interview on her home state paper and “bored, anonymous, pathetic bloggers who lie.”


The Alaska governor, who has granted a steady stream of interviews since Election Day, also told an Esquire reporter that she wishes she had told McCain campaign advisors she’d be “callin’ some of the shots.”


"Bored, anonymous, pathetic bloggers who lie annoy me….I'll tell you, yesterday the Anchorage Daily News, they called again to ask — double-, triple-, quadruple-check — who is Trig's real mom,” she said, in an interview to be published in the magazine’s March issue.


“And I said, Come on, are you kidding me? We're gonna answer this? Do you not believe me or my doctor? And they said, No, it's been quite cryptic the way that my son's birth has been discussed. And I thought, Okay, more indication of continued problems in the world of journalism."


But Palin said she had adopted a philosophical attitude on the downside of the spotlight. "You have to let it go,” she said. “Even hard news sources, credible news sources — the comment about, you can see Russia from Alaska. You can! You can see Russia from Alaska. Something like that — a factual statement that was taken out of context and mocked — what you have to do is let that go."


The former Republican vice presidential candidate said again she regretted not taking a greater leadership role during the campaign season. "If I were giving advice to myself back on the day my candidacy was announced, I'd say, Tell the campaign that you'll be callin' some of the shots,” she said. “Don't just assume that they know you well enough to make all your decisions for ya. Let them know that you're the CEO of a state, you're forty-four years old, you've got a lot of great life experience that can be put to good use as a candidate."


Despite a season of barbs aimed at the coastal elites, Palin seemed to offer an olive branch to the Big Apple: "I would think we all tear up during the national anthem at the beginning of a baseball game, don't we? That's an alikeness between Alaskans and New Yorkers," she said.


Update: In an Anchorage Daily News column published last week, the paper's editor said the only questions reporters there had asked about Trig's birth came when the paper undertook a project to debunk conspiracy theories surrounding the event, but that they had abandoned the effort because of a lack of cooperation from the Palin family.


"I don't believe we have ever published in the newspaper a story, a letter, a column or anything alleging a coverup surrounding your maternity," wrote the editor in an e-mail sent to Palin and reprinted on the paper's blog. "In fact, my integrity and the integrity of the newspaper have been repeatedly attacked in national forums for our complicity in the 'coverup.'


Later, he added: "…So I don’t understand the behavior of the governor’s press office. Did the governor not share my email with the press staff? Did the press staff deliberately ignore what I said in order to have a longer list of press 'outrages'? Or are they just sloppy with details? I don’t know."

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(CNN) — Sarah Palin has complained repeatedly that she was given unfair treatment by the media during her rapid political ascent last year. But Mike Huckabee – a potential rival for Palin in 2012 should they both decide to seek the White House – apparently doesn’t agree.


In an interview in the current issue of Esquire, Huckabee speaks sympathetically of Palin, saying she had been subjected to “sexist things that would never have been asked of a male candidate.” But he pushed back against Palin’s assertion that high-profile journalists – particularly Katie Couric of CBS – were biased in their interviews with her.


“Now I must say I did not think that either the Charlie Gibson interview or the Katie Couric interviews were unfair,” Huckabee said. “In fact, if anything, Katie Couric was extraordinarily gentle, even helpful. [Palin] just … I don't know what happened. I can’t explain it. It was not a good interview. I’m being charitable.”


Since losing his bid for the GOP nomination last year, Mike Huckabee hasn’t been shy about criticizing some of the politicians he might face in a 2012 Republican primary battle – but Mitt Romney has remained his favorite target. In his new book, Huckabee wrote that Romney was "anything but conservative until he changed the light bulbs in his chandelier in time to run for president.”

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