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Wearing team gear


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Ever have an experience where you are doing something non sports related (getting groceries, going to the beach, getting gas, etc.) where you are wearing Bills, Yanks, Pats :doh: gear and someone makes a negative comment to you?


Some ass made a comment this afternoon about the Bills sticker on my window while I was getting gas.....ticked me off....

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Usually a good  " Suck my d*ck" shuts them up.



I don't know why, but that really made me f-cking crack up. Kell, you're killing me today...


I mean, I know people type LOL and crap, but that just caught me off guard. Good stuff.


Come on Kelly, make it up for the game!

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I don't know why, but that really made me f-cking crack up. Kell, you're killing me today...


I mean, I know people type LOL and crap, but that just caught me off guard. Good stuff.


Come on Kelly, make it up for the game!



1-5 and Im going to drive across the state? Only to drive home even more pissed off....nope. Im done handing my cash to this team until I see significant improvement.

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I was waiting in a McDonalds' drive thru line one time and a homeless guy was panhandling car to car. Normally I'd roll up the window and ignore him, but he was wearing a Bills jacket, so I gave him some change. Ten seconds later the manager came running out to chase him away.


Go Bills!

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Strange that you say that, because females always say "oh, you're a broncos fan?"



Yeah, the Broncos do tend to be popular with Fem-bots. What's with that? The colors? Elway? Suppressed fantasies about mountain men?

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Anytime ANYONE disses my team, I find that 99% of the time I simply have to ask one or two questions. Question #1: Who is your team? Half the time their team sucks, too, and it ends there, and half the time they lie and pick a team the like because they're winning. When that happens, there's another 99.9% chance you know more about their team then they do.


"Oh, you have a good game coming up against Denver. You think your 25th ranked defense can handle Ruben Droughns?"


End of conversation.

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Anytime ANYONE disses my team, I find that 99% of the time I simply have to ask one or two questions. Question #1: Who is your team? Half the time their team sucks, too, and it ends there, and half the time they lie and pick a team the like because they're winning. When that happens, there's another 99.9% chance you know more about their team then they do.


"Oh, you have a good game coming up against Denver. You think your 25th ranked defense can handle Ruben Droughns?"


End of conversation.


I used to do that when the Crackwagon was turning it around. Only needed one question:


Since you're such a big fan, tell me which QB started the last game of the 1990 season? Had the Cowboys won that game, they'd have made the playoffs.


It's a question a true fan would know, especially about a team that hadn't had a sniff of the postseason since 1985. That loss would have devastating.

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Anytime ANYONE disses my team, I find that 99% of the time I simply have to ask one or two questions. Question #1: Who is your team? Half the time their team sucks, too, and it ends there, and half the time they lie and pick a team the like because they're winning. When that happens, there's another 99.9% chance you know more about their team then they do.


"Oh, you have a good game coming up against Denver. You think your 25th ranked defense can handle Ruben Droughns?"


End of conversation.


I always end up doing the "name 10 players" on your favorite team. Classic. They get through like 2 or 3 and then are lost. Then I name the entire Bills roster, practice squad, and coaching staff, and they're totally lost. I love it. I actually had some Bills fans going last week because I kept running off the coaches names, they had no idea. Great times.

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I was waiting in a McDonalds' drive thru line one time and a homeless guy was panhandling car to car.  Normally I'd roll up the window and ignore him, but he was wearing a Bills jacket, so I gave him some change.  Ten seconds later the manager came running out to chase him away.


Go Bills!


Bastard almost caught me too. I ditched him when I hid in the dumpster. Fuggin 15 year old manager. <_<

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I was waiting in a McDonalds' drive thru line one time and a homeless guy was panhandling car to car.  Normally I'd roll up the window and ignore him, but he was wearing a Bills jacket, so I gave him some change.  Ten seconds later the manager came running out to chase him away.


Go Bills!




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