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Buffalo Bills jokes.....any new ones surfacing?


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I know these have been around, but I am thinking there must be some new ones out there with the all time low this team has hit. A few of my favorites still are...


What do Billy Graham and the Buffalo Bills have in common?

They can both make 70,000 fans stand up and yell "Jesus Christ".


What is the difference between a Buffalo Bill and a dollar bill?

You can get 4 quarters from a dollar bill.


What do the Buffalo Bills and possums have in common?

They both play dead when home and get killed on the road.

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I know these have been around, but I am thinking there must be some new ones out there with the all time low this team has hit. A few of my favorites still are...

To answer your question turn on your TiVo and watch any game in the past 8 weeks other than KC. There you will find the joke otherwise known as the Buffalo Bills. :blink::blink::lol:


BTW on a more pleasant note ... who is the person pictured in your avatar?

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How do you keep the Bills out of your yard? Put up a goal post.


What do you call 53 losers watching the Super Bowl? The Buffalo Bills.


What do you call a Buffalo Bill with a Super Bowl ring? A thief.

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Little Johnny was in 5th grade class when the teacher asked the

> children what their father did for a living.


> All the typical answers came up: fireman, policeman, salesman, etc.


> Little Johnny was being uncharacteristically quite and so the teacher

> asked him about his father. Little Johnny replied, "My father's an

> exotic dancer in a gay cabaret and takes off all his clothes in front

> of other men. Sometimes if the offer is really good, he'll go out to

> the alley with some guy and make love with him for money."


> The teacher, obviously shaken by the statement, hurriedly sent the

> other children to work on some coloring and took little Johnny aside.

> She immediately asked him, "Is that really true about your father?!"


> Little Johnny replied, "No. He coaches the Buffalo Bills football

> team, but I was too embarrassed to say that in front of the other






From a fish fan no less. :blink:

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I know these have been around, but I am thinking there must be some new ones out there with the all time low this team has hit. A few of my favorites still are...


What do Billy Graham and the Buffalo Bills have in common?

They can both make 70,000 fans stand up and yell "Jesus Christ".


What is the difference between a Buffalo Bill and a dollar bill?

You can get 4 quarters from a dollar bill.


What do the Buffalo Bills and possums have in common?

They both play dead when home and get killed on the road.


This team has hit an all time low? I take it you're 12 years old.


Sorry, I couldn't come up with a joke right away.

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Buffalo Bills football practice was delayed nearly two hours late this morning after a player reported finding an unknown white powdery substance on the practice field.


Head coach Dick Jauron immediately suspended practice while police and federal agents were called to investigate. After a complete analysis, FBI forensic experts determined that the white substance, unknown to the players, was the goal line.


Practice was resumed this afternoon after special agents decided the team was unlikely to encounter the substance again..

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This team has hit an all time low? I take it you're 12 years old.


Sorry, I couldn't come up with a joke right away.

Let's see, 4-0 and 5-1 to 6-7.....I would say they have pretty much hit bottom. And when the owner sinks to playing a home game (which had more Phins fans at it) in another country, in December and in a dome no less, well that is pretty pathetic to me. And about 90% of the rest of Bills fans happen to agree with me. But I am sure your were one of the first people across the border Sunday to go watch.


And no I'm not 12 years, but thanks for asking. And by the way why are you asking, no one else seems to have a problem with this thread.......are you by chance a Catholic Priest?

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An oldie:

Two boys from Buffalo , NY are playing street hockey when one of the boys is attacked by a rabid pit bull. Thinking quickly, the other boy takes his hockey stick, wedges it down the dog's collar and twists, breaking the dog's neck.


A Buffalo News reporter hears about the incident and rushes over to interview the boy. 'Young Sabres Fan Saves Friend From Vicious Animal,' he starts writing in his notebook.


'But I'm not a Buffalo Sabres fan,' the young hero replies.


'Sorry,' replied the reporter, 'since we're in Buffalo , I just assumed you were.' 'Bills Fan Rescues Friend From Horrific Attack,' the reporter continues in his notebook.


'But I'm not a Buffalo Bills fan, either,' the boy responds..


'I just thought everyone in Buffalo was either a Sabres or a Bill's fan,' replied the reporter, 'Whom do you root for?'


'I'm a Toronto Maple Leaf fan,' the boy answers proudly.'



The reporter starts a new sheet in his notebook and writes, 'Little Canadian Bastard Kills Beloved Family Pet.'

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