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New Host For "Meet The Press" Selected

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He's only 38? Wow!


He anchored the Nightly News the other night, and it didn't go well. The next night they had some woman do it and she was markedly better.


Anyway, good for him. Sunday morning is my reading time, so this really doesn't impact me other than to make feel old.

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I don't like him.


1) Just his general hokie-ness (self-effacing to a fault; on the Today show segments, always says he can't do anything in the kitchen, which tells me right away that he's a fuggin' moron, so why should I be listening to what he says about anything else?).


2) Certain laziness and contentiousness I've seen of him in the Bush years (e.g. expecting the White House press office to do his reporting/fact-finding for him and spoon-feed it with the Dolly Madison sterling silverware, and getting downright pissed when they wouldn't).


3) His tendency for talking over people when they're trying to finish up what they're saying. This alone disqualifies him in my mind. The great thing about TR was he'd gather people and let them talk. He's not the worst in this regard, tho; I hate "The McGlaughlin Group" and I am certain that in the 6th Circle of Hell, that shrill %^&ing c--t Eleanor Clift's (of Newsweek) lips will be sewed to her *.

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