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(LAMP) My Father Has To Change Churches

Steely Dan

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Steely, what denomination was your dad in, if I may ask? That makes a lot of difference. It also can be the part of the country you're in. I guess Nebraska's part of the Bible belt. I've never been to the Cornhusker State, so I have no idea.


An example: The United Methodists can be liberal...or conservative. Again, it depends on where you are. The appalling Donald Wildmon (founder of the AFA, an organization that I've had some exposure to) is a United Methodist minister from Tupelo, Mississippi, which of course is the Bible belt. But the hierarchy of the UMC allows gay clergy. Go figure.


I am a devout Christian, as I've said here several times. I've been guilty of saying some things that evangelicals probably shouldn't say. My faith, however, is strong. It is a part of who I am, and believe me, I ask for forgiveness all the time.


Some of the activities of my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ embarass me to no end. All I can do is live my faith and go forward.


You know where the one of the first relgious movements formed in this country? :lol:;) Actually, where Mormonism formed before moving to your neck of the woods in the Western Reserve area and then beyond westward...


WNY's Burned-over District

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You know where the one of the first relgious movements formed in this country? :lol:;) Actually, where Mormonism formed before moving to your neck of the woods in the Western Reserve area and then beyond westward...


WNY's Burned-over District


Don't get me started on the Mormon's of all the popular cults* they are the nuttiest.


*Every religion in the world

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Me too! I can rant on! Just follow the money and panic trail of the mid-1800's... :lol:;)


Ok, I'm started. A con man and child molester leads a bunch of people into believing that they are the new disciples of Jesus and Jesus wants them to practice polygamy. Well the polygamy thing is buried by them after he dies and they pretend it never existed.


Mormonism is a great look at how big time religions can form. It's a little over 100 years old and yet the beliefs are ingrained deeply while the truth about Joseph Smith hasn't been buried deeply enough. It really makes you wonder about the origins of ALL religions.

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Ok, I'm started. A con man and child molester leads a bunch of people into believing that they are the new disciples of Jesus and Jesus wants them to practice polygamy. Well the polygamy thing is buried by them after he dies and they pretend it never existed.


Mormonism is a great look at how big time religions can form. It's a little over 100 years old and yet the beliefs are ingrained deeply while the truth about Joseph Smith hasn't been buried deeply enough. It really makes you wonder about the origins of ALL religions.



Ya... And get this... The Book of Mormon reads exactly like the King James version of the Bible... With the same historical errors of the time! Like it was copied word for word to fit the frontier.




Oh... I forgot about the "plates" and the whole "treasure hunting craze" that existed in the 1820's...


Actually, I blame existing religion for not being in the frontier to stem the tide of more wackiness... There was a void and lack of the established that led to the pioneers lacthing onto something of their own...


As religions go... It is even more far fetched!


Utah=America's home grown theocracy!



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You know where the one of the first relgious movements formed in this country? :lol:;) Actually, where Mormonism formed before moving to your neck of the woods in the Western Reserve area and then beyond westward...


WNY's Burned-over District


Mormonism: America's home-grown religion. It's also one of the fastest-growing.


The LDS Church is the second-richest denomination in America. It's also one of the largest private landowners in the USA.


There's still a temple in Kirtland, east of Cleveland (where the Mormons first stopped after leaving WNY), but it belongs to the Community of Christ, which used to be called the Reorganized LDS Church.

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Mormonism: America's home-grown religion. It's also one of the fastest-growing.


The LDS Church is the second-richest denomination in America. It's also one of the largest private landowners in the USA.


There's still a temple in Kirtland, east of Cleveland (where the Mormons first stopped after leaving WNY), but it belongs to the Community of Christ, which used to be called the Reorganized LDS Church.


Do they pay homage to the Kirtland Safety Society bank? ;)


Seems more times change, they really stay the same.



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My father is a minister who is moderate and doesn't buy into the whole ultraconservative BS of gay hating, keeping rape victims from getting morning after pills, pushing Christianity into society and the other things that make Christians look insane.


His church in Nebraska hung up signs "Jesus for President" and the minister is becoming a fundamentalist. (those ministers can really put the fun in fundamentalism! :lol: ) My father is of the mind that Jesus stood for love and acceptance and peace. He's very saddened by the churches turning into hate machines.


Hopefully he'll be able to find another church that reflects the true meanings of Christ in our opinions.


There are plenty of churches out in Marin County CA that he would love. Like the church of the christ buddha consciousness of the peace dove.

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Ok, I'm started. A con man and child molester leads a bunch of people into believing that they are the new disciples of Jesus and Jesus wants them to practice polygamy. Well the polygamy thing is buried by them after he dies and they pretend it never existed.


Mormonism is a great look at how big time religions can form. It's a little over 100 years old and yet the beliefs are ingrained deeply while the truth about Joseph Smith hasn't been buried deeply enough. It really makes you wonder about the origins of ALL religions.

i kinda like polygamy---u ever see those hot chicks on big love?

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I had a job last week in Mill Valley, CA (Marin County) where the building next door had The Institute for Shamanistic Studies. The landlord of that building was the owner of the one I was looking at . He just shook his head when he told me about it. I said "As long as they pay the rent.. After all, this is Marin County."

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I had a job last week in Mill Valley, CA (Marin County) where the building next door had The Institute for Shamanistic Studies. The landlord of that building was the owner of the one I was looking at . He just shook his head when he told me about it. I said "As long as they pay the rent.. After all, this is Marin County."


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He's Baptist. We call it Northern Baptist to differentiate between the wacko Southern Baptists



So you should have a whole new respect for Beerball and I living amongst them.



It sounds like your dad might be a good fit in an Anglican congregation.

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So you should have a whole new respect for Beerball and I living amongst them.



It sounds like your dad might be a good fit in an Anglican congregation.


What do you mean a "whole new" respect for Beerball. Somehow that sounds like at some time I did have respect for him. :thumbsup:






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