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It's starting, many sports franchises to change hands


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PITTSBURGH (AP) -- Pittsburgh Steelers chairman Dan Rooney's four brothers have agreed to sell a controlling stake of the team to him and his son, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reported.


Patrick and Art Rooney Jr. confirmed the deal in a story posted on the paper's Web site Friday night. They and their other two brothers -- Timothy and John -- could get a total of $750 million after debt is taken out, according to the report.


Art Rooney Jr. said the brothers hope to get the deal wrapped up before a board meeting in December. Both sides want to get a deal done by then because they are worried about possible higher taxes once the Obama administration is in office.

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The four brothers are selling their stakes because they "think" their taxes "may" rise.


Ok, there are two possible scenarios here:


1) They are using petty partisan politics to hide the real reason for their actions, whatever that real reason may be, which does nothing but add to a long list of what is wrong with America today. Or,


2) These four brothers are the stupidest owners in pro sports.

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I think Obama should have played this angle up in Buffalo. People may have been into voting for a candidate whose platform was change (of ownership for the Bills). Over half of the posters here probably would have voted for him just for this reason.


Please note, this post is for the purpose of humor only and does not reflect the poster's political views in any way shape or form or validate the initial poster's point. My apologies to the majority of you who will recognize this, but with post-election emotions running high, this post necessitated such a disclaimer.

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PITTSBURGH (AP) -- Pittsburgh Steelers chairman Dan Rooney's four brothers have agreed to sell a controlling stake of the team to him and his son, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reported.


Patrick and Art Rooney Jr. confirmed the deal in a story posted on the paper's Web site Friday night. They and their other two brothers -- Timothy and John -- could get a total of $750 million after debt is taken out, according to the report.


Art Rooney Jr. said the brothers hope to get the deal wrapped up before a board meeting in December. Both sides want to get a deal done by then because they are worried about possible higher taxes once the Obama administration is in office.


Why are you still here?

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See, this is the kind of rubbish that happens when such a big part of the voting base is too young to remember Bill Clinton's tax code.


Pssst, people, Obama's tax code almost matches Clinton's word for word. Nothing "Socialist" going on here. Just taking away Bush's grab bag of tax breaks for the already-wealthy.


And so many poor people are taking up the fight for the rich. That's what I love the most about this dumb, backwards country. How the ignorant poor volunteer to fight for the "rights" of the rich to hop through loopholes that they, themselves, will never get to go through.



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they are convinced that they also will make over 200k at some point. that is highly unlikely but they are reaching for that carrot that is dangled before them. problem is, not all of us can make 200k. it is a dream that few reach but is hyped up enough so that the poor and middle class come to the defense of the wealthy because they are holding out hope that someday they will be in the upper class, it's a friggin joke, a goddam pipe dream


what the hell does someone like ralph wilson need more money for? another gold plated toilet? another wing to his 3rd mansion?

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they are convinced that they also will make over 200k at some point. that is highly unlikely but they are reaching for that carrot that is dangled before them. problem is, not all of us can make 200k. it is a dream that few reach but is hyped up enough so that the poor and middle class come to the defense of the wealthy because they are holding out hope that someday they will be in the upper class, it's a friggin joke, a goddam pipe dream


what the hell does someone like ralph wilson need more money for? another gold plated toilet? another wing to his 3rd mansion?



We should confiscate his team, comrade. What does he need it for anyway?

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Hmmmmmm ....


Maybe Mr. Wilson could sell the team to a Canadian who would agree to move the team to Toronto.


That would kill a few birds with one stone.


1.) The league gets to "globalize" which seems like their goal lately.

2.) WNY does not have to worry about financing a new stadium in the future

3.) Ralph gets to avoid increased Cap gains tax

4.) Fans on Two Bills Drive who are tired of supporting a losing team can quit their bitching


Looks like a win-win to me <_<

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See, this is the kind of rubbish that happens when such a big part of the voting base is too young to remember Bill Clinton's tax code.


Pssst, people, Obama's tax code almost matches Clinton's word for word. Nothing "Socialist" going on here. Just taking away Bush's grab bag of tax breaks for the already-wealthy.


And so many poor people are taking up the fight for the rich. That's what I love the most about this dumb, backwards country. How the ignorant poor volunteer to fight for the "rights" of the rich to hop through loopholes that they, themselves, will never get to go through.





What a great country it will be when shifting majorities fight it out just to take as much as possible from the other 49%.


Clinton's tax code had higher tax rates across the board. Like Clinton before him, perhaps we can expect Obama not to fulfill his promises of a middle class tax cut as well.

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CAPITAL GAIN, that is the Reason why it's currently 13 % and now will go up to 30% with the new President !

So if the two Rooneys get $750 million they each get $375 million before taxes. At 30% that's still $262.5 million. When is enough money enough? Those poor souls have to sell now, otherwise the gov't will send them to the poor house. What did they ever do that earned themselves that much money other than being born to the right family? Each of those clowns could spend $14,374 every day for the next 50 years and still not be totally broke. Cry me a river.

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The four brothers are selling their stakes because they "think" their taxes "may" rise.


Ok, there are two possible scenarios here:


1) They are using petty partisan politics to hide the real reason for their actions, whatever that real reason may be, which does nothing but add to a long list of what is wrong with America today. Or,


2) These four brothers are the stupidest owners in pro sports.


Petty partisan politics? Probably not. Dan Rooney was a vocal supporter of Obama's campaign, endorsing him during the Pa. primary:

Dear Fellow Pennsylvanian,


Based on the experiences that I have had in my 75 years and my assessment of what I think our nation needs to make real the change that is so needed, I am proud and now feel compelled to endorse Senator Barack Obama.


This is not something that I do regularly but as I listen to the candidates in this race, I am struck that we continue to hear about the problems and the same challenges that we have been talking about for decades. Protecting jobs here in Pennsylvania, breaking our dangerous and costly addiction to foreign oil, making health care accessible and affordable - these are neither new issues nor new ideas. And yet we have failed to make real progress.


As a grandfather and a citizen of this community I think Barack Obama's thoughtful, strategic approach is important for America. When I hear how excited young people seem to be when they talk about this man, I believe he will do what is best for them which is to inspire them to be great Americans.


This time, we can't afford to wait. Our country needs a new direction and a new kind of leadership - the kind of leadership, judgment and experience that Senator Obama has demonstrated in more than 20 years of public service, and in a particularly impressive way in this campaign. Senator Obama has rejected the say-and-do anything tactics that puts winning elections ahead of governing the country. And he has rejected the back-room politics in favor of opening government up to the people. Barack Obama is the one candidate in this race who can finally put an end to business as usual in Washington and bring about real change for Pittsburgh and the country as a whole. He has inspired me and so many other people around our country with new ideas and fresh perspectives.


True sports fans know that you support your team even when they are the underdogs. Barack Obama is the underdog here but it is with great pride that I join his team.


When I think of Barack Obama's America I have great hope. I support his candidacy and look forward to his Presidency.




Daniel M. Rooney, Owner and Chairman, Pittsburgh Steelers


That said, if they have a chance to save themselves some money by getting the deal done now ...

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they are convinced that they also will make over 200k at some point. that is highly unlikely but they are reaching for that carrot that is dangled before them. problem is, not all of us can make 200k. it is a dream that few reach but is hyped up enough so that the poor and middle class come to the defense of the wealthy because they are holding out hope that someday they will be in the upper class, it's a friggin joke, a goddam pipe dream


what the hell does someone like ralph wilson need more money for? another gold plated toilet? another wing to his 3rd mansion?



200K does not put you in the upper class or make you wealthy. Live in MA and see how you live on $200K+. Believe me I am not upper class in this state.

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