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Losman should be our starting QB


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The excuses never cease to amaze me



Another classic..If..If JP hadnt choked on the two minute drive ..Blah Blah Blah


Stop the insanity now please



Youre giving him too much credit



Dean if JP said what he wanted to he would maybe cost himself a second chance a t a starting job in the NFL..Dont call him a choir boy yet..Lets see what happens when he leaves.I got a feeling we will see a different side..




I would but I saw enough of the 200 and under passing games from JP to realize you dont win many games like that...

Losman only threw the ball 16 times.How many yards do you think he should have ? Edwards has come along at the right time ,Because look at the last four years .We been rebuilding this team.Getting rid of the old overpaid players and drafting younger players.Look at our record the last four years.5 wins in 2005 ,7 wins in 2006 , 7 wins in 2007 and know 5 wins halfway through the season.Every year getting better talent so more wins.Losman first year that he started 5 wins,second year 7 wins.That is a improvement.So what I'm trying to say is we are not better because of Losman or Edwards ,it's because our overall talent is Better.I thnk Edwards would not have done any better with the talent we had back then.And I still think we are a year away.Edwards is going to get better as talent around him gets better.Also if you go back and look at Losmans games in 2006 ,you will see that those games that he had lest than 200 yds,he would only have12 attempts or he would have a game like 28 att .and com.21 for 75% for only169 yards.That would be because Fairchield would call alot of short passes.Alot of those games he would only have between 12 to 18 attempts.that is not his fault if they don't throw the ball more.
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I live in Chicago. Watched the whole Jauron era closely. Yes, luck. No team before or since had so many breaks go their way (and a weak schedule) in one season. Playoffs said it all. They were outclassed by a lesser opponent (record-wise). It was an abberation (13-3).


The Bills have shown throughout Jauron's time here that they cannot beat an opponent with a winning record regardless of who is on the field. His record in Chicago looked very much like that. He's not a winning NFL coach. Nice guy for sure, but not a winning coach. He has the opportunity to prove us non-believers wrong. He hasn't done it. When you're paid millions a year to do a job, results matter. He doesn't produce them.

By that theory you could say that he is just getting unlucky here.

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By that theory you could say that he is just getting unlucky here.


If we're making decisions on luck, his is mostly bad. On that basis, get rid of him and replace him with a lucky coach. based on his record in Chicago, he only had luck in one season. He has a track record of bad luck which should be reason enough to replace him.

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I have never been a JP basher, nor have I been a JP worshiper. I'm the same way with Edwards. The problem is, mooks like you have trouble with even-handedness and subtleties. It's love or hate with you guys.


See, the problem with your theory about me (and those like me) being aided by a hard drive crash, is you will notice that we have consistent, reasonably well thought out, and even-tempered approaches. That didn't suddenly change for a short time, that is now lost. My posting style has been pretty consistent, I think.


Of course, dunderheads like you, that believe you have all the answers, and are always right, and know what players really mean, and know who is faking an injury, etc...you tend to be the same guys post after post, year after year, too. So it is not surprise that you decide to interpret my ability to see several sides, and carefully analyze a situation, instead of making proclamations, and calling players "busts", "losers" and such, as something entirely different, and know what I REALLY mean. I'm sure, if you stay here long enough to have a history (I'd say the odds are against it), your history of posting will show you are a blowhard, missing archives won't be needed to prove that point.

Based on my recollection of my past discussions with you, I don't remember your having displayed nearly as much moderation, cool-headedness, self-control, or impartiality as you give yourself credit for above. I recall your behaving exactly as did many other diehard members of the Losman camp: you frequently resorted to name-calling whenever someone dared disagree with your pro-Losman view. (You also resort to name-calling when people disagree with your core political views, but that's not directly related to the subject at hand.)


You have made over 11,000 posts to this list. Assuming an average of 50 words a post, we're looking at a total of 550,000 words. By comparison, Tolstoy's novel War and Peace contains 460,000 words. I don't claim to have gone back through and read each of those 11,000 posts. But even though I viewed only a small subset of your overall posting volume, I nevertheless found some . . . interesting material.


Post 610746:

BTW, there are very few potential Steve Youngs or Favres hiding in NFL rosters. The best example of POSSIBLY the next Young or Favre is JP Losman, IMO.


Post 607956 (before the 2006 season began):

I think some of the people here are selling Holcomb a little short. He's probably better than at least a third of the starting QBs in this league. So the question is this: do you win now by starting Holcomb and addressing the lines, or do you build for the future by drafting a QB with a high pick? Based on the tone of the messages coming out of One Bills Drive, it sounds like they're choosing the first course.
Because of posts like that one, you called me a "troll." (see post 608813) and an "idiot" (post 598064).


Post 598080:

JP MAY be the real freakin' deal (and while that's ALWAYS a gamble, he's shown plenty to keep the $ on him for right now).
(This was written before the 2006 season.)


Post 593890:

Is he thinking JP is the back up? to whom? all they'd have left is Rivers. Certainly he doesn't think [Rivers is] qualified to be considered a team's #1 QB. Here are his career stats: . . . 30 total career passes . . . JP's a seasoned pro compared to him.


Post 585261 (also before the 2006 season began):

Anyway, my concern with Losman isn't his athletic ability, it's that he just isn't a good pocket passer.


You say that he's more of a proven commodity than a guy like Rivers. I disagree. Rivers showed enough in college to be selected fourth overall, and to be part of the consensus big three. Losman was in the Rivers category in TD's mind, but not in the minds of most NFL experts.


But, you say, Losman has proven more than Rivers since then, and you mention Losman taking the benching well as an example. But Rivers has been benched his whole career, and he hasn't turned into a cancer or anything either.


What about what the players have proven on the field? It's not obvious to me that either Rivers or Losman has proven anything in the NFL. Unless you call Losman's career passer rating of 65 proof of something.

Now for your response: . . .


Actually Rivers has shown nothing in the NFL...that was my point. As we know, good college QBs often sink quickly in the NFL. That is, it quickly becomes clear they are not NFL ready/quality. While Rives hasn't shown he isn't...there is no reason to think he is.


While many counted Rivers in the top college prospects (not me, mind you) many also questioned his delivery.


Post 584956:

I don't know that [Losman] will...but, I've seen nothing to show me he won't. The reason [Losman] was such a GREAT pick where we got him is, in part, the QB pickings were slim last year and this year. JP is a far better bet than ANY of the picks last year and most likely, any this year. [Those picks included Eli Manning, Phillip Rivers, Ben Roethlisberger, and Aaron Rodgers.]


I find it particularly humorous that some have suggested (not you, Bill) we bring in Rivers and get rid of JP. So far JP has shown WAY more than Rivers, because Rivers has shown nothing. Same with any of the QBs coming out of the draft. They have not played one down in the NFL...we have no idea how they will perform.

Humorous indeed. The idea of having Phillip Rivers as our starting QB--instead of Losman--is certainly one to inspire a mixture of mirth and derision among any Bills fan. :lol:

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If we're making decisions on luck, his is mostly bad. On that basis, get rid of him and replace him with a lucky coach. based on his record in Chicago, he only had luck in one season. He has a track record of bad luck which should be reason enough to replace him.

I'm not opposed to getting rid of Jauron.

Let's just first give this enough time to see how this team does after it finally gets rid of Losman who has been a cancer to this team.

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Based on my recollection of my past discussions with you, I don't remember your having displayed nearly as much moderation, cool-headedness, self-control, or impartiality as you give yourself credit for above. I recall your behaving exactly as did many other diehard members of the Losman camp: you frequently resorted to name-calling whenever someone dared disagree with your pro-Losman view. (You also resort to name-calling when people disagree with your core political views, but that's not directly related to the subject at hand.)


You have made over 11,000 posts to this list. Assuming an average of 50 words a post, we're looking at a total of 550,000 words. By comparison, Tolstoy's novel War and Peace contains 460,000 words. I don't claim to have gone back through and read each of those 11,000 posts. But even though I viewed only a small subset of your overall posting volume, I nevertheless found some . . . interesting material.


Post 610746:


Post 607956 (before the 2006 season began): Because of posts like that one, you called me a "troll." (see post 608813) and an "idiot" (post 598064).


Post 598080: (This was written before the 2006 season.)


Post 593890:


Post 585261 (also before the 2006 season began): Now for your response: . . .




Post 584956:

Humorous indeed. The idea of having Phillip Rivers as our starting QB--instead of Losman--is certainly one to inspire a mixture of mirth and derision among any Bills fan. :lol:

Thank you for speaking the truth

TheDean, TheSenator, BeerBall, were are notorious for launching personal attacks against anyone for any negative opinion of Losman.

During the year of the crashed hard drive their posts were 10 times worse than your examples.



You hit the nail on the head when you said...

I don't remember your having displayed nearly as much moderation, cool-headedness, self-control, or impartiality as you give yourself credit for above

This guy completely changed his tone after the fact and now denies everything.

He almost sounds like a human being now.

But when you go on to say that his true side is still active in the political threads then it becomes clear that he is just covering his lack of football knowledge rather than maturing.

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Based on my recollection of my past discussions with you, I don't remember your having displayed nearly as much moderation, cool-headedness, self-control, or impartiality as you give yourself credit for above. I recall your behaving exactly as did many other diehard members of the Losman camp: you frequently resorted to name-calling whenever someone dared disagree with your pro-Losman view. (You also resort to name-calling when people disagree with your core political views, but that's not directly related to the subject at hand.)


You have made over 11,000 posts to this list. Assuming an average of 50 words a post, we're looking at a total of 550,000 words. By comparison, Tolstoy's novel War and Peace contains 460,000 words. I don't claim to have gone back through and read each of those 11,000 posts. But even though I viewed only a small subset of your overall posting volume, I nevertheless found some . . . interesting material.


Post 610746:


Post 607956 (before the 2006 season began): Because of posts like that one, you called me a "troll." (see post 608813) and an "idiot" (post 598064).


Post 598080: (This was written before the 2006 season.)


Post 593890:


Post 585261 (also before the 2006 season began): Now for your response: . . .




Post 584956:

Humorous indeed. The idea of having Phillip Rivers as our starting QB--instead of Losman--is certainly one to inspire a mixture of mirth and derision among any Bills fan. :lol:


You have proved my point, thank you.


"Potential", "MAY be" "I don't know that Losman will"...


Every one of those posts are reasonable, moderated by the disclaimers above and are nothing like "worship", which was claimed earlier. So, thank you, HA...er EA.


As for Rivers, what I said about him at the time, was true. I will be the first to admit that he has been better in the NFL than I expected, but not nearly as good as Losman had (and still may have) the POTENTIAL to be. Rivers is still a work in progress, you understand? He has his share of issues (but not as many as your other hero, Cutler).


I don't think the Bills would be in any better shape at QB, had they drafted Rivers (or Cutler, for that matter), and expect that Rivers would have been as damaged as JP, had he received similar treatment from the coaches, and level of play from his D and O Line. Also, he had a guy named LaDainian Tomlinson to help him along. Obviously, you think those other factors don't matter in the development of a QB.


And, I notice you included this little gem, from yourself: "I think some of the people here are selling Holcomb a little short. He's probably better than at least a third of the starting QBs in this league." Sweet!


Actually, I didn't despise Holcomb, but he wasn't a starting caliber NFL QB, by the time he got to the Bills. Considering that after leaving the Bills, Holcomb played one season, and started only three more games in his career, supports my observation, I think. But, you know what, comments like those aren't the reasons I called you (and still think of you as) a moron. Everyone has opinions. Morons aren't those who disagree with your opinion (at least in my view).


You earned the title "Moron" because of your argumentative style, which shows a lack of the ability to process others opinions, admit mistakes, consider other views, etc. You have a horrible time with the hypothetical and the analogy. THAT'S why I called you a moron.


But, thank you, once again, for your above quotes, which are probably among my strongest in support of Losman...who was still a badly mishandled developing young QB, on a crummy team. That he had that potential, I think, was born out during his nice stretch of play in late 2006.


I stand by all of the remarks I made, then. I admit I slightly mis-judged what Rivers was to become in the NFL. I never said he couldn't be a good NFL starting QB (which is what he is, right now), but my remarks about his experience at the time were right on the money at the time.

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You have proved my point, thank you.


"Potential", "MAY be" "I don't know that Losman will"...


Every one of those posts are reasonable, moderated by the disclaimers above and are nothing like "worship", which was claimed earlier. So, thank you, HA...er EA.


As for Rivers, what I said about him at the time, was true. I will be the first to admit that he has been better in the NFL than I expected, but not nearly as good as Losman had (and still may have) the POTENTIAL to be. Rivers is still a work in progress, you understand? He has his share of issues (but not as many as your other hero, Cutler).


I don't think the Bills would be in any better shape at QB, had they drafted Rivers (or Cutler, for that matter), and expect that Rivers would have been as damaged as JP, had he received similar treatment from the coaches, and level of play from his D and O Line. Also, he had a guy named LaDainian Tomlinson to help him along. Obviously, you think those other factors don't matter in the development of a QB.


And, I notice you included this little gem, from yourself: "I think some of the people here are selling Holcomb a little short. He's probably better than at least a third of the starting QBs in this league." Sweet!


Actually, I didn't despise Holcomb, but he wasn't a starting caliber NFL QB, by the time he got to the Bills. Considering that after leaving the Bills, Holcomb played one season, and started only three more games in his career, supports my observation, I think. But, you know what, comments like those aren't the reasons I called you (and still think of you as) a moron. Everyone has opinions. Morons aren't those who disagree with your opinion (at least in my view).


You earned the title "Moron" because of your argumentative style, which shows a lack of the ability to process others opinions, admit mistakes, consider other views, etc. You have a horrible time with the hypothetical and the analogy. THAT'S why I called you a moron.


But, thank you, once again, for your above quotes, which are probably among my strongest in support of Losman...who was still a badly mishandled developing young QB, on a crummy team. That he had that potential, I think, was born out during his nice stretch of play in late 2006.


I stand by all of the remarks I made, then. I admit I slightly mis-judged what Rivers was to become in the NFL. I never said he couldn't be a good NFL starting QB (which is what he is, right now), but my remarks about his experience at the time were right on the money at the time.

What is in bold could not be a bigger lie.

In fact there was recently another poster hwo was complaining about the fact that he could no longer access the posts made by you that he bookmarked, and was waiting to throw in back your face.


And you slightly misjudged Rivers?


You did the same with Cutler.

Losman was better than Cutler too.

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Thank you for speaking the truth

TheDean, TheSenator, BeerBall, were are notorious for launching personal attacks against anyone for any negative opinion of Losman.

During the year of the crashed hard drive their post were 10 times worse than your examples.



You hit the nail on the head when you said...


This guy completely changed his tone after the fact and now denies everything.

He almost sounds like a human being now.

But when you go on to say that his true side is still active in the political threads then it becomes clear that he is just covering his lack of football knowledge rather than maturing.



Wrong once again, meathead. It isn't about agreeing or disagreeing with opinions. That's where you miss the mark (well, one of the many ways you manage to miss the mark). With you, it's fairly obvious from the TONE of your posts, that you are a dunderhead.


Even if you and I agreed on the same things, I would think you were a moron because of the way you express yourself. Your total certainty about things and your lack of nuance SHOUTS "Stupid" in your posts.


Take this excellent example:


What is in bold could not be a bigger lie.

In fact there was recently another poster hwo was complaining about the fact that he could no longer access the posts made by you that he bookmarked, and was waiting to throw in back your face.

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Many Giants fans were saying the same thing about Eli Manning last year, early in the season.


Fortunately, Coughlin and his coaches were not parochial and looked to the long-term and Eli's growing potential.

Their faith was rewarded with a Superbowl, and an NFL elite quarterback.


Giants coaches took a long-term view.


Trent is the long-term hope for the Bills at QB, not JP Lossman

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Wrong once again, meathead. It isn't about agreeing or disagreeing with opinions. That's where you miss the mark (well, one of the many ways you manage to miss the mark). With you, it's fairly obvious from the TONE of your posts, that you are a dunderhead.


Even if you and I agreed on the same things, I would think you were a moron because of the way you express yourself. Your total certainty about things and your lack of nuance SHOUTS "Stupid" in your posts.


Take this excellent example:

You don't like that example huh?

You don't like truth

It brings out your true nature when you read the truth.





But you are correct with this comment, regarding your own immaturity.

It isn't about agreeing or disagreeing with opinions

Because with you it is never just an exchange of opinion on a topic, you are far too juvenile to restrict it to that.

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Because with you it is never just an exchange of opinion on a topic, because you are far to juvenile to restrict it to that.


You don't give opinions, you state FACTS (or so you claim). Go reread your posts.

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Because it's all about the QB, right?

Pretty much the same team better results..In fact I would take Our defense of fletcher and spikes over these guys..Our wr's are less than what Jp had to work with no doubt.So whats the excuse now..Our tight end is better now..LOL..Give it up its no contest..

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Many Giants fans were saying the same thing about Eli Manning last year, early in the season.


Fortunately, Coughlin and his coaches were not parochial and looked to the long-term and Eli's growing potential.

Their faith was rewarded with a Superbowl, and an NFL elite quarterback.


Giants coaches took a long-term view.


Trent is the long-term hope for the Bills at QB, not JP Lossman

Eli huh?

That reminds me...

Do you know that he is another QB that the Losman crew was favorably comparing JP to?



But now reality comes into play.

Like the one poster said, it is real a shame we cannot dig up those posts to have these big mouths eat their humble pie.

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Pretty much the same team better results..In fact I would take Our defense of fletcher and spikes over these guys..Our wr's are less than what Jp had to work with no doubt.So whats the excuse now..Our tight end is better now..LOL..Give it up its no contest..

Pretty much the same team? LMMAO! Okay chief, go with that one.

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Eli huh?

That reminds me...

Do you know that he is another QB that the Losman crew was favorably comparing JP to?



But now reality come into play.

Like the one poster said, it is real a shame we cannot dig up those posts to have these big mouths eat their humble pie.

How many games did Elli play in his five years in the leaque.He was a productive qb his whole career?If he was drafted by Buffalo five years ago,he would've been considered a bust.Our coach would've bench him and we would be talking about Edwards vs Manning.Archie would've made Buffalo trade him.
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Pretty much the same team better results..In fact I would take Our defense of fletcher and spikes over these guys..Our wr's are less than what Jp had to work with no doubt.So whats the excuse now..Our tight end is better now..LOL..Give it up its no contest..
Spikes last played a full season with Buffalo in 2004.He was hurt the next year, only played 3 games.He wasn't the same after that.I would've taken that defense too.
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