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OT: ESPN sickens me

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Boston fans think they've already won the World Series by beating the $Yankees. I am going to go out on a limb here...the Red Sox will surely lose THE World Series. Why? Well because they're cursed of course.


Boston fan go climb a tree will ya.

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Stop being so Bitter or should I call it jealousy. Give it a break already. Its a big deal for the red sox thats the reason. I dont see the red sox losing in 5 though lol at that. If the Red Sox lose it will be in 6 or 7.

But i must say and this si funny.......

If we do lose we lose to the best team in baseball right most wins??

But the Spankees beat us last year and they lose to the Marlins? LMAO

Correct me if im wrong SPANKEE FANS!!! LOL


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It's all about ratings. People have been talking about Boston for years, they'll watch a hour and a half show show about them. Outside of Card fans and now displaced Yankee fans wanting the Sox to fail, who gives a crap about a team from St. Louis? It's the way the business works, suck it up and quit bitchin. Worry about the game.

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more whining? for crying out loud, your favorite team (how would i know that) is in the world series and all you can do is cry about ESPN doing something that it typical of broadcasters -- airing a program that has a large audience. wow. they must be fugging crazy.


sometimes i get so sick and tired of the "poor us" and "why don't we get any respect" mentality. bills' fans do it all the time.


face it -- the red sox are a much bigger story than the cardinals. casual fans are much more likely to pay attention to a story about the red sox history of ineptitude.


i remember your whining during the pacers / pistons series as well. grow up, dude.

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EBall first of all, I understand the Red Sox are a big story, however, if you are going to do an hour and a half call in show about the Series, why not do it about BOTH teams??? The ratings are still going to be good. They are reairing the same show up until game time tonight.


Outside of St. Louis who cares??? There are Cardinals fans ALL OVER THE WORLD in case you didn't know. The Cardinals have a similar rabid fan base like the Red Sox do. Game 7 Thursday night drew very high ratings I would guess in large part because of our nationwide fan base.


I just think that since this is the 100th World Series, they would be paying a little more attention to the team with the best record in baseball???


I guess I shouldn't expect anything less after the way the LCS was treated though.


The media is a joke.

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IM really not following how doing a series on the Sox such such a big deal. Im sure STL is getting plenty of attention before they get their asses handed to them tonight.


Honestly, BF...Matt Morris and Jason Marquis against this lineup? And in the pen? The Sox ate up Rivera. And even YOU have to admit......Izzy is closer to Geraldo Rivera than he is to Mariano Rivera.

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Why is everyone so sure we are going to get hammered? I think Houston had a tougher lineup then Boston. It's close but Houston was amazing at the plate.


I mean look at this.









Every one of those guys is capable of hitting 25-30 homers outside of Biggio who does many other things well.


The Red Sox lineup is great, but I think we can shut them down.


The Sox pitching is shaky right now too. Wakefield? Lowe? Even Schilling is a question mark. Combine that with the power in OUR lineup and you may have trouble in Red Sox nation as well.

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