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If she's such a bad choice

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Because it is fun!


Like watching a train wreck... Ya, you feel sorry for the victims... But, man you just have to crane your head, take a look and say: "Man, I hope I am smarter than that!"


I happy that the wheels are coming off... Yet, I feel sorry for the poor hypocrites. I do pray for them.


That doesn't answer my question. Glad you are happy.

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Can't speak for others, but my reaction to it is that it was a very shrewd move by the Republicans because they had no chance before to win, and now at least they have a chance. So I think she is pretty unqualified, and ultimately will look like an incomplete Hail Mary pass. Apparently, a huge portion of the Republican power brokers thought he couldn't win without her either. So it was a good move.

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That doesn't answer my question. Glad you are happy.


I did answer the question... We are all happy that the wheels are coming off. Man did McCain screw up.


I think what you sense is apprehensiveness. The people who the Republicans pander down too can be tricky. The intellect is lower amongst who the Republicans pander down to, and in situations like this it is always... IMO, the intellectual that will always succumb to the power of the unified masses. Now roll it up in 'family values" and you have something uncrackable.


Didn't Hamilton warn of this?

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Give 'em hell tonight, Sarah!!! :angry:

I predict she will do great tonight. She should be able to handle the pressure, being used to performing while being a good athlete, being a beauty pageant contestant and a TV sport reporter. The crowd is going to go nuts. Her speech should be good (although it was just reported they had to cut the masculinity out of it in the last couple days because it was written for a man) :wallbash: No kidding.

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Same question for Republicans and why they attack Obama about being so unfit to be president. Why attack him when you can sit back and "be happy?"


You know, when Obama first hit the national stage as the keynote speaker at the DNC, I thought he was brilliant. This Palin person hasn't even been on stage yet. Anyway, you didn't answer my question either.

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You know, when Obama first hit the national stage as the keynote speaker at the DNC, I thought he was brilliant. This Palin person hasn't even been on stage yet. Anyway, you didn't answer my question either.


I just said they are happy. Why do you say they are unhappy? IMO, they are very happy that this playing out like this...

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She will hit a home run tonight because she is a good speaker like BO (though she does say nuc u lar). But she's still a creationist evangelical nut. And I mean that in a bad way.


I'm sure that the base will eat up whatever she has to say tonight but I think that she brings absolutely nothing to the ticket as far as poaching Independent/Democrat voters from Obama.

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She will hit a home run tonight because she is a good speaker like BO (though she does say nuc u lar). But she's still a creationist evangelical nut. And I mean that in a bad way.


I agree. I think she is a great lady. There are a lot of great qualities that she brings and a lot of wacko ones. Just watch them be rolled up together tonight. No wonder our country is severly slipping in the logical thinking department... Why most Americans say they are not confident when it comes to talking about science and math. Again, you will see the grace and wackiness rolled up into one.

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