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Sarah Palin

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Fox News just reported that the Ohio event is saying all signs point to her as VP.


I always thought she'd be the best choice...keeping fingers crossed.

I only know she's the Gov. of Alaska. Before that mayor of a 7000 person town.


I don't know jack about her.

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CNN has it as Palin.




Carville said last night that the best VP pick is one that makes your opponent's campaign manager reach for a bucket to puke in. She--being a she--fits that bill. Her lack of experience undermines McCain's ability to punch Obama on that point though.


Smells of pandering until I learn more about her.

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Just found this. And it begins:


Seriously? Sarah Palin for VP? It's one thing for millions of voters to put forward a sitting senator as a possible commander in chief, but for John McCain to hand-pick a first-term governor of a tiny state is bizarre. Here are five reasons why, if she is the pick, this is a huge mistake:


1. There goes McCain's best argument.

He cannot say Obama is not ready but she is. Obama started organizing his campaign for president the same month she was sworn in to lead the third-smallest state's government.

2. She has no base of support.

Obama won his senate seat with 3,597,456 votes, that's more than five times the population of Alaska. He has won more than 18 million votes in a long, tough primary that tested him and prepared him. How has she been tested? She lost her first bid for statewide office, then won the governor's office with 114,697 votes, not a majority, but enough to take office. And apparently, enough to set her up for the Oval Office.

3. The "woman card" will backfire.

She's no Hillary Clinton. And this is such an obvious ploy. It would be different if she were known to anyone or qualified or something.

4. Alaska, a corrupt hinterland.

Yes, she is a hard-nosed, tough reformer. But the McCain campaign will have to deal with the fact that Alaska seems like a foreign land as corrupt as Louisiana. It's longtime senator will stand trial smack dab in the middle of this campaign season, and McCain may have to vote to remove him from office. Yes, they can spin it that she is someone cleaning up the mess up there, but what Americans realize is that they don't know much about what goes on up there. Will they be comfortable with her?

5. Was this McCain's choice?

It seems clear that McCain wanted to go with Lieberman but was talked out of it by the right wing of his party. Rove admits calling Lieberman to ask him to pull his name out. Bush lost his way because he never stood up to Rove et. al. McCain is headed down the same path.






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Here's why I'm concerned about Palin. If McCain is trying to win over the Hilltards (which he obviously is), that may backfire because Palin is a hunter and is pro-life. Not to mention the fact that the experience card is now completely off the table. It's done. McCain is 72 today...if something happens to him, Sarah Palin will be our president. Huh? I'd love to see her foreign policy record.

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McCain has said that the duties of a VP are to inquire as to the health of the president and to break ties in the Senate. Is she really the best person the Repubs have to be a heartbeat away from the presidency? In the event McCain wins, I would be much more comfortable with people like Ridge, Huckabee, or even Kay Bailey Hutchinson. If McCain was younger or healthier it would be more acceptable. It looks like a clear pander to the Hillary holdouts. Obama passed the first major decision he had to make, I don't think McCain has.

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