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(OT) Boston v. NY Game 7 thread


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Newbie questions:


My understanding is that the Yanks have traditionally hit Pedro well.  If that's the case, from a Boston perspective, why put him in?


Also, what happened earlier in the series when Pedro pitched?  BoSox win, did he do well, did he get hammered?


Campy come give me mouth to mouth..I'm freaking out

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Newbie questions:


My understanding is that the Yanks have traditionally hit Pedro well. If that's the case, from a Boston perspective, why put him in?


Also, what happened earlier in the series when Pedro pitched? BoSox win? Did he do well? Did he get hammered?


They've done well against him, but that's not the biggest point.


The point is you are up by 7 runs and your starter is pitching awesome, your bullpen a little tired. There is no reason to pull lowe just yet, and if you do pull him put in one of the other shitbags from the bullpen. Pedro pitched 2 days ago, and can singlehandedly get the crowd back into it.


thank god bellhorn.


edited: p.s. - the filter doesn't work on the word shitbag.

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Pedro didn't ask to come in... Francona is just a focking retard.  No honestly, he is.  I almost hope the Yankees come back to win now (almost).  Talk about choking in the complete opposite direction as Grady.




I hear you.


There is a mean streak at the fan level. This just crosses the managerial line. Torre is too much a "class act" to get caught up in this crap.


It totally diminishes Lowes effort... Even if Pedro only gives up those two runs and holds... it looks bad.


Pedro would have had to give up none for it to work...


Now the last two innings it infuses hope in the Yankee batters.


I know if I was a Yankee hitter, I would be pumped for the 8th and 9th.


Stranger things have happened, why court it this way?...

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They've done well against him, but that's not the biggest point.


The point is you are up by 7 runs and your starter is pitching awesome, your bullpen a little tired. There is no reason to pull lowe just yet, and if you do pull him put in one of the other shitbags from the bullpen. Pedro pitched 2 days ago, and can singlehandedly get the crowd back into it.


thank god bellhorn.


edited: p.s. - the filter doesn't work on the word shitbag.




Exactly... Wow this is freaky... I predicted the Yankees win 9-2!


I should "reverse" my hunches and hit Vegas! ;):)

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They've done well against him, but that's not the biggest point.


The point is you are up by 7 runs and your starter is pitching awesome, your bullpen a little tired. There is no reason to pull lowe just yet, and if you do pull him put in one of the other shitbags from the bullpen. Pedro pitched 2 days ago, and can singlehandedly get the crowd back into it.


thank god bellhorn.


edited: p.s. - the filter doesn't work on the word shitbag.


I couldn't agree more. D-Lowe was mowing them down and had the crowd completely out of the game. Why take him out? Even worse, why replace him with Petey?


For a moment there, I was thinking maybe the Babe was putting thoughts in Francona's head; had him hypnotized or something! That had to be one of the dumbest, let me outsmart myself moves I've ever seen.


Just a classic "What the fug were you thinking?"

Thank God Bellhorn came up and took the starch out of the Yankees' shorts!


I have been a die-hard Sox fan for 38 years, and while Petey was out there giving up hits and runs I was thinking, "If you blow this, I will never root for Sox again!"

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Guest Idiot Red Sox Fan
3 More to go BABY!!!!  Then Celebration on the Spankee field right in front of those classless Asses!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!




Are you looking in the mirror? You are classless.....go beat off already punk

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I couldn't agree more.  D-Lowe was mowing them down and had the crowd completely out of the game.  Why take him out?  Even worse, why replace him with Petey?


For a moment there, I was thinking maybe the Babe was putting thoughts in Francona's head; had him hypnotized or something! That had to be one of the dumbest, let me outsmart myself moves I've ever seen.


Just a classic "What the fug were you thinking?"

Thank God Bellhorn came up and took the starch out of the Yankees' shorts!


I have been a die-hard Sox fan for 38 years, and while Petey was out there giving up hits and runs I was thinking, "If you blow this, I will never root for Sox again!"



And to think... Most of the sport "know it alls" in NE wanted Bellhorn Benched.


Did anybody hear any boos in Yankee Stadium today like the classes asses did in Fenway? Hand it to the Yank fans for still razzzing Pedro... They still know who the enemy is.


I wouldn't put the youngin's near a fickle Sox fan... ;):)

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