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just for the record, I predict that peters will report after the colts game. no reason for the optimism, just a hunch. that would give him 2 weeks to get ready.


If he doesnt come back then, he might sit out for a LONGGGGGGG time.


If he does, you may all call me the Amazing Zona.

Zonta, I already predicted he will report by next Wednesday but you can second it if you want to!

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Brandon is Wilson's intermediary. Parker is negotiating with Ralph Wilson not with Brandon...Wilson is not about to let Parker or Peters push him around.


Bingo. One thing you can be sure of when it comes to Ralph Wilson: He will defend the overall, long-term interests of his team, as he sees them, with the ferocity of a bear sow defending her cubs.

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i agree. but this is a pure contract issue IMO. this a lawyer, parker, and his client, peters, breaching their contract. they have three years left. what is amazing -- is that teams extend contracts three (3) years out. with shoebel, the bills DID JUST THAT/. one poster put it best a few days agao, saying, the bills are not going to extend for a guy who doesnt show to camp and last time theny saw him, "he was liming off the field."



the poor bills were and are desperate for talent. the bills are like the fat ugly girl at the prom who wants to get laid and will put herself in a bad position just to be like everyone else -- BECAUSE SHE IS desperate to be like the others. teh patroits would laugh at Peters -- and most likely deal him away.







Shoebel followed that prefromance with a below average year. Players take the money and dissappear. No incentive to excel.
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the poor bills were and are desperate for talent. the bills are like the fat ugly girl at the prom who wants to get laid and will put herself in a bad position just to be like everyone else -- BECAUSE SHE IS desperate to be like the others. teh patroits would laugh at Peters -- and most likely deal him away.

You mean like they did with Samuel? :w00t:


Or like how the Bills did with McGahee? :thumbsup:

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the Pats might just as well have come to Peters shortly after he was nominated to the Pro-bowl and said "hey we know you are underpaid so rehab and come back and pass a physical and we will pay you a little more than Dockery and if you make the Pro-bowl again we will work you a deal that pays the Ave of the Top five LTs"

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the Pats might just as well have come to Peters shortly after he was nominated to the Pro-bowl and said "hey we know you are underpaid so rehab and come back and pass a physical and we will pay you a little more than Dockery and if you make the Pro-bowl again we will work you a deal that pays the Ave of the Top five LTs"

That would be tampering - you're not saying the Pats* are cheaters, are you? :thumbsup:

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there r a lot of moving parts here. lets rehash the facts we know:


peters has three yrs left on his contact. in 2005 he signed an extension for 5 years at $15 milliosn.. he wants $8-13 mil per season.

he was an undrafted free agent. the bills cut him then resigned him.


no one knows how his groin injury healed aft the giants game.


peters made the probowl when the afc has NO dominant left tackle. joe thomas, a rookie, replaced him b/k he was injured. peters a very good player, but not a premier tackle. joe thomas was the starter in the pro bowl -- a rookie. no jonathan ogden. no john tait. no tarik glenn. they all retired or moved positions.


shoebel was given an extension -- with three yrs left on his contract. this was after 50 sacks and being healthy and reporting to camp.


peters agent parker is hellbent on getting huge guaranteed money and 6-7 yr deals for his clients. his clients include walter jones and steven jackson -- player that held out fir top money. the bills are not a cash cow.


peters does not have the pedigree of jackson or jones or schoebel. peters was also injured. he was a pro bowler -- in a down yr at left tackle in the afc. the bill should offer $10m-$12 guaranteed money and a three yr extension at $6.5 mm per season. that is a $3.5 million raise, etc. seems fair. but $8-12 mm is not fair. btw, dockery and walker were high picks (both 3rd , i think) and proven players coming in.











That would be tampering - you're not saying the Pats* are cheaters, are you? :thumbsup:


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My bet is that Peters is in camp by Saturday (23rd). This way he can sneek into OP after the team is long gone from SJF and the media is not there to harass him. His new contract will be ready to go and signed by the first game of the season.

Yet another prediction that Peters would "crawl back" to camp that was wrong. I think the best way to handle this is to simply make a new prediction each day that he will be back the next, sooner or later you will be right, I hope.

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there r a lot of moving parts here. lets rehash the facts we know:


peters has three yrs left on his contact. in 2005 he signed an extension for 5 years at $15 milliosn.. he wants $8-13 mil per season.

he was an undrafted free agent. the bills cut him then resigned him.


no one knows how his groin injury healed aft the giants game.


peters made the probowl when the afc has NO dominant left tackle. joe thomas, a rookie, replaced him b/k he was injured. peters a very good player, but not a premier tackle. joe thomas was the starter in the pro bowl -- a rookie. no jonathan ogden. no john tait. no tarik glenn. they all retired or moved positions.


shoebel was given an extension -- with three yrs left on his contract. this was after 50 sacks and being healthy and reporting to camp.


peters agent parker is hellbent on getting huge guaranteed money and 6-7 yr deals for his clients. his clients include walter jones and steven jackson -- player that held out fir top money. the bills are not a cash cow.


peters does not have the pedigree of jackson or jones or schoebel. peters was also injured. he was a pro bowler -- in a down yr at left tackle in the afc. the bill should offer $10m-$12 guaranteed money and a three yr extension at $6.5 mm per season. that is a $3.5 million raise, etc. seems fair. but $8-12 mm is not fair. btw, dockery and walker were high picks (both 3rd , i think) and proven players coming in.


A few "facts" here are not correct. Peters was checked out by team doctors after the surgery, that came from Brandon himself when he described the last time he saw Jason this year being after his surgery when he was in town to be checked out by the docs. So much for the "no one knows if his groin healed" fact.


You may not think he is a premier tackle but the rest of the league does, including Jason Taylor, former defensive MVP who faced Peters twice each year.


As for Schobel turning up for camp, that was because the team approached his agents in February of 2007 and worked 6 months on a new deal which, with the exception of what Schobel himself called a few minor details, was done prior to camp. There was no need for him to hold out. However, even though the team showed their good faith by conceding that he was due a new contract and negotiating in February, he still held out of the first 4 off season practices to send a message to the team that he was dead serious. The difference here isn't in what the two players have done, it is in what the team has done. They went after Scobel early and have flatly refused to give Peters a new deal this year.


Many have stated, with no proof at all, that the team is justified in seeing if he is the real deal for one more year. Yet, at the same time they are quick to point out that Peters has no leverage now. Well, if that is true, he will have no leverage next year either or the year after that. If the team is justified and has the leverage to make this deal stick for another year, why not for another 2 years? Would that be unfair? Would you be critical of the team then? If not, why not? Why would this year's strategy be sound and the same strategy be unsound next year? What is the difference? Afterall, we have him by the balls, he has no choice, no option, no leverage, right?


If by pedigree, you mean prove he is worth the money he seeks, he has all the pedigree that is needed. Schobel wasn't worth the contract he had nor the extension he was given. He is not and never will be a "premiere" defensive end as witness by the lack of double teams he draws. Peters made the pro bowl earlier than Schobel did and at 26 years old, he will be getting better while Schobel is clearly in the back half of his career.


Cash cow or not, if you want a pro bowl LT, you eventually have to pay a pro bowl salary. If you can't pay a good player at a key position something close to what he is worth, you have no business running a football team.

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Once again, I ask...



Has anyone seen Jason Peters play a single down since he ripped up his groin and had surgery for a sports hernia?????



Has Jason Taylor? Melvin Fowler?? Derrick Dockery???






Anyone at all??????



Don't all answer at once.....




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Good post. I agree with much of what you wrote. and it was helpful to hear how schoebel's contract was extended. however, you have made a lot of generalizations -- as you accuse that i have done (i.e., shoeble doesn't draw double teams, jason taylor's opinion is worth anything, etc).


regardless, the problem, i think, is simple. 1) peters may have been "checked out by doctors" but a $8 mil investment is going to require him getting on the field and "buying into the team" and what the bills are trying to do. there has to be some dedication shown buy the guy. to hide behind your agent is, while a business move only, has never been the way to deal with wilson. wilson, as other posters have stated, will pay when he see dedication and proof that he is getting a prodcut that buys into the system adn culture. i think that is reasonable. a $7-8 mil investment requires more than a doctor statment "he is healthy and his groin is healed." what about his conditioning? is his ballsack healed -- are his guts/intestants out of his testicles and back in his stomach -- where they are supposed to be (that is what a sports hernia is)? valid questions for a left tackle position. 2) peters value is not fully known or developed because he was a pro bowler in a down season at the position (joe thomas a rookie was sent to hawaii); it was peters first season at the posiiton, he was a back up te and defense tackle in college (not a blue chip tackel prospect who has the pedigree to paly 12 season at that level -- by more than talent, but brains and technique -- as vetted at the combine).


i'm a peters fan. i've seen the guy play and he is clearly a special talent. he moves silky smooth for a man with his size. he pass protects well -- rangy and long arms and good footwork -- the hallmarks of a pass protector. his run leverage at the POA seems great too. he and dockery get good pushs and he is a pile mover. i would not say he is a devastating blocker however. i would not say he is a pancaking machine. i would say he is an average run blocker -- IMHO. with all this said, what is his value? what i wrote above (his pedigree; injury status, adn overall skill (he was a probowler in a down yr at a VERY position)) is a question and by no means KNOWN or FACTUAL.


wilson will tread carefully here. cahmbers has shown to be very able -- thus far. i personally like chambers mean streak better than peters on run plays. but like peters pass blocking. these are the issue -- they will be resolved soon enough. but to pay peters $8 a season -- seems irrational.









A few "facts" here are not correct. Peters was checked out by team doctors after the surgery, that came from Brandon himself when he described the last time he saw Jason this year being after his surgery when he was in town to be checked out by the docs. So much for the "no one knows if his groin healed" fact.


You may not think he is a premier tackle but the rest of the league does, including Jason Taylor, former defensive MVP who faced Peters twice each year.


As for Schobel turning up for camp, that was because the team approached his agents in February of 2007 and worked 6 months on a new deal which, with the exception of what Schobel himself called a few minor details, was done prior to camp. There was no need for him to hold out. However, even though the team showed their good faith by conceding that he was due a new contract and negotiating in February, he still held out of the first 4 off season practices to send a message to the team that he was dead serious. The difference here isn't in what the two players have done, it is in what the team has done. They went after Scobel early and have flatly refused to give Peters a new deal this year.


Many have stated, with no proof at all, that the team is justified in seeing if he is the real deal for one more year. Yet, at the same time they are quick to point out that Peters has no leverage now. Well, if that is true, he will have no leverage next year either or the year after that. If the team is justified and has the leverage to make this deal stick for another year, why not for another 2 years? Would that be unfair? Would you be critical of the team then? If not, why not? Why would this year's strategy be sound and the same strategy be unsound next year? What is the difference? Afterall, we have him by the balls, he has no choice, no option, no leverage, right?


If by pedigree, you mean prove he is worth the money he seeks, he has all the pedigree that is needed. Schobel wasn't worth the contract he had nor the extension he was given. He is not and never will be a "premiere" defensive end as witness by the lack of double teams he draws. Peters made the pro bowl earlier than Schobel did and at 26 years old, he will be getting better while Schobel is clearly in the back half of his career.


Cash cow or not, if you want a pro bowl LT, you eventually have to pay a pro bowl salary. If you can't pay a good player at a key position something close to what he is worth, you have no business running a football team.

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