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Greatest regular-season wins

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I remember blocking either a fieldgoal or a punt right before halftime. I was in the TV lounge of my dorm with about 3-4 Bills fans and a very annoyed Dulfin fan!



Ah, I was working during the Broncos game that year. When we fell behind, someone shut the radio off. ABout two minutes later, somebody told us the Bills were in the lead.....amazing.


My best memory of that Raiders game was when Nate Odomes took the ball away from Willie Gault and scored!

I was watching the game down in Houston and they had to switch to the Eulers game w/ 2 minutes left in the Bills - Donkeys. Donkeys scored in the last 2 minutes and I was definitely sweating that one out waiting for any updates.


One other fun game to watch was the Bills 47 - Eulers 41 in '89. Unfortunately it was Derrick Burroughs last game as a Bill. That game also had a controversial call on Houston's last drive in regulation. The Houston receiver caught the ball on the left side of the field, he got tackled by Odomes (?). The receiver immediately lost control of the ball as he was falling backwards and Talley grabbed the ball and ran it back for a TD. The officials said the receiver's forward progress had been stopped so no fumble. Houston scored a field goal on the drive to send the game to OT, rather than the game ending 48-38 Buffalo. Saturday Night Live skewered the call w/ John Goodman playing an addled ref trying to defend the call in a press conference.


I was at that one sitting upper deck. A large part of the goal post actually made it up there somehow and we helped pushing it to the top. It eventually went over the top if I remember correctly.

I was up there as well. Security wouldn't let them throw it over the side. Some strange issue about not wanting to kill anyone or something. But several other chunks of the goal posts did end up in the parking lot.

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Lighting up Buddy Ryan's vaunted "46" defense in Rich Stadium in 1990. Kelly had over 200 yards passing in the first quarter alone. The Bills scored 24 very quick points, and had to hang on tight to win it at the end. That was also the game where Cunningham threw that crazy 95ish yard TD to Calvin Williams I believe...the one where Bruce Smith basically was flipped over Cunningham in the end zone.


I think the '06 Texans win and last years Redskins win are good choices too...just because it's been so long since the franchise was capable of pulling out tough wins like that on the road.


52-34 over the Steelers in '91...Kelly tossed 6TDs that day I believe.


Late in 2001 when the brutally bad Gregg Williams coached Bills went into the Meadowlands late in December and knocked off the Jets, who still had hopes of winning the division. That was the Testaverde retarded dump-off to Curtis Martin game.


Three games from Bledsoe's first season- the snow game vs Miami (most fun I've ever had in that Stadium), and the OT games against the Bears and Vikings.

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--Frank Reich's first big outing; comeback win on MNF against (I think) the Rams.


--1980 W over the Felons.


--Another MNF game, can't remember the year but Kelly & Co. embarrased the Jets badly in the Meadowlands. That might have been the game the Jets fans started lighting fires in the stands.


--2007 upset of the heavily favored Cowboys on MNF. :lol:


--Rout of Cleveland a few years back where the D dominated the game and held them to zero yardage into the 4Q. My last time at the Ralph.

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--Another MNF game, can't remember the year but Kelly & Co. embarrased the Jets badly in the Meadowlands. That might have been the game the Jets fans started lighting fires in the stands. 1988

The second game that season vs the Jets was the OT thriller, where Smerlas blocked a last minute FG in regulation to send the game into OT, where Norwood nailed the game winner. I watch a tape of that game from time to time and the Bills almost won it in the final seconds when a Kelly bomb to Reed fell just beyond Andre's fingertips.


I was living here in DC at the time and the game was shown locally, which in those days, hardly ever happened. Remember, this was pre-NFL Ticket, pre-sports bars, etc. Usually, I would have to call home for updates or try to get WHAM to come in. But this game, for some reason, was shown in the DC area, and I remember standing the entire game.

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The second game that season vs the Jets was the OT thriller, where Smerlas blocked a last minute FG in regulation to send the game into OT, where Norwood nailed the game winner. I watch a tape of that game from time to time and the Bills almost won it in the final seconds when a Kelly bomb to Reed fell just beyond Andre's fingertips.


I was living here in DC at the time and the game was shown locally, which in those days, hardly ever happened. Remember, this was pre-NFL Ticket, pre-sports bars, etc. Usually, I would have to call home for updates or try to get WHAM to come in. But this game, for some reason, was shown in the DC area, and I remember standing the entire game.



other monster road wins not mentioned


at pittsburgh 1976

wk 5 on the road, 1980, 4-0 Bills win AT 4-0 San Diego

at indy 1987 (signs of greatness)

at bucs, 1991, 1 great play by the biscuit

at raiders, 1991 (SI cover AFC Superpower Buffalo Bags the Raiders)

at philly 1993 (started 4 game surge to home field)

at philly 1996

at miami 1999


if they had managed to close out home field in 92, I would have had to rank the miami monday night game that year as the greatest road win of all time. that was an epic. bruce went nuts that night. what i would do for 1 franchise changing giant road win in 08. how about at NE.

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The second game that season vs the Jets was the OT thriller, where Smerlas blocked a last minute FG in regulation to send the game into OT, where Norwood nailed the game winner. I watch a tape of that game from time to time and the Bills almost won it in the final seconds when a Kelly bomb to Reed fell just beyond Andre's fingertips.


I was living here in DC at the time and the game was shown locally, which in those days, hardly ever happened. Remember, this was pre-NFL Ticket, pre-sports bars, etc. Usually, I would have to call home for updates or try to get WHAM to come in. But this game, for some reason, was shown in the DC area, and I remember standing the entire game.


I thought it was Howard Ballard who blocked it. IIRC, Smerlas told him "just picture the ball as a big chicken wing and go feast on it".

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I saw my first Bills game in 1976. I am sure in the the mid 60's, there were tons of great wins but my top 2 are from games I was at.


1. Bills- Miami- Opener 1980. After 20 straight losses to Miami the Bills won. I was there. Still say it's the greatest game I ever went to.

2. Bills- NY Jets 1988- Bills clinch AFC East- Fandemonium.


There are tons more great ones. For me, that 1980 season stands out (Raiders game- both teams were unbeaten, the Rams game when the players came back out and danced to Talkin Proud after their OT Win, the 49ers game where Fergy sprained his ankle but the Bills still won and clinched the East- if he hadn't gotten hurt, I think they would have gone the distance that year) as does the 1990 season (The Broncos & Raiders games- back to back comebacks and the last play of the game win with the Kelly to Jamie Mueller TD). Some of the others- 1988 Monday Night Football against Miami & the Jets. Bills hammered them both. 1989 MNF win against the Rams. Frank Reich puilled out a win late. 1992 MNF at Miami. I believe the Bills clinched the East with that win and it was in late November. There are others I can't even remember right now.


What about a Greatest Season topic? Don't just say 1965 beacuse they won the AFL Championship. Make it a season that you remember fondly and why. Maybe you went to your first game or it was the first time you had season tickets- whatever. For me, it was the 1980 season. I was just a kid and it was the first time the Bills were good with me being a fan, went to 5 games that season and to this day, I can remember the excitement in WNY about the Bills. Went to see them at Training Camp for the first time that year and I also remember getting Bells Bills Cards every week and actually getting a 1980 Bills AFC East Champs T-Shirt. They didn't have the merchandise back then that they do now. I went to games before that and was a fan but that year hooked me for life.

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2. Bills- NY Jets 1988- Bills clinch AFC East- Fandemonium.


I second that nomination.



It was a great game, a defensive battle, and it ended in OT. Then we tore down the goalposts, delivered them to Ralph Wilson's suite, and then were immortalized in an iconic photograph that now resides in Canton, OH. On top of that, we won the division at home and that game marked the beginning of the great Bills dynasty that we all remember fondly. Other than that, it was just a game...

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