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(OT) Boston v. NY Game 5 Thread


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As far as I'm concerned, my team is already dead and buried.   They are playing with house money right now.   Whereas if the Yankees go on to lose, it will be the single greatest choke job in all of professional sports.    


You tell me which would be worse?



nice spin, but the Sox were the heavy favorites before the series started. 3-2 is 3-2 anyway you slice it, and no Boston fan would've taken that offer before Game 1.

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As far as I'm concerned, my team is already dead and buried.  They are playing with house money right now.  Whereas if the Yankees go on to lose, it will be the single greatest choke job in all of professional sports.   


You tell me which would be worse?



You're crazy. It wouldn't be a choke job at all. Way to have confidence in your team. Bandwagon is all I have to say. If Boston comes back and beats NY 4 straight then they deserve it. It won't be a choke job, the Yanks will have lost. Remember, we won the first two in NY and really only needed to take one in Boston. That's still great odds for the Yanks. They just happened to win the first instead of the second or third. Also if that game isn't such a blowout it's not even talked about. All the other games have been so close. We'll see what happens but I think the Yanks clinch it tonight.

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As far as I'm concerned, my team is already dead and buried.  They are playing with house money right now.  Whereas if the Yankees go on to lose, it will be the single greatest choke job in all of professional sports.   


You tell me which would be worse?




I agree if the Yankees lose the series, it would be an embarassment just from the aspect of them losing 4 straight after being up 3-0, not because of Boston as a team.


Boston playing with house money!?!?! Stevestojan, pure bull stevestojan. The Red Sox were FAVORED to win the series before it started, Red Sox are playing for the World Series or nothing, plain and simple.

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How were they favored? Didn't the Yankees win the division? Didn't the Yankees get home-field advantage? :)


The Red Sox were FAVORED to win the series before it started, Red Sox are playing for the World Series or nothing, plain and simple.


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HaHaHa clements your hilarious. But we have to put up with your dumbass Spankee loving announcers on Fox so i think its even.




Are you serious?? Joe Buck and McCarver rooting for the Yankees? No way..if anything they want the Sox to make this 7 games and then they want them in the series....Im not complaining about that, they can "root" for whoever they want...

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Are you serious??  Joe Buck and McCarver rooting for the Yankees?  No way..if anything they want the Sox to make this 7 games and then they want them in the series....Im not complaining about that, they can "root" for whoever they want...



Anybody who regularly listens to the rampant homerism of Michael Kay and John Stirling ("Thuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh Yankeeswin!"), and is suddenly confronted with impartial announcers, should be excused for thinking the impartial guys are somehow "biased" against the Yankees. :)

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Anybody who regularly listens to the rampant homerism of Michael Kay and John Stirling ("Thuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh Yankeeswin!"), and is suddenly confronted with impartial announcers, should be excused for thinking the impartial guys are somehow "biased" against the Yankees.  :)




Im not a big John Sterling fan myself, he was better when he first started with the Yankees, now I think his ego has gotten in the way a bit. If you really listen to Sterling I will say this though: He is complimentary to the other teams players, and will go out of his way to talk how great Ortiz and Manny are as hitters, for example. Ive heard worse homers then Sterling IMO, ever listen to a Cubs broadcast???


Honestly, and again Im not saying its a problem, if you arent a Yankees fan (Buck and McCarver arent) why wouldnt you want the Red Sox to win??? For Fox, its a much better story having Boston in the World Series, with 1918, the supposed curse, the fact that Fox portrays Red Sox fans as the only fans that suffered in their whole life, (like no other sports fans suffer more) and whatnot. Do we need to see 3-5 Boston Red Sox fans reactions before virtually EVERY pitch??? I agree they have been waiting a LOOOONG time, but to me its a little bit of an overkill.

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Fox portrays Red Sox fans as the only fans that suffered in their whole life, (like no other sports fans suffer more) and whatnot.  Do we need to see 3-5 Boston Red Sox fans reactions before virtually EVERY pitch???


Hell yeah! LMAO looking at those sad losers! THAT'S entertainment! :):lol::lol:

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All I have to say is that those were five great games so far, especially the three in Boston. Almost 16 hours of baseball in three days. Throw in pre & post game shows on YES and it's over 20 hours of Yankees-Red Sox ALCS action. Just unbelievable games for fans of both teams & baseball fans in general. If it wasn't for the garbage FOX announcers & garbage FOX coverage, nobody could ask for better baseball. If I have to see one more commercial for "Rebel Billionaire" or "My Big, Fat Obnoxious Boss" or that damn doctor show, I will pull an Elvis and put a bullet through the screen. Could Tim McCarver possibly pull for Boston any harder or mispronounce even more names ? Anyways.........


I guarantee the Yankees WILL win Game 6.

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All I have to say is that those were five great games so far, especially the three in Boston. Almost 16 hours of baseball in three days. Throw in pre & post game shows on YES and it's over 20 hours of Yankees-Red Sox ALCS action. Just unbelievable games for fans of both teams & baseball fans in general. If it wasn't for the garbage FOX announcers & garbage FOX coverage, nobody could ask for better baseball. If I have to see one more commercial for "Rebel Billionaire" or "My Big, Fat Obnoxious Boss" or that damn doctor show, I will pull an Elvis and put a bullet through the screen. Could Tim McCarver possibly pull for Boston any harder or mispronounce even more names ? Anyways.........


I guarantee the Yankees WILL win Game 6.



like last year?


BTW- the Yankees would have been favored if the news on Schilling's ankle was out.

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The Red Sox have the look and the heart of a AL champion. The question right now is can Schilling be good enough to go out and shut down the Yankees tonight? If he can, look out. Boston could do something that's never been done before. Come back from a 3-0 deficit to to win, against a team that is loaded with more all stars than any other team in the league, maybe ever.

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