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You didn't scream "FRY 'EM ALL!" like I told ya, did you?  <_<



I probably should have. I think I was too quiet. And when I was sitting in the juror box and they asked me what my hobbies were......I said, "being the neighborhood mom" and the "Buffalo Bills".



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Now you've gone and done it. I can see it now , Headlines " CRAZED JUROR STRANGLES DEFENDANT WHEN ... she is told the jury will be sequestered for the next month. More at eleven. <_<



Tell them that you specifically need this trial DONE by September 10th and if it's not, you will skip out. :)

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I've sat on two. In the first one, a member of the Defense consul started making oblique references about money outsite the courthouse during a recess. So I told the Bailiff who told the Judge, and I was excused. It was a civil auto accident case - the plaintiff was suing her own insurance company, claiming this and that, loss of sexual consort due to stress and so on. I found out later that her ins. co. had offered her 100K a few years prior to settle it, but she and hubbie wanted more. The jury gave her ten thousand... :flirt:



I sat on a jury for a civil case a few months ago, also an auto accident. Only this was the opposite deal. Some old lady broadsided this poor woman, causing her car to roll over. The insurance company for the at fault party refused to settle with the injured party so we gave her $80,000. The judge was very cool --- she came back to the jury room after the verdict and discussed the case with us, told us she thought we did the right thing, etc. It was a lot of fun --- much more interesting than just another two days in the office.

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Yeah. Bath is lovely this time of year.  :flirt:


This is just the questionnaire phase. They called 1-134 to report tomorrow. I'm 128. Maybe they won't like me.





Make it a point to let them know you can tell if a person is guilty just by looking at 'em! :(

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That's it?  I got paid my full pay at work, for going. I enjoyed 2 days off with pay, and only had to go to one court trial, and was excused.  :flirt:



Different companies do it different ways, there's a miminum your company has to pay you for every day you're on Jury Duty, I think it's $40. When I was called a couple years ago, I was worried about it because my company does the miminum and no more. Luckily the defendent never showed, so they issued a warrant for his arrest and let us all go with a letter stating we'd done our duty and could be free for the next 4 years.

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I probably should have. I think I was too quiet. And when I was sitting in the juror box and they asked me what my hobbies were......I said, "being the neighborhood mom" and the "Buffalo Bills".




Priorities dammit. :( The correct response is "THE Buffalo Bills and some 'mom' stuff".


This is just more proof that everyone loves CL. :( Attorneys on both sides agree...we want Harriet! :flirt:

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Priorities dammit.  :(  The correct response is "THE Buffalo Bills and some 'mom' stuff".


This is just more proof that everyone loves CL. :(  Attorneys on both sides agree...we want Harriet! :unsure:


Actually she should have said, clubing baby seals and claymoring howling dogs in LA. :flirt:

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