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I've sat on two. In the first one, a member of the Defense consul started making oblique references about money outsite the courthouse during a recess. So I told the Bailiff who told the Judge, and I was excused. It was a civil auto accident case - the plaintiff was suing her own insurance company, claiming this and that, loss of sexual consort due to stress and so on. I found out later that her ins. co. had offered her 100K a few years prior to settle it, but she and hubbie wanted more. The jury gave her ten thousand... :w00t:


The 2nd one was a Felony drug case. I was an alternate, so I was excused as the jury went into deliberations. Speaking to some jury members the next day, they convicted him, and then the Judge told 'em this was the 3rd time for the defendant. I would imagine he's up the river sans paddle...


EDIT: I originally typed in "auto cra*h", and it posted as "Rosen"... :D

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It was a civil auto accident case - the plaintiff was suing her own insurance company, claiming this and that, loss of sexual consort due to stress and so on. 



I'd like to know how they would prove that in court.

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I'd like to know how they would prove that in court.



Her husband tearfully testified to it. I'm sorry I wasn't there for the verdict. The lady was a class-A piece of work. The vehicle hit (by an uninsured driver) had other occupants - none of them had any complaints, had no broken glass, and was drivable.

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I have to report to County Jury duty tomorrow.


I say fry 'em all !!  :D






I served 2-3 years ago, over in Bath. It was a DUI case (3rd for this lady), I was selected as juror number one, and wasn't able to get off the panel, so I was the foreman. After deliberation I had to tell the judge that we found her guilty, that was tough, but it was a great experience.


Have fun. :(

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I served 2-3 years ago, over in Bath. It was a DUI case (3rd for this lady), I was selected as juror number one, and wasn't able to get off the panel, so I was the foreman. After deliberation I had to tell the judge that we found her guilty, that was tough, but it was a great experience.


Have fun.  :D



Yeah. Bath is lovely this time of year. :w00t:


This is just the questionnaire phase. They called 1-134 to report tomorrow. I'm 128. Maybe they won't like me.



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My sister was on a grand jury. She told me it was real interesting. In one case the DA could have charged a woman as an accomplice, but decided to use her as a witness. Afterwards, they can talk to the DA and he said he didn't charge her because "She's just that stupid"! :w00t:

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