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Ear and sinus infection


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Well once again I have an ear/sinus infection. For some strange reason I am prone to getting these all the darn time. Yes it could be worse....it is just frustrating...I cannot imagine how anyone who has chronic back/shoulder/neck issues can not go crazy after a while. I have been to the doctor and I am on antibiotics but I still can hear myself when I talk. I feel like I am getting an internal echo in my head :lol:

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I only remember one ear infection. Started feeling like I had water in my ear. Within an hour, it was, like as David Letterman used to say: "Feels like my head wanna bus open". Luckily, my doc could fit me in after work and he gave me some antibiotics. I had tinnitus for about a month afterwards.

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I used to get them all the time.....could not figure out why....


Finally figured it out.......I had bad allergies that over time would break down my immunity system eventually resulting in sinusitis.....


- Took Amoxocillin to get better......

- Started taking 1 a day claritin

- Got a cat



- Eventually having the cat around (which I was also allergic to....but biult a immunity to it) also helped to biuld my immunity system to all of my allergies and now I dont even need to take claritin any more.....


- Another suggestion.....fruit....fruit every day. I eat a banana a day to keep my immunity system up. I have not been sick in over a year.

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