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Lynch - Suspended?


147 members have voted

  1. 1. Will Lynch be suspended?

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Once again ....... this is all my own opinion, as for those of you about to flame me ..... think about ..... and please provide in your post .... any plausable excuse as to why you think he wasn't driving or in the car, in the area of local night spots at 3:00 in the morning under the influance of something.

Because every single weekend night around the Chippewa area since it opened 20 years ago there are dozens if not hundreds of conversations between friends getting into cars that start with something along the lines of "Sure you can drive?", "Want me to drive?", "You're wasted, let me drive..." etc, etc, etc.

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Because every single weekend night around the Chippewa area since it opened 20 years ago there are dozens if not hundreds of conversations between friends getting into cars that start with something along the lines of "Sure you can drive?", "Want me to drive?", "You're wasted, let me drive..." etc, etc, etc.


Very good ...... and I agree, that conversation very well may have happened. But in all honesty I have heard the response (even given it one or twice myself) "NAwwwwww, I can drive .... I'm too drunk to walk ..... so I gotta drive".


But let's just say he did the "right thing" and handed over his keys to someone less impared.


Now give me a plausable excuse why he wasn't in the car at the time.

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Once again ....... this is all my own opinion, as for those of you about to flame me ..... think about ..... and please provide in your post .... any plausable excuse as to why you think he wasn't driving or in the car, in the area of local night spots at 3:00 in the morning under the influance of something.


Consider this (i mentioned it in another thread): My friends and I used to go downtown and we'd take 1 car for the 5 of us. We'd also basically take turns DDing. That means on any given night downtown, there was only a 1/5 shot that my buddy was driving his own car home. I cna also tell you that there were numerous times where within 2 minutes of loading into the car, everyone not driving would be asleep/passed out, and would only wake up when you stopped at their house and tossed/dragged them out. In fact, this is a fairly common occurance that happens all over the place.


Now i know the only thing a lot of you can comprehend is that marshawn got drunk and high, gunned the gas and flattened some chick while screaming "beast mode," ran home and is currently flipping his middle finger at the cops.


But consider the above situation i mentioned. If i was driving home with my buddies passed out in the car i could have easily hit someone or something, took off, left the car at my buddies house and theres a very good chance that he'd wake up the next day, not go outside until the late afternoon, and only then notice damage to his car, and wonder what the !@#$ happened on the ride home.


Its entirely possible that marshawn was solely responsible for what happened, and if so, i am gonna be pissed at him for being a dumbass. But, its also entirely possible that Marshawn made a smart choice by letting someone else drive, and had no idea what happened until the next day. Its also entirely possible that Marshawn realized his friends were in a heap of sh--, and since he's got the most $, and wasnt going to offer his friends up to the cops, he called his lawyer and asked what the hell he should do. The lawyer tells them all to shut the hell up and not say a word until he can get there and get things sorted out.

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Consider this (i mentioned it in another thread): My friends and I used to go downtown and we'd take 1 car for the 5 of us. We'd also basically take turns DDing. That means on any given night downtown, there was only a 1/5 shot that my buddy was driving his own car home. I cna also tell you that there were numerous times where within 2 minutes of loading into the car, everyone not driving would be asleep/passed out, and would only wake up when you stopped at their house and tossed/dragged them out. In fact, this is a fairly common occurance that happens all over the place.


Actually I love your explination ...... it's very possible.


Now let's take your senario one step further ...... this night it's your car ...... you are NOT the DD so you are one of the guys passed out in the back seat. You wake up the next morning to see your fender crumpled ..... call the guy who was the DD and he tells you he accidently bumped into a guard rail ..... after all it WAS dark and wet out ........ and he's contrite and offers to pay for the damages. Soon there after the police show up on your doorstep investigating a hit and run in the neighborhood you were in, about the time you left, that resulted in damage to the car that matches the damage to your car.


Do you "clam up" ....... or do you tell what you know?????????

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Actually I love your explination ...... it's very possible.


Now let's take your senario one step further ...... this night it's your car ...... you are NOT the DD so you are one of the guys passed out in the back seat. You wake up the next morning to see your fender crumpled ..... call the guy who was the DD and he tells you he accidently bumped into a guard rail ..... after all it WAS dark and wet out ........ and he's contrite and offers to pay for the damages. Soon there after the police show up on your doorstep investigating a hit and run in the neighborhood you were in, about the time you left, that resulted in damage to the car that matches the damage to your car.


Do you "clam up" ....... or do you tell what you know?????????


You STFU and demand to talk to your lawyer.

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Very good ...... and I agree, that conversation very well may have happened. But in all honesty I have heard the response (even given it one or twice myself) "NAwwwwww, I can drive .... I'm too drunk to walk ..... so I gotta drive".


But let's just say he did the "right thing" and handed over his keys to someone less impared.


Now give me a plausable excuse why he wasn't in the car at the time.

A girl of any age, any size, any degree of impairment, and any morals, sees a well-built, laugh-a-minute, millionaire Buffalo Bill bachelor out by himself and wants to take him home with her and party. To which he tosses his keys to his friends and says, "See ya tomorrow fellas."


I know, that's preposterous to think that could have happened.

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Actually I love your explination ...... it's very possible.


Now let's take your senario one step further ...... this night it's your car ...... you are NOT the DD so you are one of the guys passed out in the back seat. You wake up the next morning to see your fender crumpled ..... call the guy who was the DD and he tells you he accidently bumped into a guard rail ..... after all it WAS dark and wet out ........ and he's contrite and offers to pay for the damages. Soon there after the police show up on your doorstep investigating a hit and run in the neighborhood you were in, about the time you left, that resulted in damage to the car that matches the damage to your car.


Do you "clam up" ....... or do you tell what you know?????????


ok, i am passed out in the back seat, and wake up to find the situation you described: Since i dont really know what happened, but realize that i could be in a world of sh--, i am telling the cops that i want to talk to a lawyer. A lawyer is going to know what i should and shouldnt do and what i should or shouldnt say.

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To Blue, Kelly, and Ramius


Very logical next step .....


Now think real hard on this next one ..... if the situation was actually as we've painted it (and I agree it's very possible), what do you think the lawyers advice would be ........ to clam up, cover for your buddy & avoid the authorities ......... or ..... you have tell them what happened even if it means throwing the DD under the bus because this is his mess not yours.

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Once again ....... this is all my own opinion, as for those of you about to flame me ..... think about ..... and please provide in your post .... any plausable excuse as to why you think he wasn't driving or in the car, in the area of local night spots at 3:00 in the morning under the influance of something.





I THINK he was driving, and I THINK he should serve a month in jail. However - and here's the key point all you prejudicial idiots keep tripping over - IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT WE THINK, BECAUSE WE DON'T !@#$ING KNOW!!!! :devil::worthy::devil:



Now think real hard on this next one ..... if the situation was actually as we've painted it (and I agree it's very possible), what do you think the lawyers advice would be ........ to clam up, cover for your buddy & avoid the authorities ......... or ..... you have tell them what happened even if it means throwing the DD under the bus because this is his mess not yours.


"Clam up." Because it was still his car, and he still has civil liability no matter what. No attorney in his right mind is going to say "Go to the police and tell them everything."

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To Blue, Kelly, and Ramius


Very logical next step .....


Now think real hard on this next one ..... if the situation was actually as we've painted it (and I agree it's very possible), what do you think the lawyers advice would be ........ to clam up, cover for your buddy & avoid the authorities ......... or ..... you have tell them what happened even if it means throwing the DD under the bus because this is his mess not yours.


Clam up, since they have absolutely no evidence to convict anyone of anything.

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To Blue, Kelly, and Ramius


Very logical next step .....


Now think real hard on this next one ..... if the situation was actually as we've painted it (and I agree it's very possible), what do you think the lawyers advice would be ........ to clam up, cover for your buddy & avoid the authorities ......... or ..... you have tell them what happened even if it means throwing the DD under the bus because this is his mess not yours.


A lawyer would tell me to clam up because the cops have no evidence of anything. You aren't covering for your buddy, you are saving your own ass. If the cops cant get you on anything, theres no point to talking and giving them something to stand on. Its simple. Since you own the car, you know they are gonna be after you if you say anything about a possible accident. I'd rather have neither of us get in trouble as opposed to me getting in trouble for something a friend did.

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I voted yes. I'm hoping he won't get more than 2 games, but Goodell doesn't seem to hand out very many of those. He's real quick with the 4 game suspensions. As for the other issue, I'm somewhere in between rick and ax's opinion. IF it was Marshawn, I'm not gonna sit here and say he's a terrible human being, but I'm not gonna sit here and say it's no big deal either. I just hate that young players are dumb enough to let this happen. You've got a ton of $, just take a damn cab, or rent a fricking limo or something!


Hopefully this is over soon. Even if a suspension gets handed out, I'd rather find out sooner, so it's done with.


Suspension or no suspension whoever knows anything needs to come clean and bring the issue to a resolution .

Otherwise he has a blot on his name and a potential blackmail situation for the next 7 year or the end of the Statute of limitations. The team, the fans and the league need this resolved.

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Lynch better get this squared away before the Bills move to Toronto. If he has a criminal record, he'd have to find a new team t play for.

Obviously the wiesel has no balls or he would have stopped...whether he was driving or not...and assisted the person he hit with his over priced car.

Arrest him, let him sit in jail for 72 hours.

The the Bills can move to Toronto.

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