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Now THAT's why hockey playoffs rock


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BTW, one guy on Around the Horn said that the Penguins are on the verge of becoming an Edmonton-like dynasty over the next five years.


And now, Game 6. Pens take it, and force Game 7 back in Hockeytown. That's my prediction.

Edmonton did lose their first cup to the Isles

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not everyone is a hockey fan, in my opinion i would take a baseball game (esp Yankee game)anyday over hockey


I had a funny conversation with a coworker a few years ago who tried to convince me that a baseball game is more exciting than hockey. M'kay. Hey look kids, that paint is almost dry.
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I think good playoff baseball can be pretty intense, but not nearly as much as hockey. How many times in the 3d period and OT did the Wings have the Cup right on their stick only to be robbed the Fleury? The save on the play where Gonchar was hurt was spectacular.


The intensity levels aren't even close to being the same. In baseball, it spikes in the latter innings, but you also get a minute or two to catch a breath. In playoff hockey, especially in OT, there's no time for breathing nor time to take your eyes off the ice.

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In Canada, everyone (and I do mean everyone) would be riveted to their seat. Here, it's just Michigan, Pittsburgh, WNY, and maybe parts of New England and Minnesota. :rolleyes:


Maybe parts of New England and Minnesota? Hmmm, I wonder how Minnesota got that "state of hockey" nickname. New England's got their baseball distraction right now, but you should see how many options there are out here for hockey during the season. Excluding either of those areas from the list of hockey markets is crazy.

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Maybe parts of New England and Minnesota? Hmmm, I wonder how Minnesota got that "state of hockey" nickname. New England's got their baseball (and basketball) distraction right now, but you should see how many options there are out here for hockey during the season. Excluding either of those areas from the list of hockey markets is crazy.


you should add the Denver area, Wisconsin and the Dakotas

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you should add the Denver area, Wisconsin and the Dakotas


You know, with as many ads there are floating around on the streets for the celtics, I have never seen one tv ad for the team. Kind of strange.


Denver does have a decent hockey following, but I don't see them as belonging on the same list as the other markets mentioned before (I'm not sold on Pittsburgh either, but they obviously matter as of this moment). The Dakotas are essentially an offshoot of the Minnesota market. Wisconsin is fine, but like Denver, they don't quite measure up to the other markets. They might fall in as an offshoot of the Minnesota hockey market as well.


I really see it as two main american markets, the northeast and the upper midwest. Buffalo might as well be the midpoint between the two, but then we also have the heavy southern Ontario influence.

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I stayed up for the whole thing, that game was intense as they come. Playoff hockey, especially by the time your in the Stanley Cup finals is a grind. We all saw how hard it is to actually win a championship in hockey with those great Sabres teams we had a few seasons back. How bout that Pittsburgh player who took a puck to the face and had to have broke his nose and then came back out on the ice afterwards

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The NHL needs to dump NBC. KING didn't even bother showing the game here, instead relegating it to KONG. A damn shame too since it was a great game.


If you sign a contract that allows one of the top-15 affiliates to just not show your game for no particular reason, you got hosed.

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Schrader, I had never seen you're from Boston NY... get lost there during a snow storm on my way to Eden NY back in 93... ended in a ditch of a "closed for the winter" rural road (the road was going down a hill, almost passed thru on ice and fresh snow before sliding in the last curve!!) , a nice little old woman form Lituania helped me and host me while i waited for a tow truck...

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