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ESPN's draft coverage was atrocious

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did they really need 5 guys behind the desk, how many guys are going to be behind the desk next year, seems like they add one every year


I dont know why they feel the need to have all these different sets and constantly switching around, just cover the draft, thats all you have to do...did they really need to discuss the QBs that were left when the Bills, Broncos and Eagles were on the clock all of which were not going to take a QB

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Truthfully, I didn't like the speed of day one today. But that aside, I thought ESPN did a terrible job. I've never had a problem with their coverage because I'm used to it, it feels right. But this year, they stopped going to the podium after round one. Half of the picks in round two happened during commercials. They wouldn't get to highlight packages until at least five more picks passed by. They would should guys on cameras set up in the houses talking on their cell phone and smiling, then they didn't even end up getting selected at that pick.


When the Bills were selecting James Hardy, I do not care what kind of ball Joe Flacco throws. There will be hours and hours for them to rehash that tomorrow during the later rounds.


I thought Steve Young was awful. Especially when they headed to the podium for the Cardinals picks and during the silence for dramatic effect, he just HAD to blurt out "running back." And obviously, he was wrong.


I was thrilled with the Bills draft today. I just thought the coverage was the worst yet. It makes me wonder what exactly is going on at the NFL Network.


agree with everything but the Steve Young part. He seems to be the only one with a brain. I like Berman, but really only because he likes the Bills. The second round coverage was just terrible. It could be that they just aren't equipped to handle the faster pace yet - they have interviews and little BS pieces on prospects, and it doesn't fit into the time frames anymore.

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It was noticeable how the NFL Network was able to grab the top picks directly from the stage and get that first interview w/ Neon Deion. The NFL definitely takes care of it's own before ESPN can get their hands on them.

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it was also annoying how after the 1st 10 picks or so they stopped focusing on the team that was drafting and went off on some tangent about an unrelated team (usually the cowboys, who I'm already sick of hearing and the season hasn't even started!)

I blame it on who ever's producing the draft show. The format's stale and it was clear that Boomer and company began to lose interest toward the bottom of round one. Too many bodies on the set probably contributed to that as everyone had to get their comment in, whether they had something to say or not.


The other problem is that Mel has lost his guru status as "millions upon millions" of other draft sites have spilled onto the scene, diluting any relevence he once had.


The ESPN guys need to get up from behind their desk and do something different if they want to keep this thing running--with the NFL Channel eating their lunch and the speed and usefulness of the Internet, the ESPN show is becoming passe.

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I didn't like anything about Day One. ESPN and/or the NFL think they know what's best for the fans and they end up ruining EVERYTHING. I don't know who decided to push the start back to 3pm but that was a bad idea. They had the first 6 picks done and reported before the draft even started. 10 minutes in the first round was another bad idea. Hardcore fans love the draft and love the first round round. Why shorten it? Only two rounds on Day One, yet another bad idea. The whole thing felt rushed. Too many commentators talking over each other, talking over the picks, late with highlights, too many commercials especially with the shorter time frame and after the first few trades they didn't have time to even bother mentioning all of the others. I always look forward to the draft and was very disappointed by it yesterday.


It looked to me like everyone on ESPN got dressed in a dark closet with $10 suits purchased at the Salvation Army Clearance Sale.

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