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Are both of these headlines

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Polls suck.

I really don't know how you can make such a blanket assumption like that. In the USA Today poll, for example, they asked 2212 Iraqis specific questions. In a country of 25,000,000 people, with 26,000,000 different perspectives, that's a true and unbiased look at 0.00008848 % of the populace.

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USA Today => Iraqis see hope drain away



UK Times Online => Iraqis: life is getting better



As KTFABD said, they AREN'T the same poll.


Hell, in the USA Today article, it says:


The Sunday Times in London published a poll Sunday of 5,019 Iraqis taken by a British firm, Opinion Research Business, from Feb. 10-22. It found that Iraqis by 49%-26% preferred life under the new government to life under Saddam.


In the USA TODAY/ABC News Poll, Iraqis by 43%-36% said life was better than before the invasion. That's a decline from the optimism in the November 2005 survey, however, when by 51%-29% Iraqis said life was better.

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USA Today => Iraqis see hope drain away



UK Times Online => Iraqis: life is getting better


Who needs polls to tell us Iraq is a sh-- hole? Just look at what is happening on the ground: Massive migration out of the country, for instance:




Or the ethnic cleansing that is taking place:




Or the newly expanded Baghdad morgue buldging with decomposing bodies:




Or all the kidnappings that are a way of life there now:






No one is saying Saddam wasn't a very bad man, but maybe it took a guy like him to run a place like that. I dunno, just saying.

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