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He didn't die, but his ability to reproduce is probably in trouble

Matador's chances of fatherhood hurt by goring


Thu Mar 15, 9:10 AM ET


MADRID (Reuters) - If Spanish matador Fernando Cruz ever has children, he'll have doctors at the Valencia bullring to thank after he suffered a double goring.


Cruz, 25, is recovering in hospital after the second bull of Tuesday's corrida caught him in the upper thigh, throwing him into the air, and gored him in the groin once he hit the ground.


Newspapers reproduced the eye-watering bulletin issued by surgeons at the bullring after a two-hour operation and film of the incident was played on the main evening news.


"Fernando Cruz is suffering from two horn wounds of 25 centimeters in length each. One involves the fibers of the abductor muscle and dissects the femoral artery, the other involves the scrotal area and eviscerates both testicles."


Cruz was sitting up in his hospital bed on Wednesday. Astonishingly, he is expected to be back in action in around three weeks.

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Yep- It's based on removing yourself from the gene pool (hence the Darwin reference). Death is the usual way this happens, but eviscerating your testicles ;):lol: should do it too.


And I think another criteria is that you have not reproduced yet, thereby making your genetic stock extinct.

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I don't think this guy is a Darwin candidate; much like a jockey thrown and trampled or a cop shot in the line of duty, his injuries were not the result of pure stupidity but of an inherently dangerous career.



Some might argue standing in a ring and taunting multiple bulls is a sign of pure stupidity. For me, his REAL stupidity was his failure to step aside and yell, "Ole" as the bull charged.

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Yeah, but those guys get p*$$y like you wouldn't believe. Not that it'll do this guy much good anymore...


:devil::worthy: :worthy:


If it's kitty he's after, he could always adopt a few stray cats at the SPCA.


....sorry...sorry...my bad...

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especially if his red cape was hiding an anvil behind it, then the bull would have run smack dab into the anvil and then little birds would have begun circling his noggin


I'm sure this is a dumb question, but why didn't he just step aside (and yell "Ole") when the bull approached?
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especially if his red cape was hiding an anvil behind it, then the bull would have run smack dab into the anvil and then little birds would have begun circling his noggin



Finally, someone who UNDERSTANDS bullfighting. :devil:

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