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double standard in main stream media?

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Ann Coulter calls Edwards a "faggot"; Bill Maher calls for the assassination of Vice President Cheney as a way for reducing deaths.


Simple Google News searches:

"ann coulter" & edwards => over 300 results

"bill maher" & cheney => 27 results




So, just like it is a worse offense for Mark Furman to use the "n-word" than it is for hacking off your ex-wife's head; it seems that it is also a worse offense for calling someone a name than it is for calling for the assassination of a sitting vice president.

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Bill Maher calls for the assassination of Vice President Cheney as a way for reducing deaths.


O rly?



From http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,256650,00.html


Quoting the blog, Maher said, "I have zero doubt that if Dick Cheney was not in power, people wouldn’t be dying needlessly tomorrow."


Asked by Frank if Maher believed that sentiment, the host replied, "I’m just saying if he did die, other people, more people would live. That’s a fact."


This whole post is a waste of time.


A: Who gives a flying !@#$?

B: Bill Maher didn't call for the assassination of Cheney.

C: Ann Coulter and Bill Maher are both faggots.

D: Who gives a flying !@#$?

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Ann Coulter calls Edwards a "faggot"; Bill Maher calls for the assassination of Vice President Cheney as a way for reducing deaths.


Simple Google News searches:

"ann coulter" & edwards => over 300 results

"bill maher" & cheney => 27 results




So, just like it is a worse offense for Mark Furman to use the "n-word" than it is for hacking off your ex-wife's head; it seems that it is also a worse offense for calling someone a name than it is for calling for the assassination of a sitting vice president.

You have every right to be as angry as you can get! This is fu---g horrible! Unacceptale to the furthest degree! Rush is right! No doubt.

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Aw come on....it was a.......ready?.....here it comes...


BOTCHED JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Seriously, I think whats she said was terrible. The GOP is looking to paint itself as the party AOBVE this stuff. Then she goes aqnd throws this out there and sets the whole movement back five steps.


To appease the rest who KNOW Id be all over this story, here is yer "dose of hypocrisy".....


I find it comical, if not pathetic that GLAAD...ya know them....The organization that fights so hard to lash out against bad gay stereotypes, blasts Coulter for her comments and goes on to paint every member of the GOP with the same brush, as a bunch of homophobes.


"Ann Coulter's use of this anti-gay slur is vile and unacceptable," said Neil G. Giuliano, president of the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, "and the applause from her audience is an important reminder that Coulter's ugly brand of bigotry is at the root of the discriminatory policies being promoted at this gathering."


And of course, while he almost HAD TO react, considering Edwards is barely getting himself together after what happened with his bloggers, he really should tone down his response a bit.


At the end of the day, it seems both events got about the same response.


And Edwards IS a.......candy-ass.

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Aw come on....it was a.......ready?.....here it comes...


BOTCHED JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Seriously, I think whats she said was terrible. The GOP is looking to paint itself as the party AOBVE this stuff. Then she goes aqnd throws this out there and sets the whole movement back five steps.


To appease the rest who KNOW Id be all over this story, here is yer "dose of hypocrisy".....


I find it comical, if not pathetic that GLAAD...ya know them....The organization that fights so hard to lash out against bad gay stereotypes, blasts Coulter for her comments and goes on to paint every member of the GOP with the same brush, as a bunch of homophobes.


"Ann Coulter's use of this anti-gay slur is vile and unacceptable," said Neil G. Giuliano, president of the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, "and the applause from her audience is an important reminder that Coulter's ugly brand of bigotry is at the root of the discriminatory policies being promoted at this gathering."


And of course, while he almost HAD TO react, considering Edwards is barely getting himself together after what happened with his bloggers, he really should tone down his response a bit.


At the end of the day, it seems both events got about the same response.


And Edwards IS a.......candy-ass.


I like Coulter's respons, though..."You're right, it was uncalled for, I'd like to apologize to gays for comparing them to John Edwards." :rolleyes:



Coulter and Maher and the like, all of them need to be as crass as possible, otherwise people will stop paying attention to them. The only reason they're important is because we pretend they are.

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I like Coulter's respons, though..."You're right, it was uncalled for, I'd like to apologize to gays for comparing them to John Edwards." :rolleyes:

Coulter and Maher and the like, all of them need to be as crass as possible, otherwise people will stop paying attention to them. The only reason they're important is because we pretend they are.


Some good about people who say "Yeah, thats right!" when asked if they really MEANT what they said.

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Everyone knows what ann coulter is. Bill Mahar, Al Franken, Micheal Moore, same thing. Ann usually doesnt take it QUITE to this extreme, but you know what you are getting.


Almost everyone knows what she said was wrong. But the real point I want to make here is, this is between Ann and Ann. If you have a problem with what Ann says, call for HER to appologize. It amazes me that the same people defending kerry for a "botched joke" are calling on GOP Presidential Candidates to applogize for coulter! Big ups to the guy who gets in front of the camera and says "I disagree with her retoric, but I refuse to applogize for things people not involved in my campaign say or dont say".

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They are not mutually exclusive categories, and Maher, like Al Franken or Jeanane Garafolo, can very well be considered to be both.


Maher has got a TV show seen by millions. He brings on a who's who of political commentators and pundits week after week. He ability to play the "Im just a single comedian" really doesnt float anymore.


Frankyl I cant WAIT to see his show Friday. First of all, he's close with Coulter. Second, what he calls Bush and anyone to the right of pretty much Ramsey Clark makes Coulter's commentary look tame.


On another note, people on DailyKos are leading the charge to have Coulter silenced. As if THEY are the bastion of rational, civil politcal commentary.


sh--, thats like Mickey D's leading the charge against obesity.

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The difference between the 2 is that Maher is a comedian, and Coulter is a conservative political commentator.

which really means Coulter isn't supposed to be funny when she rips Libs and Maher is allowed to be....(or should I say supposed to be.)...when he rips conservatives.

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By discussing Coulter the press is giving her exactly what she wants, more publicity. Every once in awhile she makes some controversial statement to throw red meat to the extremists who buy her books, and gets publicity from those who are offended by her statements. So for her it's a win-win. The best thing Republicans could do is to distance themselves from her.

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By discussing Coulter the press is giving her exactly what she wants, more publicity. Every once in awhile she makes some controversial statement to throw red meat to the extremists who buy her books, and gets publicity from those who are offended by her statements. So for her it's a win-win.


And this is different from her ilk on the other side of the aisle HOW?


Just this morning in the SAME CONVERSATION, Don Imus was calling Bush a bunch of derogatory names, and then he goes on to blast Coulter for her act.


I mean...do these people even HEAR what they spew???!!!??? To use another analogy, its like a guy doing 110 on the Thruway complaining about the guy who just passed him doing 125.

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Ann Coulter calls Edwards a "faggot"; Bill Maher calls for the assassination of Vice President Cheney as a way for reducing deaths.


Simple Google News searches:

"ann coulter" & edwards => over 300 results

"bill maher" & cheney => 27 results




So, just like it is a worse offense for Mark Furman to use the "n-word" than it is for hacking off your ex-wife's head; it seems that it is also a worse offense for calling someone a name than it is for calling for the assassination of a sitting vice president.


So you're demanding that the media treat all its favorite freaks equally.

Well done. :devil:

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This is why John Edwards shouldnt be president for saying that this type of speech "shouldnt be tolerated"



Um...there's this amendment in the constitution that guarantees this type of speech. In fact its so important that they made it the FIRST one.


I love how Ann is bucking the latest trends and is NOT apologetic.

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