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Eagles punt on 4th down with 1:54 left


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The eagles punt on 4th and 15 from their own 40 or so with under 2 minutes left. They have 2 timeouts, so basically if the Saints get a first down, they win (so field position really doesn't matter that much). Yet not one of the announcers says anything about it - not even a "the eagles are counting on their defense being able to stop them 3 and out".


It takes 10 minutes until the post game show when jimmy johnson says the should have gone for it (he obviously felt strongly about it because he brought it up completely out of context).


Not sure what annoys me more, Reid not going for it or the announcers not even mentioning the subject.

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yeah I didnt get the punt either but then again I didnt understand their play calling when they had 2nd and 3rd and 1 inside the 5 yard line...why not just hand it to their FB and go straight ahead...they run it once then get cute and throw a pass that loses yardage....the game was over when they had to settle for a FG there


I also didnt get why Payton wasnt running Duece more in the first 3 quarters

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Not going for it was Andy Reid conceding the game. However the plays prior to that were mind boggling. A badly setup screen a up the gut run and a dump off pass? Play like the game is on the line not like you're ready to go home. Chicken sh-- play calling by reid cost the eagles more then anything else.

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Not going for it was Andy Reid conceding the game. However the plays prior to that were mind boggling. A badly setup screen a up the gut run and a dump off pass? Play like the game is on the line not like you're ready to go home. Chicken sh-- play calling by reid cost the eagles more then anything else.


deja vu - see last year's superbowl......no urgency on the part of the eagles at all the 4th quarter, especially that last drive

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I knew the game was over right then. The Saints were running all over the Eagles the entire game.


Dumb move. You don't give up the ball when your defense stands little chance of getting it back.



In my 30+ years of watching pro football, I never seen a dumber move.


I went to the Eagles message boards on the web and they are saying fire Reid now.


Jim Johnson just resigned . . . some Eagle fan said.

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Not going for it was Andy Reid conceding the game. However the plays prior to that were mind boggling. A badly setup screen a up the gut run and a dump off pass? Play like the game is on the line not like you're ready to go home. Chicken sh-- play calling by reid cost the eagles more then anything else.


I thought it was a terrible decision as well, but I don't know that I agree that it was Reid conceding the game...why would you be willing to go for it on 4th & 10 (also a long yardage play) but lose your balls on 4th & 15?

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Not going for it was Andy Reid conceding the game. However the plays prior to that were mind boggling. A badly setup screen a up the gut run and a dump off pass? Play like the game is on the line not like you're ready to go home. Chicken sh-- play calling by reid cost the eagles more then anything else.


I didnt mind the screen play call, but it wasnt executed well at all. Garcia put waaay too much loft under some of his short screens. The 2nd down run was a sh-- call, and the 3rd down short pass was a wtf? call. When they needed it, the iggles lacked any sense of urgency and no one wanted to make a play. Reggie bush gift wrapped the game for them, but the eagles didnt want it.


speaking of reggie, he looked very pedestrian. made some bonehead plays and lost a ton of yardage on runs. Looked like a rookie. Its beyond me why they kept force feeding him the ball when deuce was MUCH more effective all game long.


I give it 1-2 more years before deuce wants out.

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Andy Reed. Has he ever won anything? The most atrocious play calling and execution I've seen in the last 10 minutes of an NFL playoff game in awhile. Looks like he needs to fire the OC and then look in the mirror and fire his equally ball-less self.

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I would prefer to go for it, and would be disappointed to see my team punt.


But when it comes down to it, you have to compare your ability to convert a 4th and 15 vs. your ability to force a 3 and out. 4th and 15s are not easy, even though they had just converted a 4th and 10, and have that big 4th and 26 in their history books years ago. They did setup a 3rd and 1, and were one run stuff (in a 100% run situation, 8 men in the box) away from forcing the punt.

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I would prefer to go for it, and would be disappointed to see my team punt.


But when it comes down to it, you have to compare your ability to convert a 4th and 15 vs. your ability to force a 3 and out. 4th and 15s are not easy, even though they had just converted a 4th and 10, and have that big 4th and 26 in their history books years ago. They did setup a 3rd and 1, and were one run stuff (in a 100% run situation, 8 men in the box) away from forcing the punt.

But gmac17 raised a good point about field position not making a difference. If you give up a first down at that point you're screwed regardless, so isn't going for it on fourth down maximizing your opportunities? You're not actually any worse off if you don't make it.

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But gmac17 raised a good point about field position not making a difference. If you give up a first down at that point you're screwed regardless, so isn't going for it on fourth down maximizing your opportunities? You're not actually any worse off if you don't make it.

Exactly, either way you have to stop them before a first down. IMO, bad decision.

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