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Buffalo Bills Trivia...


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Ive been searching the web for a good site on Bills trivia, and have found none. So I was thinking why dont we have like a trivia game here on the board... heres how it should go ill start it by asking a question and whoever answers it correctly gets to ask another question, then the next guy who got it right can ask another question and so-on. If you all think this is stupid I understand, but I just wanted to see how knowledgable everyone is...


Ill start it off with a simple question...

What pair of Buffalo Bills players won Defensive Player of the Year honors in consecutive seasons in 1995 and 1996?

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The Bills had two first round draft picks in 1983. Who were the two players? Which one was picked first? What college did they go to? As a bonus, how did we get that 2nd first round pick?


1st pick = some bum TE whose name i don't remember

2nd pick = some QB outta Miami named Jim Somethingerother :flirt:. Got the pick directly from trading Cousineu (sp?) to the Browns. Read an article a couple years ago that we indirectly got the pick from the OJ to SF trade, thru a series of trades across a couple years

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1st pick = some bum TE whose name i don't remember

2nd pick = some QB outta Miami named Jim Somethingerother :flirt:. Got the pick directly from trading Cousineu (sp?) to the Browns. Read an article a couple years ago that we indirectly got the pick from the OJ to SF trade, thru a series of trades across a couple years

TE was Tony Hunter out of Notre Dame.

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1st pick = some bum TE whose name i don't remember

2nd pick = some QB outta Miami named Jim Somethingerother :flirt:. Got the pick directly from trading Cousineu (sp?) to the Browns. Read an article a couple years ago that we indirectly got the pick from the OJ to SF trade, thru a series of trades across a couple years

Spelled Cousineau, and yes, that pick was part of the OJ trade. The TE was Tony Hunter, from Notre Dame. Ended up trading him to the scRams for Vinny Ferragamo. (Yeah, THAT was a real win-win deal, no?)

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Tony Hunter from Notre Dame.


Here's mine: Which Bills have won MVP of the Pro Bowl?

Steve Tasker won and I think Bruce Smith did around 1988/1989. Jim Kelly I think won one, but if he didn't I'm sure I'll get hammered and O.J. got one in the mid seventies. I don't think Billy Jo Hobert or Rob Johnson received an MVP but I can't be sure.

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Steve Tasker won and I think Bruce Smith did around 1988/1989. Jim Kelly I think won one, but if he didn't I'm sure I'll get hammered and O.J. got one in the mid seventies. I don't think Billy Jo Hobert or Rob Johnson received an MVP but I can't be sure.

Nasty question, Hopper. Three for three, Randy. Off the top of your head? Impressive...


(Kelly did, in 1990. OJ didn't.)


Looks like you're up.

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36 but he got 32 when Gary McDermott got cut.


What former Bill threw the most touchdown passes in his life to Jerry Rice?

heehehee. Good one. I like the questions that don't come straight out of a media guide, and this thread has been pretty good about that so far...

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You're not allowed to answer any question.

Oh, I disqualified myself right from the start. Available for fact-checking, but don't worry, I won't shout out the answers before anyone else has a chance... :pirate:

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Oh, I disqualified myself right from the start. Available for fact-checking, but don't worry, I won't shout out the answers before anyone else has a chance... :pirate:

Ok, Lori, you'll probably get this but who was the first player ever drafted by the Buffalo Bills to make the Pro Football Hall of Fame.

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